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Markdown of literate Haskell program. Program source: /src/CTNotes/P3Ch02a_CurryAdj.lhs

Notes about CTFP Part 3 Chapter 2. Adjunctions. Exponential from Adjunction

Currying yields exponential adjunction, State/Store construction. This note adds some Haskell code that follows the "Exponential from Adjunction" section in the book.

Book Ref: CTFP Part 3. Ch.2 Adjunctions

 {-# LANGUAGE  MultiParamTypeClasses, InstanceSigs #-}

 module CTNotes.P3Ch02a_CurryAdj where
 import Data.Tuple (curry, uncurry, swap)

Adjunction definition from the book (with functional dependencies and Representable constraint removed)

 class (Functor l, Functor r) => Adjunction l r  where
     unit   :: d -> r (l d)
     counit :: l (r c) -> c
     leftAdjunct  :: (l d -> c) -> d -> r c
     rightAdjunct :: (d -> r c) -> l d -> c
     unit = leftAdjunct id
     counit = rightAdjunct id
     leftAdjunct f = fmap f . unit
     rightAdjunct f = counit . fmap f

This note emphasizes the intuition behind adjunction
(-, a) ⊣ a -> -
It is is all about currying.
These diagrams use the notation from the book

         (z, a) <------   z
            |             |
C((z,a),b)  |             | C(z,a->b)
           \ /           \ /
            b  ------->  a -> b
                --- d    
              /     |
            \/      |
       (d,a)        | unit :: x -> a -> (x, a)
             \      |
              \    \ /
                --> a -> (d,a)
            (a->c,a) <--
                  |      \
    counit ::     |       \
    (a->c,a) -> c |       a -> c
                  |      /\
                 \ /    /
                  c  --    

In the instance implementation I need to have (z, a) flipped to (a,z) (because Haskell wants ((,) a))

 instance Adjunction ((,) a) ((->) a) where
     unit :: d -> a -> (a, d)
     unit = flip (,)    -- x a = (a,x) 
     counit :: (a, a -> c) -> c
     counit (x, ca) = ca x
     leftAdjunct :: ((a, z) -> b) -> z -> a -> b
     leftAdjunct azb = curry $ azb . swap      -- or zab a z  = zab (z,a)
     rightAdjunct :: (z -> a -> b) -> (a, z) -> b
     rightAdjunct zab = uncurry $ flip zab     -- or zab ~(z,a) = zab a z

Again, notice the need to use ugly flip and swap caused by using (a,-) and not (-,a) as the book does! Without it we would just say:

leftAdjunct = curry
rightAdjunct = uncurry

This construction introduces two important types:

type State s a = s -> (a, s)
type Store s a = (s -> a, s)

It is empowering to know that State and Store have such a foundational importance.

Q: what are programming implication of this adjunction for non-Hask categories? Such category would need to be cartesian closed and that probably means close to Hask. Arrow - like categories may need some thought.