Manually annotated data sets from project C6 (SFB 1102)
- Data sets
1.1 DTAmedical and DTAtheological - Data format
- Span annotations
3.1 Antecedents
3.2 Citations
3.3 Moving elements
3.4 Topological fields - License
- References
Corpus | Time period | #Tokens | Annotations | License |
DTAmedical | 17th-20th century | 1,083,720 | sentences (automatic), tokens (automatic), lemmas (automatic), STTS-POS (automatic/manually corrected), antecedents, citations, moving elements, orthographic correction (automatic), topological fields (sentence brackets only) | CC BY-SA 4.0 |
DTAtheological | 17th-20th century | 778,976 | sentences (automatic), tokens (automatic), lemmas (automatic), STTS-POS (automatic/manually corrected), antecedents, citations, moving elements, orthographic correction (automatic), topological fields (sentence brackets only) | CC BY-SA 4.0 |
The sample contains sentences from 11 medical texts and 14 theological texts from the DTA.
Sentence boundaries, tokens, lemmas, orthographic normalization, and POS tags are taken from the automatic annotations of the DTA. To date, POS tags are manually corrected for the following texts:
- abel_leibmedicus_1699
- blumenbach_anatomie_1824
- braeuner_pest_1714
- carus_gynaekologie02_1820_1
- gall_untersuchungen_1791_1
- ludwig_physiologie02_1856
- purmann_feldscher_1680
- reil_curmethode_1803
- unzer_gedanken_1746
- bengel_abriss01_1751
- benner_meineid_1739
- dilger_arndes_1620_1
- hanssen_grundfragen_1731
- loehe_evangelium_1847
- nividandts_schwerd_1708
- pahl_simpertus_1799
- rotth_bedencken_1692
- spener_piadesideria_1676
- strauss_jesus01_1835_1
In addition, the sentences are manually annotated with the following linguistic information:
Label | Element | Annotation |
NP | noun phrase | Every extraposed NP + one comparable in-situ NP with the same length |
PP | prepositional phrase | Every extraposed PP + one comparable in-situ PP with the same length and preposition |
AP | adjective phrase | Every extraposed AP + one comparable in-situ AP with the same length |
ADVP | adverb phrase | Every extraposed ADVP + one comparable in-situ ADVP with the same length |
CMPP | comparative element | All comparative elements with adjectival antecedent (in comparative or superlative) |
RELC | relative clause | All attributive relative clauses with (pro)nominal antecedent |
ADVC | adverbial clause | All causal clauses |
Antecedents are annotated for all relative clauses and comparative elements. The other moving elements can also have antecedents (probably except for ADVPs
). This is rarely the case, though.
The data sets are provided in the CoNLL-U Plus format. The first line of each file (starting with # global.columns =
) specifies the columns that are included.
Columns are separated by tabs and sentences by empty lines. For each sentence, meta information can be given at the beginning of a sentence, e.g., the sentence ID and the concatenated tokens. Meta lines are preceded by the hash sign #
Tokens are indexed starting with index 1. Empty annotations are indicated by an underscore _
The following example shows the head of the file abel_leibmedicus_1699 from the DTAmedical sample.
# global.columns = ID FORM LEMMA UPOS XPOS FEATS HEAD DEPREL DEPS MISC Antec MovElem OrthCorr OrthCorrOp OrthCorrReason TOPF
# sent_id = 1
# sent_id(TSV) = 1
# text = D. Henrici Caſparis Abelii , ...
1 D. D. _ NE _ _ _ _ _ B-Antec-1-Head _ _ _ _ _
2 Henrici Henrici _ NE _ _ _ _ _ I-Antec _ _ _ _ _
3 Caſparis Casparis _ NE _ _ _ _ _ I-Antec _ Casparis replace * _
4 Abelii Abelii _ NE _ _ _ _ _ I-Antec _ _ _ _ _
5 , , _ $, _ _ _ _ _ I-Antec _ _ _ _ _
Span annotations are encoded with a modified version of BIO-tags. The first letter of the tag specifies the position inside/outside of the span:
Letter | Meaning |
B | beginning of the span |
I | inside of the span |
O | outside of any span |
and I
are supplemented with the span label, separated by a dash: B-NP
or I-NP
. Tokens outside of any span are only labeled as O
. For sparse annotations that only concern few tokens (e.g., citations) the O
can also be replaced by an underscore _
to improve the readability of the file for a human user.
A span can also include one or more other spans. In this case, annotations are ordered hierarchically from the longest span to the left to the shortest, most deeply embedded span to the right. Multiple spans are seperated by a pipe |
, e.g., I-NF|B-LK
For more complex annotations, the BIO-tags can also be extended with more information, e.g., B-RELC-extrap-1
. For details on the different annotations, cf. the sections below.
Antecedents are annotated in the Antec
column. Antecedents can be nested, i.e., contain other antecedents. They usually have one (or possibly more) head token(s) and they are always linked to a moving element via an ID. The label thus consists of up to 4 parts, separated by dashes. Empty parts are ommited.
BIO letter | Antecedent | ID | Head |
B | Antec | 1, 2, ... | Head |
I | Antec | -- | Head |
The beginning of an antecedent could thus be: B-Antec-1
or B-Antec-2-Head
A token inside of an antecedent could be annotated with: I-Antec
or I-Antec-Head
Additional remarks:
is only annotated for the head token(s) of the antecedent.IDs
are unique within a given sentence, starting at index 1. They always refer unambiguously to a moving element in the same sentence.- If the same token span serves as antecedent for multiple moving elements, this is annotated as if there were two distinct antecedents, e.g.
. - Tokens that are not part of an antecedent are labeled with
Citations, e.g., from the Bible, are marked with B-Citation
and I-Citation
in the Cite
column. Tokens that are not part of a citation are labeled with _
Moving elements are phrases/clauses that are or can be extraposed, i.e., moved to the post-field of the sentence. They are annotated in the MovElem
column. The following types are considered in this project:
Label | Element |
NP | noun phrase |
PP | prepositional phrase |
AP | adjective phrase |
ADVP | adverb phrase |
CMPP | comparative element (with adjectival antecedent in comparative or superlative) |
RELC | relative clause |
ADVC | adverbial (causal) clause |
Moving elements can contain other moving elements, e.g., a relative clause with embedded noun phrases.
The label of a moving elements can consist of up to 5 parts, separated by dashes. Empty parts are ommited.
- The first part specifies, whether the token is at the beginning
or insideI
of the moving element. - The second part gives the type of moving element, e.g.,
. - The third part is only present for the beginning of moving elements:
- For
, the third part specifies the position of the verb as verb-secondV2
or verb-lastVL
order. - For other moving elements, the third part specifies the position
, orambig
- For
- The fourth part marks the
token. - The fifth part specifies the ID, if the element has an antecedent. It is only annotated for the first token of a moving element.
BIO letter | Element type | Position | Head | ID |
B | NP, PP, AP, ADVP, CMPP, RELC | extrap, insitu, ambig | -- | 1, 2, ... |
B | ADVC | V2, VL | Head | 1, 2, ... |
I | NP, PP, AP, ADVP, CMPP, RELC | -- | -- | -- |
I | ADVC | -- | Head | -- |
Exemplary labels for the beginning of a moving element could be: B-NP-insitu
, B-RELC-ambig-1
, B-ADVC-V2-Head-3
Labels inside of moving elements could be: I-AP
, I-ADVC-Head
Additional remarks:
is only annotated for the head token ofADVCs
, usually the finite verb.IDs
are unique within a given sentence, starting at index 1. Only elements with an antecedent get anID
.- Tokens outside of moving elements are labeled with
The topological field annotation is included in the TOPF
column. In DTAmedical and DTAtheological, only (some) sentence brackets are annotated. The following labels are used:
Label | Field |
LK | Linke Satzklammer (left sentence bracket) |
RK | Rechte Satzklammer (right sentence bracket) |
The remaining tokens are labeled with _
instead of O
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
BBAW. 2019. Deutsches Textarchiv. Grundlage für ein Referenzkorpus der neuhochdeutschen Sprache. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften;
Anne Schiller, Simone Teufel, Christine Stöckert, and Christine Thielen. 1999. Guidelines für das Tagging deutscher Textcorpora mit STTS (Kleines und großes Tagset). Retrieved from