Arduino nano simple lawnmower. My goal is to build a simple robotic lawnmower that costs less than $150 to build. This Robotic Lawn Mower is a robot designed to navigate and mow a 10x10 meter lawn. The mower operates using IR sensors and an IR lamp for orientation, ensuring precise movement and coverage of the garden area. This project showcases a blend of hardware and software engineering, leveraging Arduino for control and Bluetooth for debugging and calibration.
Autonomous Navigation: Utilizes four IR sensors (front, back, left, right) to locate an IR lamp positioned in the southern part of the garden. Precise Coverage: Navigates a 10x10 meter garden divided into 50cm x 50cm tiles. Calibration Function: Establishes threshold values for boundary wire detection to ensure accurate navigation. Bluetooth Debugging: Allows for real-time debugging and serial event reading through a Bluetooth module connected to the Arduino Nano. Scalable Design: Modular components and code structure for easy expansion and modification.
- Arduino Nano
- WMYCONGCONG DC 12V 30W High-Speed CW/CCW Permanent Magnet DC Motor (12V DC 3500RPM)
- 37mm Diameter DC Geared Motor
- IR Sensors (x4)
- Bluetooth Module ( for debugging).
- LM358 for debugging ( some resistors to make a non-inverted amplifier with the IC ).
- IR Lamp
This is a recently started project, so it might lack the comments, but when the final version is getting closer I will make sure to split the files into a more readable version with more comments. baseSender: has the code for the microcontroller that generates a 41khz signal for the boundary wire. commandCenter: it detects the boundary wire and it controls the IR lamp to emit a signal to the mower. Core: this folder has the main code for the mower.
License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Contact For any questions or suggestions, please contact:
Rolando Retana Email:, GitHub: LinkedIn: