Demo and test games for the RPG Toolkit Development System 4.x
The "tester" project is for general testing of the editor.
If any dev needs to make a game project specifically toward testing one aspect of the editor, they can either branch, make a new project within this repository, or both.
If what you're adding is generally useful for the purposes of testing changes to the editor, you may add it to the tester project. But if you want a clean project without other dev's stuff in it, make a new branch and add a new project to it instead of deleting things from the "tester" project. It can be merged into master if the new project is useful long-term.
If you want to delete something from the "tester" project, do so in your own branch, and it can be merged into the master branch if no one needs what you deleted.
I'm sure someone will come up with a more formal procedure if we end up needing it.