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I no longer maintain this project. You might want to check out tork as an alternative solution.


Piper is an open-source, distributed workflow engine built on Spring Boot, designed to be dead simple.

Piper can run on one or a thousand machines depending on your scaling needs.

In Piper, work to be done is defined as a set of tasks called a Pipeline. Pipelines can be sourced from many locations but typically they live on a Git repository where they can be versioned and tracked.

Piper was originally built to support the need to transcode massive amounts of video in parallel. Since transcoding video is a CPU and time instensive process I had to scale horizontally. Moreover, I needed a way to monitor these long running jobs, auto-retry them and otherwise control their execution.


Tasks are the basic building blocks of a pipeline. Each task has a type property which maps to a TaskHandler implementation, responsible for carrying out the task.

For example here's the RandomInt TaskHandler implementation:

  public class RandomInt implements TaskHandler<Object> {

    public Object handle(Task aTask) throws Exception {
      int startInclusive = aTask.getInteger("startInclusive", 0);
      int endInclusive = aTask.getInteger("endInclusive", 100);
      return RandomUtils.nextInt(startInclusive, endInclusive);


While it doesn't do much beyond generating a random integer, it does demonstrate how a TaskHandler works. a Task instance is passed as an argument to the TaskHandler which contains all the Key-Value pairs of that task.

The TaskHandler is then responsible for executing the task using this input and optionally returning an output which can be used by other pipeline tasks downstream.


Piper pipelines are authored in YAML, a JSON superset.

Here is an example of a basic pipeline definition.

name: Hello Demo

inputs:                --+
  - name: yourName       |
    label: Your Name     | - This defines the inputs
    type: string         |   expected by the pipeline
    required: true     --+

outputs:                 --+
  - name: myMagicNumber    | - You can output any of the job's
    value: ${randomNumber} |   variable as the job's output.
  - name: randomNumber               --+
    label: Generate a random number    |
    type: random/int                   | - This is a task
    startInclusive: 0                  |
    endInclusive: 10000              --+

  - label: Print a greeting
    type: io/print
    text: Hello ${yourName}

  - label: Sleep a little
    type: time/sleep        --+
    millis: ${randomNumber}   | - tasks may refer to the result of a previous task
  - label: Print a farewell
    type: io/print
    text: Goodbye ${yourName}

So tasks are nothing but a collection of key-value pairs. At a minimum each task contains a type property which maps to an appropriate TaskHandler that needs to execute it.

Tasks may also specify a name property which can be used to name the output of the task so it can be used later in the pipeline.

The label property is used to give a human-readble description for the task.

The node property can be used to route tasks to work queues other than the default tasks queue. This allows one to design a cluster of worker nodes of different types, of different capacity, different 3rd party software dependencies and so on.

The retry property can be used to specify the number of times that a task is allowed to automatically retry in case of a failure.

The timeout property can be used to specify the number of seconds/minutes/hours that a task may execute before it is cancelled.

The output property can be used to modify the output of the task in some fashion. e.g. convert it to an integer.

All other key-value pairs are task-specific and may or may not be required depending on the specific task.


Piper is composed of the following components:

Coordinator: The Coordinator is the like the central nervous system of Piper. It keeps tracks of jobs, dishes out work to be done by Worker machines, keeps track of failures, retries and other job-level details. Unlike Worker nodes, it does not execute actual work but delegate all task activities to Worker instances.

Worker: Workers are the work horses of Piper. These are the Piper nodes that actually execute tasks requested to be done by the Coordinator machine. Unlike the Coordinator, the workers are stateless, which by that is meant that they do not interact with a database or keep any state in memory about the job or anything else. This makes it very easy to scale up and down the number of workers in the system without fear of losing application state.

Message Broker: All communication between the Coordinator and the Worker nodes is done through a messaging broker. This has many advantages:

  1. if all workers are busy the message broker will simply queue the message until they can handle it.
  2. when workers boot up they subscribe to the appropriate queues for the type of work they are intended to handle
  3. if a worker crashes the task will automatically get re-queued to be handle by another worker.
  4. Last but not least, workers and TaskHandler implementations can be written in any language since they decoupled completely through message passing.

Database: This piece holds all the jobs state in the system, what tasks completed, failed etc. It is used by the Coordinator as its "mind".

Pipeline Repository: The component where pipelines (workflows) are created, edited etc. by pipeline engineers.

Control Flow

Piper support the following constructs to control the flow of execution:


Applies the function iteratee to each item in list, in parallel. Note, that since this function applies iteratee to each item in parallel, there is no guarantee that the iteratee functions will complete in order.

- type: each
  list: [1000,2000,3000]
    type: time/sleep
    millis: ${item}

This will generate three parallel tasks, one for each items in the list, which will sleep for 1, 2 and 3 seconds respectively.


Run the tasks collection of functions in parallel, without waiting until the previous function has completed.

- type: parallel
    - type: io/print
      text: hello

    - type: io/print
      text: goodbye


Executes each branch in the branches as a seperate and isolated sub-flow. Branches are executed internally in sequence.

- type: fork
     - - name: randomNumber                 <-- branch 1 start here
         label: Generate a random number
         type: random/int
         startInclusive: 0
         endInclusive: 5000

       - type: time/sleep
         millis: ${randomNumber}

     - - name: randomNumber                 <-- branch 2 start here
         label: Generate a random number
         type: random/int
         startInclusive: 0
         endInclusive: 5000

       - type: time/sleep
         millis: ${randomNumber}


Executes one and only one branch of execution based on the expression value.

- type: switch
  expression: ${selector} <-- determines which case will be executed
     - key: hello                 <-- case 1 start here
         - type: io/print
           text: hello world
     - key: bye                   <-- case 2 start here
         - type: io/print
           text: goodbye world
    - tasks:
        -type: io/print
         text: something else


Produces a new collection of values by mapping each value in list through the iteratee function. The iteratee is called with an item from list in parallel. When the iteratee is finished executing on all items the map task will return a list of execution results in an order which corresponds to the order of the source list.

- name: fileSizes
  type: map
  list: ["/path/to/file1.txt","/path/to/file2.txt","/path/to/file3.txt"]
    type: io/filesize
    file: ${item}


Starts a new job as a sub-flow of the current job. Output of the sub-flow job is the output of the task.

- type: subflow
  pipelineId: copy_files
    - source: /path/to/source/dir
    - destination: /path/to/destination/dir


Each task can define a set of tasks that will be executed prior to its execution (pre), after its succesful execution (post) and at the end of the task's lifecycle regardless of the outcome of the task's execution (finalize).

pre/post/finalize tasks always execute on the same node which will execute the task itself and are considered to be an atomic part of the task. That is, failure in any of the pre/post/finalize tasks is considered a failure of the entire task.

  - label: 240p
    type: media/ffmpeg
    options: [
      - name: workDir
        type: core/var
        value: "${temptDir()}/${uuid()}"
      - type: io/mkdir
        path: "${workDir}"
      - type: s3/putObject
        uri: s3://my-bucket/240p.mp4
      - type: io/rm
        path: ${workDir}


Piper provide the ability to register HTTP webhooks to receieve notifications for certain events.

Registering webhooks is done when creating the job. E.g.:

  "pipelineId": "demo/hello",
  "inputs": {
  "webhooks": [{
    "type": "job.status",
    "url": "",
    "retry": {   # optional configuration for retry attempts in case of webhook failure
      "initialInterval":"3s" # default 2s
      "maxInterval":"10s" # default 30s
      "maxAttempts": 4 # default 5
      "multiplier": 2.5 # default 2.0

type is the type of event you would like to be notified on and url is the URL that Piper would be calling when the event occurs.

Supported types are job.status and task.started.

Task Handlers


  name: pi
  type: core/var
  value: 3.14159


  name: tempDir
  type: io/create-temp-dir


  name: myFilePath
  type: io/filepath
  filename: /path/to/my/file.txt


  name: listOfFiles
  type: io/ls
  recursive: true # default: false
  path: /path/to/directory


  type: io/mkdir
  path: /path/to/directory


  type: io/print
  text: hello world


  type: io/rm
  path: /some/directory


  name: myDar
  type: media/dar
  input: /path/to/my/video/mp4


  type: media/ffmpeg
  options: [
    -i, "${input}",


  name: ffprobeResults
  type: media/ffprobe
  input: /path/to/my/media/


  name: framerate
  type: media/framerate
  input: /path/to/my/video/


  name: mediainfoResult
  type: media/mediainfo
  input: /path/to/my/media/


  name: duration
  type: media/vduration
  input: /path/to/my/video/


  name: chunks
  type: media/vsplit
  input: /path/to/my/video.mp4
  chunkSize: 30s


  type: media/vstitch
    - /path/to/chunk_001.mp4
    - /path/to/chunk_002.mp4
    - /path/to/chunk_003.mp4
    - /path/to/chunk_004.mp4
  output: /path/to/stitched/file.mp4


  name: someRandomNumber
  type: random/int
  startInclusive: 1000 # default 0
  endInclusive: 9999 # default 100


  type: random/rogue
  probabilty: 0.25 # default 0.5


  type: s3/getObject
  uri: s3://my-bucket/path/to/file.mp4
  filepath: /path/to/my/file.mp4


  type: s3/listObjects
  bucket: my-bucket
  prefix: some/path/


  type: s3/getUrl
  uri: s3://my-bucket/path/to/file.mp4


  name: url
  type: s3/presignGetObject
  uri: s3://my-bucket/path/to/file.mp4
  signatureDuration: 60s


  type: s3/putObject
  uri: s3://my-bucket/path/to/file.mp4
  filepath: /path/to/my/file.mp4


  name: listOfFiles
  type: shell/bash
  script: |
        for f in /tmp
          echo "$f"


  type: time/sleep
  millis: 60000

Expression Functions


  type: core/var
  value: "${boolean('false')}"


  type: core/var
  value: "${byte('42')}"


  type: core/var
  value: "${char('1')}"


  type: core/var
  value: "${short('42')}"


  type: core/var
  value: "${int('42')}"


  type: core/var
  value: "${long('42')}"


  type: core/var
  value: "${float('4.2')}"


  type: core/var
  value: "${float('4.2')}"


  type: core/var
  value: "${systemProperty('java.home')}"


  type: core/var
  value: "${range(0,100)}" # [0,1,...,100]


  type: core/var
  value: "${join('A','B','C')}" # ABC


  type: core/var
  value: "${join('A','B','C')"}


  type: core/var
  value: ${concat(['A','B'],['C'])} # ['A','B','C']


  type: core/var
  value: ${flatten([['A'],['B']])} # ['A','B']


  type: core/var
  value: ${sort([3,1,2])} # [1,2,3]


  type: core/var
  value: "${tempDir()}"  # e.g. /tmp


  name: workDir
  type: core/var
  value: "${tempDir()}/${uuid()}"


  type: core/var
  value: "${stringf('%03d',5)}"  # 005


  type: core/var
  value: "${dateFormat(now(),'yyyy')}"  # e.g. 2020


  type: core/var
  value: "${timestamp()}"  # e.g. 1583268621423


  type: core/var
  value: "${dateFormat(now(),'yyyy')}"  # e.g. 2020


  type: core/var
  value: "${config('')}"


Hello World

Start a local Postgres database:


Start a local RabbitMQ instance:


Build Piper:


Start Piper:


Go to the browser at http://localhost:8080/jobs

Which should give you something like:

  number: 0,
  totalItems: 0,
  size: 0,
  totalPages: 0,
  items: [ ]

The /jobs endpoint lists all jobs that are either running or were previously run on Piper.

Start a demo job:

curl -s \
     -X POST \
     -H Content-Type:application/json \
     -d '{"pipelineId":"demo/hello","inputs":{"yourName":"Joe Jones"}}' \

Which should give you something like this as a response:

  "createTime": "2017-07-05T16:56:27.402+0000",
  "webhooks": [],
  "inputs": {
    "yourName": "Joe Jones"
  "id": "8221553af238431ab006cc178eb59129",
  "label": "Hello Demo",
  "priority": 0,
  "pipelineId": "demo/hello",
  "status": "CREATED",
  "tags": []

If you'll refresh your browser page now you should see the executing job.

In case you are wondering, the demo/hello pipeline is located at here

Writing your first pipeline

Create the directory ~/piper/pipelines and create a file in there called mypipeline.yaml.

Edit the file and the following text:

label: My Pipeline

  - name: name
    type: string
    required: true

  - label: Print a greeting
    type: io/print
    text: Hello ${name}

  - label: Print a farewell
    type: io/print
    text: Goodbye ${name}

Execute your workflow

curl -s -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json -d '{"pipelineId":"mypipeline","inputs":{"name":"Arik"}}' http://localhost:8080/jobs

You can make changes to your pipeline and execute the ./scripts/ to clear the cache to reload the pipeline.

Scaling Piper

Depending on your workload you will probably exhaust the ability to run Piper on a single node fairly quickly. Good, because that's where the fun begins.

Start RabbitMQ:


Start the Coordinator:


From another terminal window, start a Worker:


Execute the demo pipeline:

curl -s \
     -X POST \
     -H Content-Type:application/json \
     -d '{"pipelineId":"demo/hello","inputs":{"yourName":"Joe Jones"}}' \

Transcoding a Video

Note: You must have ffmpeg installed on your worker machine to get this demo to work

Transcode a source video to an SD (480p) output:

curl -s \
     -X POST \
     -H Content-Type:application/json \
     -d '{"pipelineId":"video/transcode","inputs":{"input":"/path/to/video/","output":"/path/to/video/output.mp4","profile":"sd"}}' \

Transcode a source video to an HD (1080p) output:

curl -s \
     -X POST \
     -H Content-Type:application/json \
     -d '{"pipelineId":"video/transcode","inputs":{"input":"/path/to/video/","output":"/path/to/video/output.mp4","profile":"hd"}}' \

Transcoding a Video (Split & Stitch)

See Transcoding video at scale with Piper

Adaptive Streaming

See Adaptive Streaming with Piper

Using Git as a Pipeline Repository backend

Rather than storing the pipelines in your local file system you can use Git to store them for you. This has great advantages, not the least of which is pipeline versioning, Pull Requests and everything else Git has to offer.

To enable Git as a pipeline repository set the piper.pipeline-repository.git.enabled flag to true in ./scripts/ and restart Piper. By default, Piper will use the demo repository piper-pipelines.

You can change it by using the piper.pipeline-repository.git.url and configuration parameters.


# messaging provider between Coordinator and Workers (jms | amqp | kafka) default: jms
# turn on the Coordinator process
# turn on the Worker process and listen to tasks.
# when worker is enabled, subscribe to the default "tasks" queue with 5 concurrent consumers.
# you may also route pipeline tasks to other arbitrarilty named task queues by specifying the "node"
# property on any give task.
# E.g. node: captions will route to the captions queue which a worker would subscribe to with piper.worker.subscriptions.captions
# note: queue must be created before tasks can be routed to it. Piper will create the queue if it isn't already there when the worker
# bootstraps.
# enable a git-based pipeline repository
# The URL to the Git Repo
# folders within the git repo that are scanned for pipelines.,video/
# enable file system based pipeline repository
# location of pipelines on the file system.
# data source
spring.datasource.platform=postgres # only postgres is supported at the moment
spring.datasource.initialization-mode=never # change to always when bootstrapping the database for the first time


creactiviti/piper Hello World in Docker:

Start a local Postgres database:


Create an empty directory:

mkdir pipelines
cd pipelines

Create a simple pipeline file -- hello.yaml -- and paste the following to it:

label: Hello World
  - name: name
    label: Your Name
    type: core/var
    required: true
  - label: Print Hello Message
    type: io/print
    text: "Hello ${name}!"
docker run \
  --name=piper \
  --link postgres:postgres \
  --rm \
  -it \
  -e spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/piper \
  -e spring.datasource.initialization-mode=always \
  -e piper.worker.enabled=true \
  -e piper.coordinator.enabled=true \
  -e piper.worker.subscriptions.tasks=1 \
  -e piper.pipeline-repository.filesystem.enabled=true \
  -e piper.pipeline-repository.filesystem.location-pattern=/pipelines/**/*.yaml \
  -v $PWD:/pipelines \
  -p 8080:8080 \
curl -s \
     -X POST \
     -H Content-Type:application/json \
     -d '{"pipelineId":"hello","inputs":{"name":"Joe Jones"}}' \


Piper is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.