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More package bundling refactoring (#704)
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* Move everything into `bundlePackage.R`
* Add a tests for failure, and use modern error-forwarding technology
* Mild code formatting
  • Loading branch information
hadley authored Feb 24, 2023
1 parent 4c3bb23 commit 2b71320
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Showing 5 changed files with 284 additions and 290 deletions.
277 changes: 0 additions & 277 deletions R/bundle.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -298,283 +298,6 @@ createAppManifest <- function(appDir, appMode, contentCategory, hasParameters,

preservePackageDescriptions <- function(bundleDir) {
# Copy all the DESCRIPTION files we're relying on into packrat/desc.
# That directory will contain one file for each package, e.g.
# packrat/desc/shiny will be the shiny package's DESCRIPTION.
# The server will use this to calculate package hashes. We don't want
# to rely on hashes calculated by our version of packrat, because the
# server may be running a different version.
lockFilePath <- snapshotLockFile(bundleDir)
descDir <- file.path(bundleDir, "packrat", "desc")
records <- utils::tail(read.dcf(lockFilePath), -1)
lapply(seq_len(nrow(records)), function(i) {
pkgName <- records[i, "Package"]
descFile <- system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = pkgName)
if (!file.exists(descFile)) {
stop("Couldn't find DESCRIPTION file for ", pkgName)
file.copy(descFile, file.path(descDir, pkgName))
}, error = function(e) {
warning("Unable to package DESCRIPTION files: ", conditionMessage(e), call. = FALSE)
if (dirExists(descDir)) {
unlink(descDir, recursive = TRUE)

# Packrat Snapshots

# There are three functions here that do a lot of work here.
# snapshotRDependencies() calls addPackratSnapshot(), which calls
# performPackratSnapshot().

snapshotRDependencies <- function(appDir, implicit_dependencies = c(), verbose = FALSE) {

# create a packrat "snapshot"

addPackratSnapshot(appDir, implicit_dependencies, verbose = verbose)

# TODO: should we care about lockfile version or packrat version?
lockFilePath <- snapshotLockFile(appDir)
df <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# get repos defined in the lockfile
repos <- gsub("[\r\n]", " ", df[1, "Repos"])
repos <- strsplit(unlist(strsplit(repos, "\\s*,\\s*", perl = TRUE)), "=", fixed = TRUE)
repos <- setNames(
sapply(repos, "[[", 2),
sapply(repos, "[[", 1)

# get packages records defined in the lockfile
records <- utils::tail(df, -1)
records[c("Source", "Repository")] <- findPackageRepoAndSource(records, repos)

findPackageRepoAndSource <- function(records, repos) {
# read available.packages filters (allow user to override if necessary;
# this is primarily to allow debugging)
# note that we explicitly exclude the "R_version" filter as we want to ensure
# that packages which require newer versions of R than the one currently
# in use can still be marked as available on CRAN -- for example, currently
# the package "foreign" requires "R (>= 4.0.0)" but older versions of R
# can still successfully install older versions from the CRAN archive
filters <- getOption("available_packages_filters", default = "duplicates")

# get Bioconductor repos if any
biocRepos <- repos[grep("BioC", names(repos), perl = TRUE, value = TRUE)]
biocPackages <- if (length(biocRepos) > 0) {
contriburl = contrib.url(biocRepos, type = "source"),
type = "source",
filters = filters

# read available packages
repo.packages <- available.packages(
contriburl = contrib.url(repos, type = "source"),
type = "source",
filters = filters

named.repos <- name.all.repos(repos)
repo.lookup <- data.frame(
name = names(named.repos),
url = as.character(named.repos),
contrib.url = contrib.url(named.repos, type = "source"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE

# Sources are created by packrat:
# if the package is in a named CRAN-like repository capture it
tmp <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(records)), function(i) {

pkg <- records[i, "Package"]
source <- records[i, "Source"]
repository <- NA
# capture Bioconcutor repository
if (identical(source, "Bioconductor")) {
if (pkg %in% biocPackages) {
repository <- biocPackages[pkg, "Repository"]
} else if (isSCMSource(source)) {
# leave source+SCM packages alone.
} else if (pkg %in% rownames(repo.packages)) {
# capture CRAN-like repository

# Find this package in the set of available packages then use its
# contrib.url to map back to the configured repositories.
package.contrib <- repo.packages[pkg, "Repository"]
package.repo.index <- vapply(repo.lookup$contrib.url,
function(url) grepl(url, package.contrib, fixed = TRUE), logical(1))
package.repo <- repo.lookup[package.repo.index, ][1, ]
# If the incoming package comes from CRAN, keep the CRAN name in place
# even if that means using a different name than the repos list.
# The "cran" source is a well-known location for
# isn't going to use the manifest-provided CRAN URL,
# but other consumers (Connect) will.
if (tolower(source) != "cran") {
source <- package.repo$name
repository <- package.repo$url
# validatePackageSource will emit a warning for packages with NA repository.
data.frame(Source = source, Repository = repository, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
})"rbind", tmp)

addPackratSnapshot <- function(bundleDir, implicit_dependencies = c(), verbose = FALSE) {
logger <- verboseLogger(verbose)

# if we discovered any extra dependencies, write them to a file for packrat to
# discover when it creates the snapshot

tempDependencyFile <- file.path(bundleDir, "__rsconnect_deps.R")
if (length(implicit_dependencies) > 0) {
# emit dependencies to file
extraPkgDeps <- paste0("library(", implicit_dependencies, ")\n")
writeLines(extraPkgDeps, tempDependencyFile)

# ensure temp file is cleaned up even if there's an error
on.exit(unlink(tempDependencyFile), add = TRUE)

# generate the packrat snapshot
logger("Starting to perform packrat snapshot")
performPackratSnapshot(bundleDir, verbose = verbose)
}, error = function(e) {
# if an error occurs while generating the snapshot, add a header to the
# message for improved attribution
e$msg <- paste0("----- Error snapshotting dependencies (Packrat) -----\n",

# print a traceback if enabled
if (isTRUE(getOption("rsconnect.error.trace"))) {
traceback(x = sys.calls(), max.lines = 3)

# rethrow error so we still halt deployment
logger("Completed performing packrat snapshot")

# if we emitted a temporary dependency file for packrat's benefit, remove it
# now so it isn't included in the bundle sent to the server
if (file.exists(tempDependencyFile)) {



performPackratSnapshot <- function(bundleDir, verbose = FALSE) {

# move to the bundle directory
owd <- getwd()
on.exit(setwd(owd), add = TRUE)

# ensure we snapshot recommended packages
srp <- packrat::opts$snapshot.recommended.packages()
packrat::opts$snapshot.recommended.packages(TRUE, persist = FALSE)
on.exit(packrat::opts$snapshot.recommended.packages(srp, persist = FALSE),
add = TRUE)

# Force renv dependency scanning within packrat unless the option has been
# explicitly configured. This is a no-op for older versions of packrat.
renvDiscovery <- getOption("packrat.dependency.discovery.renv")
if (is.null(renvDiscovery)) {
old <- options("packrat.dependency.discovery.renv" = TRUE)
on.exit(options(old), add = TRUE)

# attempt to eagerly load the BiocInstaller or BiocManaager package if installed, to work around
# an issue where attempts to load the package could fail within a 'suppressMessages()' context
packages <- c("BiocManager", "BiocInstaller")
for (package in packages) {
if (length(find.package(package, quiet = TRUE))) {
requireNamespace(package, quietly = TRUE)

# generate a snapshot
packrat::.snapshotImpl(project = bundleDir,
snapshot.sources = FALSE,
fallback.ok = TRUE,
verbose = verbose,
implicit.packrat.dependency = FALSE,
infer.dependencies = TRUE

# TRUE just to indicate success

snapshotLockFile <- function(appDir) {
file.path(appDir, "packrat", "packrat.lock")

# Return TRUE when the source indicates that a package was installed from
# source or comes from a source control system. This indicates that we will
# not have a repostory URL; location is recorded elsewhere.
isSCMSource <- function(source) {
tolower(source) %in% c("github", "gitlab", "bitbucket", "source")

# generate a random name prefixed with "repo_". <- function() {
paste("repo_", paste(sample(LETTERS, 8, replace = TRUE), collapse = ""), sep = "")

# Given a list of optionally named repository URLs, return a list of
# repository URLs where each element is named. Incoming names are preserved.
# Un-named repositories are given random names.
name.all.repos <- function(repos) {
repo.names <- names(repos)
if (is.null(repo.names)) {
# names(X) return NULL when nothing is named. Build a same-sized vector of
# empty-string names, which is the "no name here" placeholder value
# produced when its input has a mix of named and un-named items.
repo.names <- rep("", length(repos))
names(repos) <- sapply(repo.names, function(name) {
if (name == "") {
# Assumption: Random names are not repeated across a repo list.
} else {

# get source packages from CRAN
availableCRANSourcePackages <- function() {
available.packages("", type = "source")

appUsesPython <- function(quartoInfo) {
if (is.null(quartoInfo)) {
# No R-based, non-Quarto content uses Python by default.
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