create_parking_lot <numbber>
This command will create the parking lot with the given number of slots.park <car_registration_number> <color>
This command will park the car for the given color and number and allocate the slot from the parking.leave <slot_number>
This command will free the given parking slot.status
This command will display the status of the parking.registration_numbers_for_cars_with_colour <color>
This command will display the registration numbers of the cars with given color.slot_numbers_for_cars_with_colour <color>
This command will display the parking slot number of the cars with the given color.slot_number_for_registration_number <car_registration_number>
This command will display the parking slot number of the cars with the given registration number.
com.gojek.ticketsystem.command : JUNIT for all the supported commands.
com.gojek.ticketsystem.config : JUNIT Config File.
com.gojek.ticketsystem.entity: JUNIT for entity classes.
com.gojek.ticketsystem.service : JUNIT for service classes.
This is a maven project, can run using below mentioned commands,
$ mvn test - To execute the Junit tests.
$ mvn package - To generate the executable jar --> TicketSystem-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
$ java -jar target/TicketSystem-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar - To execute the application.
$ java -jar target/TicketSystem-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar file_inputs
$ java -jar target/TicketSystem-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar - User can provide commands at the command line.
$ <command> <apram>
$ park <registration_number>
$ EXIT - Please use exit or EXIT for exiting from the command line.
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