This repository is used to create an webapplication in the context of disaster management within a seminar at the Institute of Geoinformatics in Münster - Germany.
- André: AxisStarstreamer
- Andreas: aohrem
- Daniel Carlos: dalabarda
- Daniel S: Schumi09
- Dominik: schlomm
- Fabian: froehr
- Markus: MarkusKonk
- nourhan: nourhan25
- Ragnar: rw2013
- Yasmine: YasmineMegahed87
- Scrum Master: Dominik
- Backlog Master: Ragnar
Overall goals:
- Sprint backlog: Check Sprint Backlog for detailed Tasks, Task-Assignments and User Stories
- Deliverables:
- System mockup
- Design principles
- Documentation of decisions (Check Sprint Backlog)
- Social Media Integration - Descision, which Social Media we want to use.
- First version of map view and UI, with basic functionalities.
- Established database system and schema
- Server (Webserver, Testing….)
- Responsibilities: Check Sprint Backlog