This is the boilerplate code that allows you to quickly setup a blog that looks like the RustLang blog. It can easily be run on GitHub pages.
This project has been forked from the awesome GitHub repo of the RustLang blog.
- Fork the repository to your own github account
- Clone your forked repository
- Edit the _config.yml file to add your own information
- Create a blog post in the _posts directory (or edit the example blog post)
- Add your files, commit and push so your modifications are saved on
- Setup github pages
- Send me a link to your blog and your first article, I'd love to read it ! :)
A deeper guide on how to setup a jekyll blog can be found here. I'll probably create one too if it helps.
The theme and layout can be found under /_includes
, /_layouts
, /_sass
, and /css
The favicon is here.
The Rust Programming Language Blog is primarily distributed under the terms of CC-BY 4.0. So is this boilerplate.
See LICENSE for details.
Any project I create and I take part of respects the Rust Code of Conduct.
If there is any issue send me a message and I will make sure the code is respected.
Happy blogging and happy coding ! :)