Illusion is a dark theme for Spotify that is based on the Dribbblish. It is designed to be minimalistic and clean, while also being easy on the eyes.
- These themes require that you have the latest version of Spotify and Spicetify.
- To install the Illusion theme, follow the instructions below.
- Spotify ad-blocked version is not supported.
Clone this repository. Make sure git is installed and run:
git clone --depth=1
Copy the files into the Spicetify Themes folder. Run:
cd illusion-spicetify cp -r * ~/.config/spicetify/Themes
cd illusion-spicetify cp -r * ~/.config/spicetify/Themes
cd illusion-spicetify cp * "$(spicetify -c | Split-Path)\Themes\" -Recurse
Choose which theme to apply just by running:
spicetify config current_theme Illusion color_scheme Base spicetify config inject_css 1 replace_colors 1 overwrite_assets 1 inject_theme_js 1 spicetify apply
*color0: "#0F0F11",
*color1: "#F48FB1",
*color2: "#A1EFD3",
*color3: "#EBDDAA",
*color4: "#A4B9EF",
*color5: "#BD99FF",
*color6: "#87DFEB",
*color7: "#FFFFFF"
We've set up a separate document for our contribution guidelines.