This arduino application uses Adafruit Si5351 breakout board to generate frequencies from 8 Khz - 160 Mhz
- Arduino Nano (or any arduino)
- Adafruit si5351 breakout board (or any other available)
- 128 x 64 OLED
- Rotary encoder
ENCODER -- ARDUINO: s1 -- pin d4 s2 -- pin d5 key -- pin d3 vcc -- +5v
OLED -- ARDUINO: vcc -- +5v scl -- a5 sda -- a4
S15351 -- ARDUINO: vin -- +5v scl -- a5 sda -- a4
- Arduino rotary library
- Adafruit_SSD1306
- Adafruit_GFX
- Wire
- Si5351 -
There are only two inputs to arduino:
- Rotary encoder
- Push button in rotary encoder
Rotate : To move to the next option or increase(clockwise) / decrease(counter clockwise) frequency. Push button : To modify current selection
Unit/Step size : Hz/KHz/MHz/Off
Note: At a time only one of Ch1/Ch2 can be active