A port of Filters4Processing to ruby-processing
A growing collection of pixel shaders ported to Processing to be used with the filter()
function. Most of these shaders come from the excellent Shadertoy by Iñigo Quilez.
NB: since ruby-processing-2.6.11 glsl files are also watched, so you can edit the shader of the sketch running in watch mode, and it will automatically reload when you save your changes...
# autorun all sketches
cd filters4ruby-processing
rake # assume rake and processing and ruby-processing installed
Run / Watch individual sketches as follows
rp5 --nojruby run/watch sketch.rb # Need to use jruby-complete
to avoid need for --nojruby
flag in .rp5rc
add following (if pure yaml)
JRUBY: 'false'
or if you used our configRP5.pde tool (emits json)
"JRUBY": "false",
NB: delete line, or change back to 'true' when you need to use gems....
This is a java/jruby permission thing, and beyond our control
This is a minimal example showing how to import shader file in ruby-processing and use it as a filter.
Note: Some shaders require additional uniforms. For details, refer to the example sketches included.
attr_reader :my_filter, :my_image
def setup
size(512, 512, P2D)
# import an image object
@my_image = load_image('texture.jpg')
# load a shader object
@my_filter = load_shader('shader.glsl')
# pass the window size to the shader
my_filter.set('sketchSize', width.to_f, height.to_f)
def draw
# Draw the image on the scene
image(my_image, 0, 0)
# Applies the shader to everything that has already been drawn
return if mouse_pressed?
Shadertoy and Processing both have their own quirks when it comes to shader programming. We need to make some changes in order to make Shadertoy code work with Processing/ruby-processing. See wiki which you are welcome to edit if you know better
Now go dig for some shaders and help us extend the library of filters available for Processing/ruby-processing!
Note: It is possible to port other types of shaders, but this repository focuses on filters.
Port to processing by Raphaël de Courville. Thanks to all the Shadertoy contributors for their hard work. This collection wouldn't exist without them. Thanks to Andrés Colubri for his work on the Processing Shader API.
All shaders from Shadertoy belong to there respective authors. Unless otherwise specified in the shader file, they are licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)