A File/Directory diff-like comparison tool with HTML output. Enhanced to support CSV files with Primary/Combinational Keys
This program can be use to compare files and directories for differences. When comparing directories, it iterates through all files in both directories and compare files having the same name.
See example output here:
godiff file1 file2 > results.html
godiff directory1 directory > results.html
* Compare csv files with primary key
godiff -key <CaseSensitive-Column-name> file1 file2
* Compare csv files with combinational keys
godiff -key <CommaSeperatedCaseSensitive-Column-names> file1 file2
* Output diff files to different name / folder
godiff -csv <diff-csv-file-name> -html <diff-html-file-name> -diff-dir <output-dir> -key <column-name> file1 file2
* Measure the time taken to generate diff files
godiff -timeit -key <Column-name> file1 file2
See godiff -h
for all the available command line options
- When comparing two directory, place all the differences into a single html file.
- Supports UTF8 file.
- Show differences within a line
- Options for ignore case, white spaces compare, blank lines etc.
- Compare csv files and generate diff csv file
- Compare csv files with single / combinational primary keys
- CSV files Columns / Rows can be any order
- Measure time taken to create diff files
- Diff files can be saved in different folder
I need a program to to compare 2 directories, and report differences in all files. Much like gnudiff, but with a nicer output. And I also like to try out the go programming language, so I created godiff.
The diff algorithm implemented here is based on "An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and its Variations" by Eugene Myers Algorithmica Vol. 1 No. 2, 1986, p 251.
godiff always tries to produce the minimal differences, just like gnudiff with the "-d" option.
This program is created in the go programming language. For more information about go, see golang.org
On Linux or Darwin OS
go build -o godiff godiff.go godiff_unix.go
On Windows
go build -o godiff.exe godiff.go godiff_windows.go