It's a library written in Kotlin to utilize Google Directions API calls and convert response to data classes.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
implementation : 'me.rozkmin.directions:core:1.0'
class AnotherBoringMapActivity : Activity(){
val directions : Directions by lazy {
You can specify severalDirections API request parameters:
val transitOptions = TransitOptions(
whatToAvoidArray = arrayOf(AVOID.FERRIES, AVOID.HIGHWAYS))
class AnotherBoringMapActivity : Activity(){
fun getSuggestions(from: LatLng, to: LatLng){
origin = Position(from.latitude, from.longitude),
destination = Position(to.latitude, from.longitude))
.subscribe({ t : GeocodedResponse ->
//process routes
fun processData(geocodedResponse: GeocodedResponse){
val stepStart: Position = geocodedResponse.routes[0].legs[0].steps[0].start
val stepEnd: Position = geocodedResponse.routes[0].legs[0].steps[0].end
fun processData(geocodedResponse: GeocodedResponse){
val positions: List<Position> = geocodedResponse.routes[0].overviewPolyline.getDetailedWaypointsPositions()
Sure! Pull requests are welcome! Any reasonable extension will be added.