Elevation Manager is a small library for requesting, caching and using elevation data.
The whole system is structured into separate smaller modules. This makes it easier for developers to adapt the code and to add new custom compontents.
elevationmanager.cpp is used as the main interface to the system when it comes to elevation requests. Here also concurrency is handled.
elevationcache.cpp is used to cache the retrieved elevation data and handles cache requests as well as cache misses.
elevationio.cpp is used to store the cached data on disk in json. In theory this could be extended to any backend.
elevationvendor.cpp is used to represent a vendor that we can use to retrieve elevation data from. In our case there is a predefined class for retrieving data via a REST API used for example for Google Elevation API, OpenTopoData and GPXZ.io. Again, due to the modularity of the project it is possible to extend this to database access or loading data from geoTIFFs or something similar (see Future)
elevationdownloader.cpp is meant more like a tool and should be used for precaching elevation data in the background
Elevation Manager uses CMake as a build system. By default it builds into a static library.
There is an example file demo.cpp that shows how eleman might be used in an application.
Here is a list of features/changes we might implement in the future:
- Better API and project structure
- Better error handling
- Better statistics/telemetry
- Dynamic Cache that adapts to the vendor's resolution
This project is under MIT License without any warranty or support.