Here is the code for our paper "Energy-Based Hindsight Experience Prioritization".
The paper is published in 2018 Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2018) as oral presentation (7%).
The paper is avaliable at Proceedings of Machine Learning Research:
The code was developed by Rui Zhao (Siemens AG & Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich).
For details on Energy-Based Hindsight Experience Prioritization (EBP), please read the published paper.
The code is developed based on OpenAI Baselines (link:
The code requires python3 (>=3.5) with the development headers. You'll also need system packages CMake, OpenMPI and zlib. Those can be installed as follows
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install cmake libopenmpi-dev python3-dev zlib1g-dev
To run the code, you need to install OpenAI Gym (link:
We use the robotics environment in OpenAI Gym, which needs the MuJoCu physics engine (link:
The experiments were carried out on a 20-CPUs server.
We use 19 CPUs for training.
If you are running the experiments on a laptop, please configure a smaller number of CPUs.
Note that, with less CPUs, the performance will be effected.
After the installaton of dependicies, you can reproduce the experimental results by running the following commnands:
python baselines/her/experiment/ --env_name FetchPickAndPlace-v0 --prioritization none --n_epochs 50 --num_cpu 19
python baselines/her/experiment/ --env_name FetchPickAndPlace-v0 --prioritization tderror --n_epochs 50 --num_cpu 19
python baselines/her/experiment/ --env_name FetchPickAndPlace-v0 --prioritization energy --clip_energy 0.5 --n_epochs 50 --num_cpu 19
For FetchPickAndPlace-v0, we use clip_energy parameter 0.5.
For the other three hand environments, we use clip_energy 2.5.
python baselines/her/experiment/ --env_name HandManipulateEggFull-v0 --prioritization none --n_epochs 200 --num_cpu 19
python baselines/her/experiment/ --env_name HandManipulateEggFull-v0 --prioritization tderror --n_epochs 200 --num_cpu 19
python baselines/her/experiment/ --env_name HandManipulateEggFull-v0 --prioritization energy --clip_energy 2.5 --n_epochs 200 --num_cpu 19
To test the learned policies, you can run the command:
python baselines/her/experiment/ /path/to/an/experiment/policy_latest.pkl
Citation of the arXiv version:
title={Energy-Based Hindsight Experience Prioritization},
author={Zhao, Rui and Tresp, Volker},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.01363},