originally created 6/14 by Rachel Shorey for Code for Progress. Note that this data is intended for learning SQL, not for learning about or evaluating the content within. The data was (not very carefully) copied from wikipedia and was not checked.
Getting started (the easiest way):
go to sqlfiddle.com
make sure it's set as MySQL
copy the contents of sqlfiddle_schema.sql into the build schema text area
click "build schema"
click the browser button to see what's there and confirm the tables loaded (there should be 4)
use the query window to play!
Sample questions for data exploration included. Answers not included because I have a hard time not cheating when answers are available. Contact me if you want them.
states: 51, incl district of columbia, note that race percents may or may not add to 100
field | description | type |
id | pkey | int(11) |
name | state name | varchar(25) |
population | state's population | bigint(20) |
pct_non_hisp_white | pct white (non-hispanic) | decimal(4,2) |
pct_hisp | pct hispanic | decimal(4,2) |
pct_black | pct black | decimal(4,2) |
pct_na | pct native american/alaskan | decimal(4,2) |
pct_asian | pct asian | decimal(4,2) |
pct_hpi | pct hawaiian pacific islander | decimal(4,2) |
pct_mixed | pct mixed race | decimal(4,2) |
region | north, south, midwest, west* | varchar(1) |
cities: largest 50 cities in the US as defined by wikipedia
field | description | type |
city | city's name | varchar(25) |
2013pop | population in 2013 | bigint(20) |
area_sq_miles | city's land area in mi^2 | decimal(8,2) |
state_id | foreign key to state table | int(11) |
sections: sections of the voting rights act that can apply to various states. note that in some cases a section applies to the whole state, while in others it applies to parts of the state. for the purpose of this exercise, I assumed that the state was covered if any part of it was
field | description | type |
id | pkey | int(11) |
section | name of the VRA section | varchar(5) |
description | text explaining what it does | varchar(140) |
status | pithy remarks about supreme court | varchar(140) |
sections_states: join table between sections and states
field | description | type |
section_id | foreign key into sections | varchar(11) |
state_id | foreign key into states | varchar(11) |