Dotnet Core Package for parsing LTI & Common Cartridge XML files into C# classes. XDT files downloaded from the IMS Global Technical Resources page
Install from the Nuget repository []
using CommonCartridge.Core;
using CommonCartridge.Core.Constants;
using CommonCartridge.Core.Interfaces;
var fileContent = File.ReadAllText(filename);
var parser = new Parser();
var versionParser = new VersionParser();
// Check Version
var version = versionParser.GetSchemaVersion(fileContent);
if (version == Versions.VERSION_1_0)
// v0 variable contains a fully structured class representing the Common Cartridge 1.0 manifest
var v0 = parser.FromCCXml<CommonCartridge.Core.Models.v1_0.ManifestType>(fileContent, directoryPath);
} else if (version == Versions.VERSION_1_1)
// v1 variable contains a fully structured class representing the Common Cartridge 1.1 manifest
var v1 = parser.FromCCXml<CommonCartridge.Core.Models.v1_1.ManifestType>(fileContent, DirectoryPath);
} else if (version == Versions.VERSION_1_2)
// v2 variable contains a fully structured class representing the Common Cartridge 1.2 manifest
var v2 = parser.FromCCXml<CommonCartridge.Core.Models.v1_2.ManifestType>(fileContent, DirectoryPath);
} else if (version == Versions.VERSION_1_3)
// v3 variable contains a fully structured class representing the Common Cartridge 1.3 manifest
var v3 = parser.FromCCXml<CommonCartridge.Core.Models.v1_3.ManifestType>(fileContent, DirectoryPath);
using CommonCartridge.Core;
using CommonCartridge.Core.Constants;
using CommonCartridge.Core.Interfaces;
var fileContent = File.ReadAllText(filename);
var parser = new Parser();
var versionParser = new VersionParser();
// Check Version
var version = versionParser.GetSchemaVersion(fileContent, "blti");
if (version == Versions.VERSION_1_0)
// v0 variable contains a fully structured class representing the LTI 1.0 file
var v0 = _parser.FromXml<CommonCartridge.Core.Models.v1_0.CartridgeBasicLTILinkType>(fileContent);
} else if (version == Versions.VERSION_1_1)
// v1 variable contains a fully structured class representing the LTI 1.1 file
var v1 = _parser.FromXml<CommonCartridge.Core.Models.v1_1.CartridgeBasicLTILinkType>(fileContent);
} else if (version == Versions.VERSION_1_2)
// v1_1 variable contains a fully structured class representing the LTI 1.1.2 file
var v1_1 = _parser.FromXml<CommonCartridge.Core.Models.v1_1_1.CartridgeBasicLTILinkType>(fileContent);
Method | Return | Description |
FromFile<T> | ParserResult | Same as FromXml, but also loads file from specified path before parsing |
FromXml<T> | ParserResult | Loads XML into XDocument and deserializes to provided class |
FromCCArchive<T> | ParserResult | Verifies extension of archive, attemps to unzip into a temp directory, and looks for an imsmanifest.xml file to pass to FromCCFile |
FromCCFile<T> | ParserResult | Same as FromCCXml, but also loads file from specified path before parsing |
FromCCXml<T> | ParserResult | Loads XML into XDocument and deserializes to provided CC class |
Method | Return | Description |
GetSchemaVersionFromFile | string | Same as GetSchemaVersion, but also loads file from specified path before parsing |
GetSchemaVersion | string | Loads XML into XDocument attempts to read version string from XML schemaversion attribute. Second param (prefix) is optional, will attempt to read the version from a custom namespace. Default empty. |