As the name suggests echo container, is light weight container which can be used for testing while writing helm charts or if you want to just play with docker. My initial idea while developing this was, I wanted something which I can use to test my health checks, readiness probe, liveness probe while writing helm charts.
With the same idea i build out this service. Below are the API References, to quickly get started with your development.
Brownie ;) Wanna test it in k8s and bored of writing helm chart ? Head over to below repo and get the helm chart for this container.
Working of code is quite straight forward, and all endpoints work on GET request. There is one flag named ready
inside the app
which is used to know if the code is maintenance or not. The flag is controlled by different endpoints documented
When App is in maintenance
below endpoints will fail:
App can be added in maintenance using the endpoint /setm
documented below.
App will automatically, recover after 220 seconds, if not removed from maintenance before that.
App can be configured using few of Env Variables :
- SLEEP_TIME : If time for automatic recovery need to change it can be changed by passing
in seconds.Default: 200
docker run -p 8080:8080 -e SLEEP_TIME=100 --name echo_svc echo_containe
ECHO_PORT : If port for the app needs to be changed.
Default: 8080
ECHO_DEBUG : If app debug mode needs to be changed, Supports boolean.
Default: True
You can pull the docker container from docker hub using :
docker pull rushib47/echo-container
OR Container can be built using
docker built -t echo_container .
Run the container which we just built
docker run -p 8080:8080 --name echo_svc echo_container
Method | Return Status Code | Description |
GET | 200 | Return 200 when app is not in maintenance mode |
GET | 503 | Return 503 when app is in maintenance mode |
Method | Return Status Code | Description |
GET | 200 | Return 200 and output of command : hostname -I |
Method | Return Status Code | Description |
GET | 200 | Return 200 if app is not in maintenance mode |
GET | 503 | Return 503 if app is in maintenance mode |
Method | Return Status Code | Description |
GET | 200 | Return 200 when app is not in maintenance mode |
GET | 503 | Return 503 when app is in maintenance mode |
Method | Return Status Code | Description |
GET | 200 | Return 200 and set app in maintenance mode |
Method | Return Status Code | Description |
GET | 200 | Return 200 and remove app from maintenance mode |