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Domoticz Plugin for the homematicIP Radiator Thermostats HmIP-eTRV-B & HmIP-eTRV-2


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Domoticz Plugin homematicIP Radiator Thermostat (HmIP-eTRV-B & HmIP-eTRV-2)

Version see Changelog.


Control, via Domoticz Homeautomation System, the homematicIP Radiator Thermostats HmIP-eTRV-B & HmIP-eTRV-2 connected to a RaspberryMatic CCU:

  • set the temperature setpoint (SET_POINT_TEMPERATURE)
  • get the room temperature (ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE)
  • get the low battery status (LOW_BAT)
  • get the valve position (LEVEL)
  • set the profile (ACTIVE_PROFILE)

Abbreviations: GUI=Domoticz Web UI, CCU=HomeMatic Central-Control-Unit


A Domoticz Hardware Plugin, developed with the Domoticz Python Framework, interfacing with RaspberryMatic to control the homematicIP devices.

The RaspberryMatic operating system runs a "HomeMatic Central-Control-Unit (CCU)".

The CCU has the additional mandatory software XML-API CCU Addon installed. The communication between Domoticz and the CCU is by sending a HTTP XML-API request and handle the HTTP XML response.

This plugin creates the Domoticz Devices (Type,SubType):

  • Setpoint (Thermostat,Setpoint)
  • Temperature (Temp,LaCrosse TX3)
  • Battery (General,Alert)
  • Valve (General,Percentage)
  • Profile (Light/Switch,Switch,Selector)








  • Raspberry Pi 3B+ (RaspberryMatic System)
  • homematicIP Radiator Thermostats HmIP-eTRV-B and HmIP-eTRV-2


Versions for developing & using this plugin.

  • Raspberry Pi Raspian 4.19.42-v7+ #1219
  • RaspberryMatic info
  • XML-API CCU Addon 1.20 info
  • Python 3.5.3
  • Python module ElementTree


The RaspberryMatic system has been setup according these guidelines.

The XML-API CCU Addon is required and installed via the HomeMatic WebUI > Settings > Control panel > Additional software (see previous URL).

Python Module ElementTree

The Python Module ElementTree XML API is used to parse the XML-API response. This module is part of the standard package and provides limited support for XPath expressions for locating elements in a tree.

Hint (Optional) For full XPath support install the module ElementPath from the terminal command-line for Python 2.x and 3.x via pip:

sudo pip install elementpath
sudo pip3 install elementpath

Plugin Folder and File

Each plugin requires a dedicated subfolder in the Domoticz plugins folder, which contains the plugin file

mkdir /home/pi/domoticz/plugins/hmip-etrv

Copy the file to this folder.

Restart Domoticz

After adding the plugin, Domotcicz requires a restart to recognize the new hardware.

sudo service restart

Check the Domoticz log (GUI > Setup > Log) if the plugin is working ok.

Development Setup

Development PC:

  • A shared drive Z: pointing to /home/pi/domoticz
  • GUI > Setup > Log
  • GUI > Setup > Hardware
  • GUI > Setup > Devices
  • WinSCP session connected to the Domoticz server (upload files)
  • Putty session connected to the Domoticz server (restarting Domoticz during development)

The various GUI's are required to add the new hardware with its devices and monitor if the plugin code is running without errors.

Development Iteration

The development process step used are:

  1. Develop z:\plugins\hmip-etrv\
  2. Make changes and save
  3. Restart Domoticz from a terminal: sudo service restart
  4. Wait a moment and refresh the GUI > Setup > Log
  5. Check the log and apply fixes as required

!IMPORTANT! In the GUI > Setup > Settings, enable accepting new hardware. This is required to add new devices created by the plugin.

Hint For the development of a Python plugin, take (as a starter) the template from here .


To communicate between the CCU and Domoticz v.v., the ise_id for a device, channel and datapoint is used (the id solution). Another option could be to use the name (i.e. name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.SET_POINT_TEMPERATURE") but this requires to obtain the full device state list for every action. Tested the name solution, but the communication was rather slow and not the full HTTP response was loaded. The id solution is much faster and also more flexible in defining and obtaning information for a device, channel and datapoint.

Device Datapoint ID

Steps to obtain the device datapoint id to be able to set or get data. The device datapoint id will be used in the plugin general parameter Mode1.

Get Device Channels

Get the device channel or name from the HomeMatic WebUI > Status and control > Devices > select name. Example default name=HMIP-eTRV-2 000A18A9A64DAC or renamed=Thermostat MakeLab Select channel 000A18A9A64DAC:1 (get this from the HomeMatic WebUI or via XML-API statelist request http://ccu-ip-address/addons/xmlapi/statelist.cgi )

Get All Devices Statelist

Submit in a webbrowser the HTTP URL XMLAPI request:


The HTTP response is an XML string with the state list for all devices used (can be rather large depending number of devices connected).

Get Device ID

From the HTTP XML-API response, search for the device name and otain the device id, i.e. 1541.

Get Device Datapoints

HTTP XML-API request URL using the state script and device id (ise_id) as parameter.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<device config_pending="false" unreach="false" ise_id="1541" name="Thermostat MakeLab">
<channel ise_id="1542" name="Thermostat MakeLab:0">
<datapoint ise_id="1543" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:0.CONFIG_PENDING" timestamp="1576315780" valueunit="" valuetype="2" value="false" type="CONFIG_PENDING"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1547" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:0.DUTY_CYCLE" timestamp="1576315780" valueunit="" valuetype="2" value="false" type="DUTY_CYCLE"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1549" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:0.LOW_BAT" timestamp="1576315780" valueunit="" valuetype="2" value="false" type="LOW_BAT"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1553" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:0.OPERATING_VOLTAGE" timestamp="1576315780" valueunit="" valuetype="4" value="2.800000" type="OPERATING_VOLTAGE"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1554" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:0.OPERATING_VOLTAGE_STATUS" timestamp="1576315780" valueunit="" valuetype="16" value="0" type="OPERATING_VOLTAGE_STATUS"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1555" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:0.RSSI_DEVICE" timestamp="1576315780" valueunit="" valuetype="8" value="187" type="RSSI_DEVICE"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1556" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:0.RSSI_PEER" timestamp="1576262222" valueunit="" valuetype="8" value="187" type="RSSI_PEER"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1557" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:0.UNREACH" timestamp="1576315780" valueunit="" valuetype="2" value="false" type="UNREACH"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1561" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:0.UPDATE_PENDING" timestamp="1575413140" valueunit="" valuetype="2" value="false" type="UPDATE_PENDING"/>
<channel ise_id="1565" name="HmIP-eTRV-2 000A18A9A64DAC:1">
<datapoint ise_id="1566" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.ACTIVE_PROFILE" timestamp="1576315780" valueunit="" valuetype="16" value="1" type="ACTIVE_PROFILE"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1567" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE" timestamp="1576315780" valueunit="" valuetype="4" value="21.100000" type="ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1568" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE_STATUS" timestamp="1576315780" valueunit="" valuetype="16" value="0" type="ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE_STATUS"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1569" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.BOOST_MODE" timestamp="1576315780" valueunit="" valuetype="2" value="false" type="BOOST_MODE"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1570" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.BOOST_TIME" timestamp="1576315780" valueunit="" valuetype="16" value="0" type="BOOST_TIME"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1571" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.CONTROL_DIFFERENTIAL_TEMPERATURE" timestamp="0" valueunit="" valuetype="4" value="" type="CONTROL_DIFFERENTIAL_TEMPERATURE"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1572" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.CONTROL_MODE" timestamp="0" valueunit="" valuetype="16" value="" type="CONTROL_MODE"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1573" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.DURATION_UNIT" timestamp="0" valueunit="" valuetype="16" value="" type="DURATION_UNIT"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1574" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.DURATION_VALUE" timestamp="0" valueunit="" valuetype="16" value="" type="DURATION_VALUE"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1575" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.FROST_PROTECTION" timestamp="1576315780" valueunit="" valuetype="2" value="false" type="FROST_PROTECTION"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1576" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.LEVEL" timestamp="1576315780" valueunit="" valuetype="4" value="0.150000" type="LEVEL"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1577" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.LEVEL_STATUS" timestamp="1576315780" valueunit="" valuetype="16" value="0" type="LEVEL_STATUS"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1578" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.PARTY_MODE" timestamp="1576315780" valueunit="" valuetype="2" value="false" type="PARTY_MODE"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1579" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.PARTY_SET_POINT_TEMPERATURE" timestamp="0" valueunit="" valuetype="4" value="0.000000" type="PARTY_SET_POINT_TEMPERATURE"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1580" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.PARTY_TIME_END" timestamp="0" valueunit="" valuetype="20" value="" type="PARTY_TIME_END"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1581" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.PARTY_TIME_START" timestamp="0" valueunit="" valuetype="20" value="" type="PARTY_TIME_START"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1582" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.QUICK_VETO_TIME" timestamp="1576315780" valueunit="" valuetype="16" value="0" type="QUICK_VETO_TIME"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1583" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.SET_POINT_MODE" timestamp="1576315780" valueunit="" valuetype="16" value="1" type="SET_POINT_MODE"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1584" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.SET_POINT_TEMPERATURE" timestamp="1576315780" valueunit="°C" valuetype="4" value="20.000000" type="SET_POINT_TEMPERATURE"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1585" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.SWITCH_POINT_OCCURED" timestamp="1576315780" valueunit="" valuetype="2" value="false" type="SWITCH_POINT_OCCURED"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1586" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.VALVE_ADAPTION" timestamp="0" valueunit="" valuetype="2" value="false" type="VALVE_ADAPTION"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1587" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.VALVE_STATE" timestamp="1576315780" valueunit="" valuetype="16" value="4" type="VALVE_STATE"/>
<datapoint ise_id="1588" name="HmIP-RF.000A18A9A64DAC:1.WINDOW_STATE" timestamp="1576315780" valueunit="" valuetype="16" value="0" type="WINDOW_STATE"/>
<channel ise_id="1589" name="HmIP-eTRV-2 000A18A9A64DAC:2"/>
<channel ise_id="1590" name="HmIP-eTRV-2 000A18A9A64DAC:3"/>
<channel ise_id="1591" name="HmIP-eTRV-2 000A18A9A64DAC:4"/>
<channel ise_id="1592" name="HmIP-eTRV-2 000A18A9A64DAC:5"/>
<channel ise_id="1593" name="HmIP-eTRV-2 000A18A9A64DAC:6"/>
<channel ise_id="1594" name="HmIP-eTRV-2 000A18A9A64DAC:7"/>

Datapoints Get the datapoint IDs required for the plugin:

  • LOW_BAT, id=1549 - used to check low battery state via alert level=1(green) or 4(red) and sent notification if alert level 4.
  • ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE, id=1567 - used to get the room temperature.
  • SET_POINT_TEMPERATURE, id=1584 - used to change the setpoint via Domoticz Thermostat device.
  • LEVEL, id=1576 - used to show the valve position 0 - 100%.
  • ACTIVE_PROFILE, id=1566 - used to select the profile 1=winter (Domoticz selector switch level=10),2=summer (level=20). These datapoint id's will be used in the plugin general parameter Mode2.

Test Changing Setpoint

Test changing the setpoint of the datapoint 1584, via webbrowser HTTP URL XML-API request using the statechange.cgi script with the datapoint id and new value. Change setpoint to 20 C: HTTP XML-API Request



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<result><changed id="1584" new_value="20"/></result>

To switch the thermostat OFF, set the new value to 0:


Check the HomeMatic WebUI if the state of the channel has changed as well.

Test Changing Profile

Text changing the profile of the datapoint 1566, via webbrowser HTTP URL XML-API request using the statechange.cgi script with the datapoint id and new value. Change profile to 2: HTTP XML-API Request



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<result> <changed id="1566" new_value="2"/></result>

Domoticz Devices

The Domoticz homematicIP Radiator Thermostat devices created are Hardware - Name (Type,SubType). Example for new Domoticz hardware named "Thermostat MakeLab":

  • Thermostat MakeLab - Setpoint (Thermostat, SetPoint)
  • Thermostat MakeLab - Temperature (Temp, LaCrosse TX3)
  • Thermostat MakeLab - Battery (General, Alert)
  • Thermostat MakeLab - Level (General, Percentage)
  • Thermostat MakeLab - Profile (Light/Switch,Switch,Selector)

Plugin Pseudo Code

Source code (well documented): INIT

  • set self vars to handle http connection, heartbeat count, datapoints list, switch state, set task


  • onStart to create the Domoticz Devices


  • onHeardbeat
    • create ip connection http with the raspberrymatic
  • onConnect
    • depending task, define the data (get,url,headers) to send to the ip connection
    • send the data and disconnect
  • onMessage
    • parse the xml response
    • if task setpointtemperature update the setpoint and sent http xml-api request to the CCU
    • if task getdatapoints update temperature & battery device
    • if task setprofile update profile device
  • onCommand
    • if unit=setpointtemperature then set task setpointtemperature and create ip connection which is handled by onConnect
    • if unit=profile then set task activeprofile and create ip connection which is handled by onConnect

If required, add the devices manually to the Domoticz Dashboard or create a roomplan / floorplan.

Restart Domoticz

Restart Domoticz to find the plugin:

sudo systemctl restart domoticz.service

Note When making changes to the Python plugin code, ensure to restart Domoticz and refresh any of the Domoticz Web UI's. This is the iteration process during development - build the solution step-by-step.

Domoticz Add Hardware

IMPORTANT Prior adding, set the GUI > Settings option to allow new hardware. If this option is not enabled, no new devices are created. Check the GUI > Setup > Log for any error messages from the Python script at the line where the new device is used:

Domoticz.Debug("Device created: " + Devices[1].Name)

In the GUI > Setup > Hardware add the new hardware homematicIP Radiator Thermostat (HMIP-eTRV). The initial check interval is set at 60 seconds. This is a good value for testing, but for final version set to higher value like every 5 minutes (300 seconds).

Add Hardware - Check the Domoticz Log

After adding, ensure to check the Domoticz Log (GUI > Setup > Log) Example:

2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) Debug logging mask set to: PYTHON PLUGIN QUEUE IMAGE DEVICE CONNECTION MESSAGE ALL 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) 'Mode5':'60' 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) 'UserDataFolder':'/home/pi/domoticz/' 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) 'DomoticzHash':'8ec0c6f42' 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) 'Key':'HMIP-eTRV' 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) 'Author':'rwbL' 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) 'Database':'/home/pi/domoticz/domoticz.db' 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) 'Mode1':'1541' 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) 'DomoticzVersion':'4.11564' 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) 'Name':'MakeLab Thermostat' 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) 'Language':'en' 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) 'HomeFolder':'/home/pi/domoticz/plugins/hmip-etrv/' 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) 'Mode6':'Debug' 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) 'Version':'1.0 (Build 20191214)' 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) 'Address':'ccu-ip-address' 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) 'HardwareID':'10' 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) 'DomoticzBuildTime':'2019-12-13 16:35:55' 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) 'StartupFolder':'/home/pi/domoticz/' 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) 'Mode2':'1584,1567,1549,1576,1566' 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) 'Port':'0' 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) Device count: 0 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) Creating new devices ... 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.812 (MakeLab Thermostat) Creating device 'Setpoint'. 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.813 (MakeLab Thermostat) Device created: MakeLab Thermostat - Setpoint 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.814 (MakeLab Thermostat) Device created: MakeLab Thermostat - Temperature 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.816 (MakeLab Thermostat) Device created: MakeLab Thermostat - Battery 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.816 (MakeLab Thermostat) Device created: MakeLab Thermostat - Valve
2019-12-14 12:40:09.816 (MakeLab Thermostat) Device created: MakeLab Thermostat - Profile
2019-12-14 12:40:09.816 (MakeLab Thermostat) Creating new devices: OK 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.816 (MakeLab Thermostat) Heartbeat set: 60 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.816 (MakeLab Thermostat) Pushing 'PollIntervalDirective' on to queue 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.816 (MakeLab Thermostat) Datapoints:1584,1567,1549,1576,1566
2019-12-14 12:40:09.816 (MakeLab Thermostat) Processing 'PollIntervalDirective' message 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.816 (MakeLab Thermostat) Heartbeat interval set to: 60. 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.212 Status: (MakeLab Thermostat) Started. 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.809 Status: (MakeLab Thermostat) Entering work loop. 
2019-12-14 12:40:09.810 Status: (MakeLab Thermostat) Initialized version 1.0 (Build 20191214), author 'rwbL' 

Domoticz Log Entry with Debug=False

The plugin runs every 60 seconds (Heartbeat interval) which is shown in the Domoticz log. Note: The thermostat is turned off - displays OFF, but has auto setpoint of 4.5.

2020-03-12 13:14:18.804 (Thermostat WZ-1) TASKGETDATAPOINTS:HMIP-eTRV:T=21.9, SP=21.0, B=false, L=61.0, P=1 
2020-03-12 13:14:18.870 (Thermostat Dusche) TASKGETDATAPOINTS:HMIP-eTRV:T=16.9, SP=6.0, B=false, L=0.0, P=1 
2020-03-12 13:14:18.877 (Thermostat Flur) TASKGETDATAPOINTS:HMIP-eTRV:T=22.8, SP=21.0, B=false, L=32.0, P=1 
2020-03-12 13:14:18.884 (Thermostat WZ-2) TASKGETDATAPOINTS:HMIP-eTRV:T=22.0, SP=21.0, B=false, L=79.0, P=1 
2020-03-12 13:14:18.889 (Thermostat Bad) TASKGETDATAPOINTS:HMIP-eTRV:T=21.6, SP=20.0, B=false, L=0.0, P=1 
2020-03-12 13:14:18.943 (Thermostat EZ) TASKGETDATAPOINTS:HMIP-eTRV:T=23.2, SP=21.0, B=false, L=32.0, P=1 




Domoticz Plugin for the homematicIP Radiator Thermostats HmIP-eTRV-B & HmIP-eTRV-2







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