This repository is intended to serve as a proof of concept for AWS SQS implemented in nodejs. In this implementation I tried to exercise all my personal knowledge (still superficial) related to the AWS SQS solution.
- Navigate to the frontend folder and type => npm install
- Navigate to the backend folder and type => npm install
- Navigate to the frontend folder and create a file named .env
- Into that folder set values for the following keys
- Navigate to the backend folder and create a file named .env
- Into that folder set values for the following keys
- node server.js
- node processor.js
- Considering that both applications are running
- Open a browser and type http://localhost:3000/
- Type the amount of qrcodes you want to generate
- With the terminal open in the backend application, see the messages being received from SQS
- Open the qrcodes folder in the backend application and open the generated images