A frontend business framework,build-in common develop feature for fast build application, Build SPA application with MPA store, no redux but compat middlewares, the global store apply with React.createContext
- ✅ Build-in page and global store
- ✅ Hocs and hooks to access store
- ✅ Support redux middlewares
- ✅ Plugins execute when application start
- ✅ Integration react-router and allow jsonify router config
- ✅ Build-in error-boundary and allow customize
- ✅ Build-in routerError page and allow customize
- ✅ Build-in auth page logic
- ✅ support simple ssr, one router only allow one component with async request
- [todo] Build-in key title description with router
- [todo] support React suspence and lazy import in server
npm i usdux -S
write following code in index.js
which starts application
import App from 'usdux'
routerConfig: {
staticRouters: [{
prefix: '/center',
layout: (props) => props.children,
title: 'example 1',
routers: [{
title: 'home',
component: () => <div>hello world!</div>,
path: '/1'
import React from 'react'
import { connect } from 'usdux'
export default @connect class Component extends React.Component {
handleClick = () => {
this.props.dispatch({type: 'setGlobal', payload: {a: 1}})
render() {
return (<div>
<div onClick={this.handleClick}>{JSON.stringify(this.props._global_)}</div>
import React from 'react'
import { useStore } from 'usdux'
export default const Component = () => {
const [store, dispatch] = useStore()
const handleClick = () => {
dispatch({type: 'setPage', payload: {a: 1}})
return (<div>
<div onClick={handleClick}>{JSON.stringify(store._page_)}</div>
set global state
dispatch({type: 'setGlobal', payload: 'xxx'})
reset global state
dispatch({type: 'resetGlobal'})
set page state
dispatch({type: 'setGlobal', payload: 'xxx'})
reset page state
dispatch({type: 'resetPage'})
In theory, compat redux-chunk middewares :)
checkLogin: 'function',
checkAuth: 'function',
routerConfig: {
loginUrl: 'string',
getDynamicRouters: 'function',
pageError: {
fallback: 'ReactNode || stirng',
noMatch: 'ReactNode || string',
noAuth: 'ReactNode || string',
staticRouters: [{
layout: 'ReactNode || string',
loginUrl: 'string',
prefix: 'string',
title: 'string',
needLogin: 'boolean',
pageError: {
fallback: 'ReactNode || stirng',
noMatch: 'ReactNode || string',
noAuth: 'ReactNode || string',
routers: [{
title: 'string',
authKey: 'string',
path: 'string || array',
needAuth: 'boolean',
component: 'ReactNode || string',