This is a color scheme for dircolors, based on the blaakopi color palette. Blaakopi is a simple color palette inspired by the old concept of blueprints. It's minimalistic, very blue, and almost monochromatic, and certainly not for everyone.
The screenshot above is captured in iTerm2 on MacOS, using the Inconsolata font.
Note: Before using the blaakopi dircolors color scheme, make sure to set your terminal emulator's color scheme to one of the following supported terminal color schemes:
Blaakopi dircolors is distributed as a database file for GNU dircolors, the
application that sets up colors for GNU ls. To use this color scheme, download
the dircolors
file, then move or copy the file to ~/.dircolors
and run the following command:
eval `dircolors ~/.dircolors`
To automatically use this color scheme in all future sessions, add the above
command to your .bashrc
or .zshrc
MacOS ships with the BSD command line tools, and compared to the GNU alternative they lack some features, including the ability to display colors. To use this color scheme on MacOS, you should consider installing the GNU command line tools (coreutils) from homebrew.
Please post issues and bugs, feature requests and suggestions, and general feedback in the issue tracker.