Leetcode contests are great way to keep your programming skills sharp. They come as invaluable tools in your toolbox.
This script will add another section called "Language" that shows language choice used for the solution.
When I finished the contest, I wanted to check solutions of my programming language however, I didn't find an effective way rather than picking every solution and checking each one of them.
- Show language options on the right.
- The script only checks for the first question when we display language(s) on the right.
- Multi language support.
- Intuitive UI by displaying Icons.
- Download / Export to pdf for solutions? If there's any interest.
This script requires TamperMonkey installed on your browser TamperMonkey (Stable Preferred)
$ Go to https://tampermonkey.net and install plugin.
$ Install the script from here:[Install](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/375145-leetcode-contest-language-reavealer)
$ Click on "Install Script"
$ Go to Leetcode contest page: https://leetcode.com/contest/ pick any contest and clicking on "More" will show their respective programming language.
If you have tampermonkey plugin already installed CLICK HERE
Want to contribute? Great! Send a PR to this repo. Have suggestions? Great bring em' on! Anything else? Feel free to contact me!
Just doing my 2cents for the community. It's free. Use it however you like. But please credit this repo, if you plan to use it.
Free Software, Hell Yeah!