A movie review website created using MERN stack that allows users to search, filter and review a variety of movies. The website includes a user login, a search and filter feature to look for specific movies and a review feature for users to display their opinions about that particular movie. Users can also look at the reviews left by other people using the website.
The purpose of the movie review website is to help users determine if they want to watch a specific movie. The review should give enough details about the movie so that the user can make an informed decision, without giving away any essentials such as the plot.
- MongoDB
- Express
- React
- Node
- body-parser: ^1.18.3,
- cookie-parser: ^1.4.3,
- express: ^4.17.1,
- jsonwebtoken: ^8.5.1,
- mongoose: ^5.4.20,
- react-redux: ^5.0.7,
- socket.io: ^2.2.0,
- concurrently: ^4.1.0,
- nodemon: ^1.19.1
- bcrypt: ^5.1.0,
- User Login
- Search for movies and sort by filters
- Post reviews for any movie
- View other users' reviews
Include a movie recommendation feature for the users. A hybrid recommendation system comprising both content-based filtering and collaborative filtering can be implemented to provide highly accurate and efficient movie recommendations to the user.
This project is created as a Mini Project for the MERN course.
- Uchit Mody: 16010120030
- Rahil Parikh: 16010120037
- Jai Rajani: 16010120041