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Ionic 4 project template

This project will evolve as Angular and Ionic evolve, but for now it's a good scaffolding for dev, test and production environments with a Jest unit test environment, a base class for HTTP requests, a custom loading spinner (just add your animated GIF to assets/img/loadingicon.gif), dynamic versioning (plus a component!), a cross-platform status bar, a custom toast controller, an HTML5 storage provider, some pipes, useful libraries, platform configurations and more!


Set up NPM

  1. Install Node and NPM per your OS.

Install Node Version Manager

  1. Install nvm curl -o- | bash
  2. Install avn npm install -g avn avn-nvm avn-n and then avn setup
  3. Use nvm to install node 13.3.0 nvm install 13.3.0
  4. Update npm to 6.13.4 npm install npm@6.13.4
  5. If wanted, set your default node version to 13.3.0 via nvm alias default 13.3.0

Ionic & Cordova Dev Usage

  • Since we may be bouncing between versions of Ionic & Cordova, we're not installing these globally. They're in the package.json file.
  • Update your PATH to include ./node_modules/bin (export PATH=./node_modules/.bin:$PATH).
  • Be sure Ionic and Cordova are not installed globally.

Install Dependencies

  • From the root of project folder, type: npm install
  • For iOS:
    1. You will need to have XCode installed to be able to publish the app to the Apple Store.
    2. Install ios-deploy npm install -g ios-deploy
    3. Install ios-sim npm install -g ios-sim
  • For Android: See "Configuring the project for Android," below.

Configure the Project in Xcode

We have a hook to do this, so manual configuration isn't necessary. However, for reference, here are the changes the hook makes:

  • Selects a development team. (You may still have to do this depending on your config.)
  • Turns on App Groups and Keychain Sharing in the Xcode Capabilities tab.
  • Changes the bundle ID to com.<your-company>.<your-project>-<env>

Configure the Project for Android

  1. Install the JDK. This is currently tested through jdk1.8.0_172 as of 12/18/2017 Android does not yet support Java 9.
  2. Install Android Studio.
  3. Make sure your environment variables are set up. Open your .bash_profile file (located in your home directory) and add the following:
# Java
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_172.jdk/Contents/Home
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin

# Android
export ANDROID_HOME=~/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools

# Gradle
export export GRADLE_USER_HOME=/Applications/Android
  1. Launch Android Studio, choose Tools > Android > SDK Manager, and download one or more SDK platforms (for example, Android 7.1.1 (Nougat)). Note the path to the Android SDK Location on your computer (e.g., /Users/jdoe/Library/Android/sdk).
  2. In the same window, click the SDK Tools tab and install Android Support Repository, Google Play Services, Google Repository, and Google Play APK Expansion library.
  3. If you want to test in an emulator, choose Tools > Android > AVD Manager and create one or more virtual devices.

Install Plugins & Platforms

  • From the root of the project folder, type:
    1. npm run add-md-dev or npm run add-md-prod
    2. npm run add-ios-dev or npm run add-ios-prod

Building the Project

To build the project, type one of the following commands:

npm run build-ios-test // iOS
npm run build-ios-dev // iOS
npm run build-ios-prod // iOS
npm run build-md-test // Android
npm run build-md-dev // Android
npm run build-md-prod // Android

Running the Project

  • To run the project in a browser, type: npm start.
  • To run the project in Xcode, build the project (see above), open the .xcworkspace file in <proj-root>/platforms/ios/ into Xcode and then choose Product > Run.
  • To run the project on an Android device or simulator, type: npm run run-md-dev or npm run run-md-test.

Dev Landing Page

  • You can use the src/app/dev-landing-page/get-page.ts file to force the app to load a particular page in the dev environment. This can be useful for development and troubleshooting.
  • The get-page.ts file is ignored by git. A local copy is created when you run npm start. To make it load a particular page, uncomment the body of the default method and enter the page name (as a string) there.

Test and Coverage with Jest

  • If not installed already, run brew install watchman (mac only)
  • The first time running tests, make sure you have no javascript files in your project that are compiled from typescript.
  • To run all the tests once, use npm run test
  • To run and watch tests (this will re-run tests automatically when files change), use npm test-watch
  • During the watch, there is a runtime option for specifying a file (or pattern). Type p and start typing your file name.
  • Coverage percentages can be seen by viewing coverage/lcov-report/index.html.
  • Any mocks that you need that have the potential of being used by multiple test files, should go into src/mocks.ts
  • Any services that are found to be needed for the majority of components, can be added one time in the file src/test-base.ts in the configureAngularTestingModule method in the mockProviders array created inside the method.

Troubleshooting Android

If you get an Error: spawn EACCES error running or building the android version, your gradle executable may not have executable permissions.

  1. Go to /Applications/Android and check the gradle file. Add executable permissions (chmod 755 gradle) if it does not have them.

Troubleshooting iOS

If you encounter the "White Screen of Death," try the following steps. Rebuild the app (npm run build-whatever) after each step to see if the problem is fixed.

  1. Run npm install.
  2. Delete the app from the device or simulator.
  3. In the Xcode Capabilities tab, make sure App Groups and Keychain Sharing are turned on, and verify that the bundle ID is set to one that works with your downloaded certificate profile.
  4. In Xcode, hold down the Option key and choose Product > Clean Build Folder.
  5. Delete the contents of the following folders:
  • <project-root>/www
  • <project-root>/platforms/ios/www
  1. If you are running the app in iOS Simulator, choose Simulator > Reset Content and Settings.

If none of the above work, rebuild the Xcode project:

  1. Delete the contents of the <project-root>/platforms folder.
  2. Run npm run add-ios-dev, npm run add-ios-test, or npm run add-ios-prod
  3. Build your project as before

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