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LiDAR‐Camera Calibration

Emanuele Giacomini edited this page Apr 17, 2024 · 4 revisions

The procedure to calibrate LiDAR and cameras differs substantially from the typical camera-camera one.

Here, we're interested in observing the calibration pattern at different orientations to the LiDAR-Camera setup, so try acquiring measurements by tilting and pitching the target in different directions.

The minimum number of measurements to run the calibration is 3, assuming almost 90 degrees difference between every pair. Our experiments prove that, on average, the extrinsic's accuracy increases with the number of measurements, so try sampling 10-15 different views to ensure a good convergence.

N.B: While for RGB cameras, global shutter allows for single-instant acquisition of the whole image plane, LiDARs suffer from rolling shutter effects. Keep the target still during the acquisitions to improve the estimation accuracy.

The details to run the LiDAR-RGB calibration are provided in Usage

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