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A poor man's secret stealer for RSA


Can you derive a Private Key from it's corresponding [ short ] Public Key, with RSA?

The answer is "yes".


git clone the repo. Open XCode and the Project File.

Populate the plist file with the values required. Run the program. This will reveal the Secret Message.

Below is an example of a 60-bit Public Key and an encrypted message. In just over 6 minutes - on an old macOS machine - you could derive the Private Key and decrypt the Secret Message.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">


The code in this repository builds into a macOS command line application.

The application takes a short Public Key ( < 120 bits ) and a Secret Message. The Secret Message is Ciphertext. It was generated by encrypting some plaintext with an RSA Public Key.

First, the program attempts to derive the two Prime Numbers that were factors of the Modulus.

These primes can be long so it can take a long time. Indeed, this is a computationally expensive operation, if the Modulus is large.

The cost of Factorizing limits the program. This is how RSA resists against engineers who attempt to brute force a Private Key from it's counterpart Public Key.

How hard is factoring for a computer? A great video on this topic.

If the program can successfully derive these Primes ( referred to as P and Q ) it will continue. It eventually derives the Private Key.

The Private Key is the piece of the puzzle required to decrypt the Secret Message.

History of repo

The program was written to answer the questions from Prof Bill Buchanan OBE.

Like Bill's article, this repo was for academic interest. It would never work against a real RSA implementation [ unless the person who implemented the keys used crazily short keys ].

The challenge used tiny numbers compared to real-world RSA implementations. This challenge used 60 - 120 bit Primes. Where standards organizations (NIST et al ) disallowed anything less than 2048 bit number (Modulus) and 1,024 bit prime numbers.

That isn't to say somebody hasn't attempted the same thing on a large scale with lots of hardware and optimized code. Even 2048 bit Public Keys will be end-of-life within ten years:

RSA claimed that 1024-bit keys were likely to become crackable some time between 2006 and 2010 and that 2048-bit keys are sufficient until 2030.[15] NIST recommends 2048-bit keys for RSA.


Below was a challenge from the article:

Encryption Parameters of a RSA Public key
e: (Exponent)                     65537
𝑁: (Modulus)                     1034776851837418228051242693253376923
𝑝:                                 < unknown Prime Number >
π‘ž:                                 < unknown Prime Number >
Length of Modulus:                60 bits
Encrypted secret:                 582984697800119976959378162843817868

Structure of code

The first piece of code calculates factors of N. The factors must only be Prime Numbers. The found numbers were referred to as 𝑝 and π‘ž and were to be kept secret. 𝑁 was not a secret and it was part of the Public Key.

After factorizing other steps were required:

Step to find Private Key Expressed as
Factorization 𝑝,π‘ž primes, 𝑛=π‘π‘ž
Euler's Totient function (PHI) 𝑑 relatively prime to πœ‘(𝑛)=(π‘βˆ’1)(π‘žβˆ’1)
Extended Euclidean algorithm (GCD) 𝑒 was 𝑒𝑑(modπœ‘(𝑛))=1 or ed =1(modπœ‘(𝑛))

Goal 1: Read and factorize N

My first goal was to take a long, user entered number (N). Eventually my code would handle the challenge N value of 1034776851837418228051242693253376923.

Sounds easy? Defintely not; this is a Time Complex problem.

Design steps

Assumptions about the number N

  • Not a negative
  • Not even [as this implies a non-prime input (100 = 5 * 20)
  • Not a prime number
  • A "good" N was made of two Primes.


My original idea was to write super simple code that enforced:

  • N was not even
  • Only odd numbers
  • Only numbers less than less than N / 2
  • Any found odd number was a prime
  • divide N / found odd number was a zero remainder
  • discount 1 and 2

My code was the same as thousands of other StackOverflow readers. This was cynically (and probably fairly) labelled the the Naive Trial Division Algorithm by people who understood the Math Theory behind the problem.

Result 1

βœ… [3, 11] = 33       // find both prime factors but not 1 or 2
βœ… [3, 13] = 39       // same as previous
πŸ”Έ [3,9] = 27         // wrong. My code should have removed 9
πŸ”Έ [5, 20] = 100      // wrong. My code should have rejected n = 100

Original code setup

I wrote a mix of C and Objective-C code. I preferred Objective-C as existing Apple Classes helped my basic requirements:

  • Know when my code completed [ NSNotificationCenter ]
  • kill my app if it took too long [ Run-Loop set to 20 mins ]
  • Keep the U.I. refreshing [ background threading ]

I set a kill timer to 20 minutes. This was my fail-safe for N values that were too large. I ran the find factors code on a background thread, to avoid blocking the UI thread. I added an Observer to check whether the code to find factors of a large number finished.

On my first attempts to code this solution, I did not use third party libraries. That was a mistake.

Results 2: Bugs everywhere 🐜 🐜 🐜

Status Number (N) Primes
βœ… 3000009 3 * 1000003
βœ… 101003333 101 * 1000033
🐜 7919261327 7919 * 1000033
🐜 17746761831 3 * 5915587277

A crazy value was returned shown when I tried to find the factors of 7919261327. Why? Almost 8 billion. I had the common sense to check the limits of C Types.

I had the common sense to pick the Unsigned Long Long. Any variable of that type could store a positive value up to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. That is 18 billion billion. 20 characters.

Well, I made several errors with the same root cause. I had used int and unsigned long long C Types interchangeably. For your amusement, my bugs were the following:

BUG 1: int val = atoi(str);
// return type was `int`

BUG 2: for(int i = floor_limit; i <= upper_limit; i += 2)
// `i` was set to `int` when it was going to increment beyond the max integer

BUG 3: printf ("[+]%d is a factor \n", i);
// I told `printf` the input was an `int` when I sent it huge `unsigned long long` values
// this was one of those compiler warnings you just skipped over...

Results 3: harder bugs 🐜

I purged my code of int types. I sped up my search loop by removing stupid code.

Status Number (N) Primes found Time taken
βœ… 505371799 16127 * 31337 1 second
βœ… 7919261327 7919 * 1000033 19 seconds
🐜 10175656859 100033 * 101723 This was a mistake! 100033 was not a Prime.
βœ… 17746761831 3 * 5915587277 72 seconds
🐜 8069212743871 2840261 * 2841011 (7) Found factors but timed out.
🐜 100001880003211 10000019 * 10000169 (8) Found factors but timed out.

Why was 8069212743871 not able to finish ?

In 20 minutes, my computer running was able to check N values of up to ~220 billion. Give or take a billion. This was a long way off the (8 trillion / 2) I asked for it to check. Let say the crude calculation was:

(8 trillion / 2) == upper_limit (4 trill)
4 trill / 220 bill == 18.1
20 minutes * 18.1 = 362 minutes
362 = 6 hours

Result 4: Hitting the limits

I set my kill timer to 10 hours, while I slept. My crude calculation was accurate enough.

Status Number (N) Primes Time taken
🐝 8069212743871 2840261 * 2841011 5 hours.

Results 6: Choosing P and Q

I assumed when 𝑝 and π‘ž were prime, 𝑁 would have only two factors. I wanted to verify this and test something I missed on the Key Generation for RSA.

p and q should be chosen at random, and should be similar in magnitude but differ in length by a few digits to make factoring harder.

Primes here:

Status Number (N) Primes found Time taken
βœ… 505371799 16127 * 31337 1 second
βœ… 57564127333 869273 * 66221 140 seconds
βœ… 33726446021 341233 * 98837 82 seconds
βœ… 25125434821 1180873 * 21277 62 seconds

Things looked up.

When I started this project, I didn't know this. I picked Primes that were "close together". That led me to write this code:

unsigned long long upper_limit = n / 2;

This caused bugs with some numbers where you had widely different primes 10185829159 = 11 * 925984469. I could fix it.

unsigned long long upper_limit = n;

But that hurt performance. See the following difference:

Status| Number (N) | Bits | Primes found | Time taken

βœ…| 112740085193 | 37 | 86771 * 1299283 | 522 seconds. βœ…| 112740085193 | 37 | 86771 * 1299283 | 264 seconds.


Failings of the Naive Trial Division Algorithm

In summary, on small values my initial code worked well. Most code from StackOverflow was the same. When you grew the size of n the Factorization sent your machine into warp speed and a problem that could not be solved in reasonable time.

That said, the Naive Trial Division Algorithm does work if the Public Key's Modulus (n) is "short". By short, my proof is 35-39 bit numbers were solved in minutes by my code: For example,

🐝 Factorizing 85828944079
🐝 Binary 1001111111011110011011100000011001111 (37 bits)
🐝 Factors: (
🐝 Finished in: 196.60 seconds

It took 5 hours to search all odd numbers when the loop's upper limit was set to 4 trillions (43 bits). But a number that was over 100 trillion (47 bits) I estimated 3 days to finish.

Computing Power

This code could never work against a real world RSA implementation. The Naive Trial Division Algorithm had no chance of dealing with a 60 bit primes. Crudely illustrated as follows:

My computer could do 4 trillion in 5 hours
18 quintillion \ 4 trillion == 4.5 million
4.5 million * 5 hours = 2,500 years

2,500 years to exhaust a single 60 bit prime?


I searched for more efficient ways to Factorize a large number. The following article changed my approach:

You could use the Birthday Paradox to give you an efficient, probabilistic method to achieve the same. probabilistic, huh? The code could fail. But it could work the next time you ran the code.

Step forward the C library called GMP . I also considered openSSL but - after some later trial and error - I realized gmp could achieve everything I wanted.

Results 6: Pollard Rho

Even with no optimization and memory bugs, Pollard Rho's algorithm unlocked massive improvements:

Status Number (N) Primes found Time taken
βœ… 8069212743871 2840261 * 2841011 8069212743871. Instant. Took 5 hours with the Naive factoring.
❌ 464583729100140631 982451653 * 472882027 Not found. sucked 300MB before completing 20k cycles!
❌ 1034776....253376923 < unknown > Not found. Sucked up a 3MB every second of RAM. Got to 2.7GB used!

Results 7: Pollard Rho

Re-using a tidier algorithm, I was able to factorize the challenge n.

Status Number (N) Primes found Time taken
βœ… 4657259 443 * 10513 0.008 seconds
βœ… 505371799 16127 * 31337 0.008 seconds
βœ… 57564127333 869273 * 66221 0.009 seconds
βœ… 8069212743871 2840261 * 2841011 8069212743871. Took 5 hours with the Naive factoring.
βœ… 4728829254758513 10000019 * 472882027 0.010 seconds
βœ… 464583729100140631 982451653 * 472882027 0.243 seconds
βœ… 1034776851837418228051242693253376923 1086027579223696553 * 952809000096560291 6 minutes 21 seconds
βœ… 1642061677267048469007620094567254201801 36413321723440003717 * 45095080578985454453 42 seconds

Euler's totient function

Number (N) Primes
7919261327 7919 * 1000033

As we know the above numbers were prime, this step is simple.


Greatest Common Denominator (GCD) / Modular multiplicative inverse

So you need e [ Exponent ] for this step. Remember e is a Public value readable inside the Public Key.

Use the Extended Euclidean Algorithm to compute a modular multiplicative inverse.

Inverse of  65537  mod  7918253376

This is where my knowledge is thin. Apparently you can't just calculate Ο†(n). You need to do πœ‘(𝑛)=(π‘βˆ’1)(π‘žβˆ’1).

gcd(e, Ο†(n)) = 1
e = Exponent. Pre-selected, and public information.
gcd(65537, 7918253376) = 1

these steps, the app had derived the Private Key. The Private Key could decrypt the ciphertext (above) into plaintext.

Miller–Rabin primality test

This already had the primality test code. This was a probabilistic primality test. Hence, the code had a watchdog to catch when the code could not determine an answer.

/*     printing of result ( reps ) in the form of                    */
/* reps = 2          if n is definitely prime                        */
/* reps = 1          if n is probably prime (without being certain)  */
/* reps = 0          if n is definitly composite. There should be it.*/

I also read that Reasonable values of reps are between 15 and 50. on


Challenge 1A: 60 bit Primes

🐝 Started	15:53:25
🐝 n:1034776851837418228051242693253376923 (120 bits)
🐝 Exponent:65537
🐝 Ciphertext:582984697800119976959378162843817868
🐝 P:952809000096560291 (60 bits)
🐝 Q:1086027579223696553 (60 bits)
🐝 Finished at loop: 28 k values: 268435456
🐝 PHI:1034776851837418226012406113933120080
🐝 Decryption Key:568411228254986589811047501435713
🐝 Plaintext:345
🐝 6 minutes, 16 seconds

Challenge 1B: 60 bit Primes

🐝 Started	06:48:55
🐝 n:       498702132445864856509611776937010471 (119 bits)
🐝 Exponent: 65537
🐝 Ciphertext: 96708304500902540927682601709667939
🐝 P:640224252335299439 (60 bits)
🐝 Q:778949142627423689 (60 bits)
🐝 Finished at loop: 31 k values: -2147483648       // notice the bug here?
🐝 PHI:498702132445864855090438381974287344
🐝 Decryption Key:385107896622560911412972764596132081
🐝 Plaintext:638
🐝 1 hour, 0 minutes, 27 seconds

Challenge 1C: 60 bit Primes

🐝 Started   	20:44:11
🐝 Kill timer	12 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
🐝 n:911844725340031776516886332975892441 (120 bits)
🐝 Exponent:65537
🐝 Ciphertext:801127314512167104045686292190207406
🐝 P:878638229491672919 (60 bits)
🐝 Q:1037793137987599439 (60 bits)
🐝 Finished at loop: 34 k values: 17179869184
🐝 PHI:911844725340031774600454965496620084
🐝 Decryption Key:778860122981058618953550948525799101
🐝 Plaintext:1497
🐝 10 hours, 47 minutes, 37 seconds

Challenge 2: 80 bit Primes

🐝 Started	    18:18:11
🐝 Kill timer   8 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
🐝 n:1157170973102575683016736411062049761643292045397 (160 bits)
🐝 Exponent:65537
🐝 Ciphertext:398616441584847118291875619819339172891325623639
🐝 P:1133129089862698274158927 (80 bits)
🐝 Q:1021217250051175170083611 (80 bits)
🐝 Finished at loop: 32 k values: 0
🐝 PHI:1157170973102575683016734256715709847769847802860
🐝 Decryption Key:383045716015186488050491065584183124609290602793
🐝 Plaintext:427
🐝 4 hours, 40 minutes, 12 seconds

Challenge 3: 128 bit Primes

🐝 Started   	07:50:38
🐝 Kill timer	24 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
🐝 n:49141939931137261116843775362783398673931258031923895283286320973486872970729 (255 bits)
🐝 Exponent:65537
🐝 Ciphertext:14199123787046830048066972290052136769415356824981695836360604590953658335413

GMP References

C References

Key Length References
