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table of proposed coding projects

Thiloshon Nagarajah edited this page Dec 12, 2017 · 188 revisions

Mentors, please edit this wiki page, and add your ideas to the table below.

Students, please look for a project that interests you in the table below. Before emailing project mentors, please do at least one project Test and post a link to your solution on the proposal’s wiki page.

Student Proposal Results Mentors Non-R languages?
Evandro Taquary GPU accelerated comparative phylogenetic analysis with uncertainty Erin Hodgess, Thiago Rangel CUDA
cdries Improved functionality for higher order comoment estimation in PerformanceAnalytics B Peterson, K Boudt C++/Rcpp
lwei Integrated Oversampling for Sequence Classification (IOSC) Matthew Dixon , Diego Klabjan C++
Leopoldo Catania MSGARCH D Ardia, K Boudt, B Peterson C++
Samuel Borms Sentometrics GitHub K Boudt, D Ardia, K Bluteau C++
Faizan Khan Animated interactive plots (animint) blog, commits TD Hocking, C Sievert JavaScript
Rover Van Speed optimizations for iregnet blog, commits TD Hocking, A Khare C++
Devinder Kaur Rperform: Performance analysis and visualization for R Akash Tandon, Joshua Ulrich shell scripting, possibly Javascript
Binxiang Ni Sparse matrix automatic conversion in RcppArmadillo blog, repo Qiang Kou and Dirk Eddelbuettel C++
Lindsay Rutter bigPint: Big multivariate data plotted interactively Dianne Cook, Roxane Legaie Shiny, JavaScript, Plotly
Shubham Chaturvedi Constrained Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering Github Gist, repo N Villa-Vialaneix, P Neuvial C++
Jialin Ma Interactive Genome Browser in R blog repo Toby Dylan Hocking, Miguel Pignatelli Javascript
Earo Wang sugrrants: Visual methods for big temporal data Dianne Cook, Rob Hyndman R, plotly, ts, hts
mb706 Operator Based Machine Learning Pipeline Construction Bernd Bischl, Lars Kotthoff
Thiloshon Nagarajah Integrating biodiversity data curation functionality Repo , Blog Tomer Gueta, Yohay Carmel, Vijay Barve
Ashwin Agrawal Biodiversity data cleaning Github Repo Vijay Barve, Yohay Carmel, Tomer Gueta
Coin Lewis-Beck nimbleEcology package: ecological statistics driven by NIMBLE Perry de Valpine, Daniel Turek
Xia Zhang Graphical Models for Mixed Multi Modal Data Home Page Genevera Allen, Zhandong Liu, Michael Weylandt C++
Alexandre Almeida Distributional Assessments with Q-Q plots Heike Hofmann, Adam Loy R, plotly, shiny
Natalia da Silva metawRite: Meta analysis update package, LSR (Living systematic review). Heike Hofmann, Annette O’Connor R, plotly, shiny
Robin Kohze FireData: Connecting R to Google Firebase Github Repo S. Schmidt & L. Pedraza -
Ben Ubah control: Control Systems toolbox REPO, Blog Post Marijan Kostrun Hans W Borcher
Wazeer Zulfikar Native R API for TensorFlow Repo, Blog Krishna Sankar, Tomasz Melcer C++, python
Balázs Dukai Interactive trajectory tool in rpostgisLT Mathieu Basille, David Bucklin, Clement Calenge SQL, Shiny, possibly python
Xin Chen Risk and Performance Standard Errors for Serially Correlated Returns R Douglas Martin, Aleksandr Aravkin, Daniel Hanson, Brian Peterson C++/Rcpp
Vandit Jain The markovchain package gist, commits SB Yalamanchi (main), G A. Spedicato (backup) C++/Rcpp
Leah Price Extending the RcppSMC Package Dirk Eddelbuettel and Adam Johansen C++/Rcpp
Pushpak Sarkar Portfolio Construction and Risk Management with Unequal Returns Histories Yindeng Jiang, R Douglas Martin, Peter Carl
Qingyue Xu Parser for Biodiversity checklists Github Repo Vijay Barve, Rohit George, Thomas V., Narayani Barve
Lorenz Walthert Noninvasive source code formatting Home Page Kirill Müller, Yihui Xie
Matthew Piekenbrock Estimating the empirical Cluster Tree Michael Hahsler, Mikhail Belkin C++/Rcpp
Chindhanai Uthaisaad advancing factorAnalytics Eric Zivot, R Douglas Martin, Kjell Konis, Thomas Philips, Brian Peterson C++/Rcpp
Luis Damiano Bayesian Hierarchical Models in Finance Blog Repo B Peterson , Michael Weylandt STAN
Jason Ge Efficient Second order Optimization Solvers for Sparse Learning in R Tou Zhao and Xinggou Li C++
Zhehui Chen Stochastic variational inference Tou Zhao and Xinggou Li C++
MENTORS: Copy this template!
SPArse Modeling Sofware C++
Multi-task learning C++
Caffe deep neural networks C++
Space time data over complex domains Laura Sangalli, Luca Formaggia, Eardi Lila R, C++
Multi-Armed-Bandit Wei Qian, Nathaniel Helwig R, C++
Management and comparison of MCMC runs from multiple packages Perry de Valpine, Daniel Turek html, possibly shiny
Clustering Model for ordinal data Julien Jacques & Christophe Biernacki shiny, RcppArmadillo
Constrained changepoint detection TD Hocking, G Rigaill C++
Meucci Project E Biceroglu, B Peterson, D Ardia C++, potentially jupyter
Symbolic Computation in R Isuru Fernando C++

Project ideas have a ‘Status’ column which describes the current status of mentor and student interest. Project ideas where no student has yet contacted mentors should be listed as ‘needs students’. Project ideas where one or more potential students are communicating with mentors should have a status of ‘potential student’ or ‘two[three,etc] potential students. You can still communicate your interest to mentors to apply to projects with status “potential student” – that implies that there is another student who has already shown some capability for that project (see below for more details on how we evaluate applications). Projects that need to identify another mentor (e.g. to find a mentor with a specific skill, or from a different institution) should be marked with a status of ‘need mentor’ and the idea page should provide details in the ‘Mentors’ section.

All student applications will be discussed by the R mentor community, and proposals will be ranked considering factors such as quality, difficulty, and impact for the R community. Slots are a finite resource granted to R by Google, and only the best proposals will get chosen. In prior years, R has received 4-5 times more applications than slots, so application quality is key.

Students, if you have an idea for an R package coding project that is not listed above, please try to find mentors by posting a description of your project idea on the r-gsoc google group. If you find mentors, feel free to add your project idea to this wiki. You should NOT submit any project applications to Google without finding 2 mentors for your project proposal.

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