The standard implementation of CBC decryption in block ciphers is to decrypt all ciphertext blocks, validate the padding, remove the PKCS7 padding, and return the message's plaintext. If the server returns an "invalid padding" error instead of a generic "decryption failed" error, the attacker can use the server as a padding oracle to decrypt (and sometimes encrypt) messages.
Full example may be found here:
void paddingOracleAttackWithKnownIV() {
//encrypted - {"id": 12345, "balance": 200}
byte[] encrypted = Base64.getDecoder().decode("BxROBBxG/SesEslIqX7Kz3PVXBKOWuPYh4iDJjLxwys=");
byte[] iv = "1234567890123456".getBytes();
EncryptedBlock encryptedBlock = EncryptedBlock.create(iv, encrypted);
byte[] decrypted = Decryptor.INSTANCE.decryptAllBlocks(encryptedBlock, serviceWithDecryption);
assertEquals("{\"id\": 12345, \"balance\": 200}", new String(decrypted));
void paddingOracleAttackUnknownIV() {
//encrypted - {"id": 12345, "balance": 200}
byte[] encrypted = Base64.getDecoder().decode("BxROBBxG/SesEslIqX7Kz3PVXBKOWuPYh4iDJjLxwys=");
byte[] iv = "9999999999999999".getBytes();
EncryptedBlock encryptedBlock = EncryptedBlock.create(iv, encrypted);
byte[] decrypted = Decryptor.INSTANCE.decryptAllBlocks(encryptedBlock, serviceWithDecryption);
assertTrue(new String(decrypted).endsWith("alance\": 200}"));
Full example may be found here:
//Text: {"id": 12345, "balance": 200}
//Text: {"id": 12345, "balance": 900}
void encryptedDataTamperingAttack() throws Exception{
//encrypted - {"id": 12345, "balance": 200}
String encryptedPrimary = "BxROBBxG/SesEslIqX7Kz3PVXBKOWuPYh4iDJjLxwys=";
String encryptedModified = encryptedPrimary.replace("3PVXBKOWuPYh4iDJjLxwys=", "xWjHN49c/6nDx7fRKIzsAU=");
//result - {"id": 12345, "balance": 900}
String msg = decryptService.decrypt(encryptedModified);
assertEquals("{\"id\": 12345, \"balance\": 900}", msg);