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package complexMatrix // import ""

complexMatrix is a golang package the implements Matrix types with elements
of complex numbers

Copyright 2022 Devon Call


func Equal(a M, b M) bool
    Two matricies are equal if they have the same dimensions and posistion has
    the same values

func Imag(m M) [][]float64
    Imag returns a 2-d array of the imaginary parts of a matrix

func Real(m M) [][]float64
    Real returns a 2-d array of the real parts of a matrix

func SPrintCustom(m M, newRow string, endRow string, colSpace string) string
    Generates string representation of matrix. Uses provided element separators.

func SPrintLines(m M) string
    Generates multiline string representation of matrix


type M interface {

	// Returns the dimensions of the matrix, height then width.
	Dim() (rows int, columns int)

	// Get the value at a particular row and column.
	Get(row int, column int) complex128

	/* Sets the value at a particular row and column, returns the updated matrix.
	Immutable matricies return a new matrix instance with the updated value.
	Mutable matricies return themselves after updating the value.
	Set(value complex128, row int, column int) M

	// Updates each value in the matrix by multiplying by the parameter.
	// Immutable matricies return a new matrix instance with updated values.
	// Mutable matricies return themselves after updating the values.
	Scale(c complex128) M

	// Returns matrix by adding elements together of each matrix. Both matricies must have the same dimensions.
	// For A.Add(B):
	// If A is immutable it returns a new matrix.
	// If A is mutable, A is updated and A is returned
	Add(matrix M) M

	// Returns a transposed matrix.
	// Immutable matricies return a matrix that is also immutable.
	// Mutable matricies are used as the underlying matrix, meaning that modifications will alter the original matrix.
	// for example, A.Transpose().Set(0, 1, 2) will have the same effect for A.Set(0, 2, 1)
	Transpose() M

	// Matrix Dot Multiplication
	// A.Dot(B) => AB, B.Dot(A) => BA
	// Both immutable and mutable matricies produce new matricies, because the dimensions are not garunteed to stay constant.
	Dot(matrix M) M

	// Returns an updated matrix with each element being the result of calling the passed in function to each original element.
	// Mutable matricies will also be updated.
	Map(f func(v complex128, r int, c int) complex128) M

	// Returns a new matrix with the provided dimensions.
	// If i, j is within the dimensions of the original matrix, then the new matrix will have the same values at those coordinates.
	Resize(Rows int, Columns int) M

	// Returns an immutable version of the matrix
	Immutable() M

	// Returns an mutable version of the matrix
	Mutable() M
    M represents a matrix of complex numbers. It comes in immutable and mutable

func CombineIntoImmutable(real [][]float64, imag [][]float64) M
    Combines real and imaginary 2-d arrays into an immutable matrix

func CombineIntoMutable(real [][]float64, imag [][]float64) M
    Creates a mutable matrix from 2-d arrays of real and imaginary parts

func EmptyMutable(height int, width int) M
    Returns an mutable matrix with given dimensions filled with zero values

func NewImmutable(table [][]complex128) M
    Constructor for an immutable matrix

func NewMutable(table [][]complex128) M
    Creates a mutable matrix from a 2-d array of complex numbers


golang package for complex matricies







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