Project Atelier - Team Taiko
Project Atelier provides an updated, elegant user interface for modern retailers and designers
Navigation / Search Bar
Product Overview
Ratings and Reviews
Navigation / Search Bar - Easily find the product you are looking for with the Atelier search bar. With each keystroke the search box will display a corresponding drop down menu of several matching product options for the user to navigate to. Clicking a product in the menu will update the home page to feature the selected product.
Product Overview - The topmost component featured on the home page is the product overview. The currently selected product will display a main image representing one of several availble styles. This main image can be expanded to provide a larger, more detailed perspective, as well as zoom functionality for the user. Customers may also click through various styles and images related to the current product before picking a size and adding it to their shopping bag. Other standard product information such as price, category, slogan and features are also displayed here.
Reviews & Ratings - Displays the total number of reviews and the average user rating given to a product. By default, the list of reviews will be sorted by 'Relevance' but can be changed to be sorted by 'Helpfulness' or 'Newest'. Initially only 2 reviews can be seen in the list. If there are more reviews for the product, then a 'More Reviews' can be clicked to load 2 more reviews.
Within each review, a user can see the name of the reviewer and the date it was posted. Also a user can mark if he/she found the review helpful or if he/she would like to report it.
A user can filter reviews by clicking the star bars on the left. Also a search bar is provided at the top of the reviews section but it will only start searching after the user types atleast 3 characters. For all products, an 'Add Review' button is provided and can be utilized to write a review and also post images related to the product.
- Github Personal Access Token
- AWS Access Key, Secret Key and region.
cd atelier
npm install
Create a .env file at the root level of your project and add the following environment variables to the file:
Run the following commands:
npm run build
npm start
Go to http://localhost:3000 to view the project.
Add an upstream remote to your project pointing to Project Atelier - Team Taiko by runnning the following commands:
git remote add upstream
git pull upstream main
After making any changes, please run
npm test
If all tests pass, please run:
npx cypress run
If all tests pass, then make a commit and push to your origin. Create a PR explaining the changes made.
Jason Carr - Product Overview Farhan Ali - Ratings and Reviews