- Optional : define a variable domainname to update /etc/hosts with IP hostname.domainename hostname of ldap server
Exemple of a group_vars/inventory.yml
ssl: exemple_ca.crt
server: "ldaps://ldap1/,ldaps://ldap2/"
base: "dc=exemple,dc=com"
bind: "cn=readonly"
- hostname: ldap1
- hostname: ldap2
domainname: 'aws.edifixio.com'
- { role: ldap_client , when: ldap is defined and ldap.base is defined and ldap.server is defined }
- Install ldap needed packages sssd-ldap, sssd-tools, sudo (On debian family) authconfig, sssd-ldap, sssd-tools, sudo, openldap-clients (On RedHat family)
- Push ssl certificat if any
- Update /etc/hosts for ldap server
- Update /etc/nsswitch.conf (adding sss)
- Enable sssd service at boot of the machine
- Execute authconfig (in RedHat family) to configure pam and ...
- Execute pam-auth-update (in Debian family) to configure pam
- Enable Create homedirectory at first connexion via pam_mkhomedir.so (on Debian Family)
- Configure /etc/openldap/ldap.conf for default ldap parameters in ldapsearch
- SSHD : add AuthorizedKeysCommand & AuthorizedKeysCommandUser into /etc/ssh/sshd_config to get ssh key from ldap