This repository includes utilities for setting up Cloud Pak for Integration.
It is required to have the following CLIs already installed in your environment.
After CloudCtl CLI is installed, login to the IBM Cloud Pak Common Services console using the following command:
cloudctl login -a https://icp-console.MYDOMAIN/
After Helm CLI is installed, the following command should be run:
helm init --client-only
Note: It is required to login to OpenShift cluster after the helm init command is run.
Scripts are available to complete the initial setup (, create the integration instance ( and remove the integration instance ( for the following components:
Note #1: The scripts are designed to create integration instances on OpenShift cluster running on either on-prem and/or on IBM Cloud. The storage classes are set automatically for IBM Cloud when the environment variable CLOUD_TYPE has the value ibmcloud. In case of on-prem, file storage needs to be created to suit the environment. Sample manifests for creating persistent volumes and persistent volume claims are included for reference.
Note #2: The scripts can be adjusted to created instances in HA or non-HA mode by setting the configuration parameter PRODUCTION to true (HA) or false (non HA)
Note #3: The scripts can be adjusted to select the correct registry using the environment variable OFFLINE_INSTALL. If it is set to true, the registry image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000 is used as the base. If it is set to false, the registry is used.
Note #4: The environment variables STORAGE_BLOCK and STORAGE_FILE can be used to specify the block and file storage to used for installing the integration instances. The storage class nfs and rook-ceph-block are used as the default for file and block storage respectively. In case of IBM Cloud, the storage class ibmc-file-gold and ibmc-block-gold are used as the default for file and block storage respectively.
Note #5: The environment variable ENV can be used to specify the name of the environment used for the setup. This value is used in computing the Helm release name. By default it is set to dev.
Tekton pipelines are available to install and uninstall all the integration instances.
The pipelines are designed to invoke the scripts and during the install and invoke the script for uninstalling the component.