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Rui Pedro Covelo edited this page Oct 19, 2013 · 5 revisions

Trying to build myself a personal assistant in python that will keep an eye on my information online.

This is also a learning project where I'm trying to bring together some skills I found important. This means I will make some weird decisions not actually important in a project of this (small) size but will help me simulate and learn how it could be done in a larger and critical project.

Ex: One of my goals is to make this bot monitor itself, alert me of failures and recover from those failures on its own while I go by my own business and write and deploy code whenever I have 5 minutes available.


[x] Build a controller module responsible for launching and monitoring BotModules

[x] Write test BotModules running in separate processes and communicating with controller

[x] ConsoleModule for receiving command line commands from and interacting asynchronous console

[x] Asynchronous console with command prompt independent from text output AsyncConsole

[ ] Command interpreter accepting commands for multiple sources and distributing them to the correct BotModule

[ ] EmailModule for communicating with user via email

[ ] Run on a RaspberryPi

[ ] Run second controller responsible for monitoring first controller and relaunch it if needed

[ ] Modules: collecting information from user from various social networks and other internet services

[ ] Twitter communication

[ ] prowl communication

[ ] Alerts based on collected information: tasks, reminders,...

[ ] How to store that information?

[ ] Module: awareness of user presence at home

[ ] Module: backup management ?


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