Exploring using processing [PConstants][pconstants] with JRuby, here is simple project that could help you to understand [propane][propane] and [JRubyArt][jruby_art].
Here only compile the PConstants.java (it has no external dependencies)
Read more about [polyglot maven here][polyglot]
mvn package
cd test
jruby has_constants_test.rb
What we confirm in the test that under JRuby PConstants
is seen as a ruby module, and we only need to include the module to implement the interface. But it could have possible namespace issues.
git checkout final_class # for PConstants as a final class (better practice than using an interface, but still frowned on)
# or
git checkout enum # Where there are enum version of seleceted PConstants (the use of global enum is also considered non-ideal)
# or for alternative means of accessing enums using :constant_missing, makes no sens to me
git checkout constant_missing # does not seem to me to have any advantages over include module method