Drupal module or distribution
Your Name: Nate Hill
Type of app: Drupal CMS
Description of App: Many. many libraries choose to use Drupal as their content management system or as their application development framework. A contrib Drupal module that creates a simple interface for admin users to curate collections of DPLA content for display on a library website would be useful.
I don't like recreating the wheel. So, let's see what contrib modules already exist, and see if we can just create a workflow to do this to start with. It would be really nice if DPLA had a OAI-PMH provider, then you could just use CCK + Feeds + Feeds OAI-PMH.
Example: bitly.com/VXMvMr
drush pm-download cck
drush pm-download feeds
drush pm-download feeds_jsonpath_parser
cd sites/all/modules/feeds_jsonpath_parser && wget http://jsonpath.googlecode.com/files/jsonpath-0.8.1.php
- Create a Content Type for the DPLA content you would like to pull in (admin/content/types/add)
- Create DPLA metadata fields for the Content Type (admin/content/node-type/YOURCONTENTYPE/fields)
- Create a new feed importer (admin/build/feeds/create)
- Configure the settings for you new feed importer
- Basic settings:
- Fetcher
- HTTP Fetcher
- Processor
- Parser
- Construct a search you would like to ingest using the DPLA API
- ex:
- ex:
- Start the import! (node/add/YOURCONTENTTYPE)
- Give the import a title... whatever your heart desires.
- Add a feed url
- Click on JSONPath Parser settings, and start adding all of the JSONPaths
- Click save, and watch the import go.
- Check out your results