Live Preview -
- ✔️ Login with Email.
- ✔️ Login with Google.
- ✔️ Forgot Password reset.
- ✔️ Password Update after login.
- ✔️ Protected Route.
- ✔️ Redirect if not LoggedIn.
- ✔️ Redux State Management.
- ✔️ Light Desgin with Antd Library.
- Login to Firebase & create a new Project.
- After that create a new App and copy the config variable.
- Make sure to go to Authentication tab ---> Sign method in the console and select Email and Google Authentication as we are using these for the setup.
- Type localhost in the authorized domains you can change this later after deployment to your custom domain
- Install the code to your local machine
git clone
npm install
- Paste the config variable in src / firebase .js and start the server.
import firebase from 'firebase'
var firebaseConfig = {
//paste your config here
// Initialize Firebase
//firebase methods
export const auth = firebase.auth();
export const googleAuthProvider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider()
npm start
Pull requests are more than welcomed!
- Better UI
- Chatbot
- Better error handling
- Admin Dashboard