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rvan-dev edited this page Jun 24, 2024 · 4 revisions

Linux commands / tipps and tricks / neat stuff will soon follow here

Bash Keybinds

Action Command Note
Move cursor to start of line Ctrl+a -
Move cursor to end of line Ctrl+e -
Move cursor forward one character Ctrl+f -
Move cursor back one character Ctrl+b -
Move cursor forward one word Alt+f Works only with left Alt
Move cursor back one word Alt+b -
Delete current character Ctrl+d -
Delete character left of cursor Ctrl+h -
Delete word left of cursor Ctrl+w -
Delete everything right of cursor Ctrl+k -
Delete everything left of cursor Ctrl+u -
Clear screen Ctrl+l -
Cancel command Ctrl+c -
Undo Ctrl+_ bash only
Search history Ctrl+r Put #important after a command to find it more easily later on Everything after the # will not be interpreted as a command or argument
Cancel search Ctrl+g  


There are to modis in VIM 1 is the insert mode and the other is the command mode By pressing "i" you change into insert mode, here you can edit like with every other text editor like nano for example.
By pressing ESC you get out of insert mode and get back into command mode, here you can run all the commands available in vim, I have put together some of the most important ones down below

:w Write / saves the changed
:q Quits / closes the editor
:wq Save and close
:q! Close and discard changes
dd Delete Line
dg Deletes from pointer to end of line
dw Deletes the word that the pointer is at
U Undos the last changes
STRG+R Undos the last undo
:earlier 1m Jump back 1 minute in the document history
gg Goes to the top of the file
YY Copys the current line into the buffer
p Paste the copy one line under the line the pointer is at
P Paste the copy one line above the current pointer position
0 Jump to the end of the line
$ Jump to the start of the line
g Jump to the end of the file
/ Search function
n Jump to the next element of the search
N Jump to the previous element of the search
:%s/original/replacement Search and replace=> in this example the word original gets replaced with replacement
:%s/original/replacement/g Search and replace every instance in the document
:%s/original/replacement/gc Search and replace every instance but only after confirmation
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