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blank collapse
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Atanas Gruev committed Nov 26, 2023
1 parent 9119048 commit 327ac6c
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Showing 2 changed files with 169 additions and 0 deletions.
125 changes: 125 additions & 0 deletions users/gruev/implementations/pytorch/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
import torch

def blank_collapse_init(emission, blank_threshold, blank_id=0):
# prob = torch.nn.functional.softmax(emission, dim=-1)
blanks = emission[:, blank_id] > blank_threshold
first_blanks = 0
u, c = torch.unique_consecutive(blanks, dim=0, return_counts=True)
u = u.tolist()
c = c.tolist()
cc = []
for j in range(len(c)):
if u[j]: # if blank
if j == 0:
first_blanks = c[j]
elif j == len(c) - 1:
cc += [1] * c[j]
if len(cc) == 0: # case: every frame is a blank frame
cc = [0]
first_blanks = 0
indices = torch.cumsum(torch.tensor(cc), dim=0) - 1 + first_blanks
new_emission = emission[indices]

return new_emission, indices

def blank_collapse_single(logprobs, threshold, blank_idx):
blanks = logprobs[:, blank_idx] > threshold # [T,]
_, counts = torch.unique_consecutive(blanks, return_counts=True)

blank_begin, blank_end = blanks[0].item(), blanks[-1].item()
initial_blank_cnt = counts[0].item() if blank_begin else 0
final_blank_cnt = counts[-1].item() if blank_end else 0

initial_slice = initial_blank_cnt
final_slice = len(blanks) - final_blank_cnt

blanks = blanks[initial_slice:final_slice]
assert not blanks[0].item() and not blanks[-1].item()
blanks_shift = torch.roll(blanks, shifts=-1)

# Need to explicitly adjust emission lengths when using ctc_decoder!
collapsed_logrpobs = logprobs[initial_slice:final_slice]
collapsed_logprobs = collapsed_logrpobs[~(blanks & blanks_shift)]

return collapsed_logprobs

def blank_collapse_batched(logprobs, audio_features_len, blank_threshold, blank_idx):
:param logprobs: softmax-normalized probabilities in log-space, [B, T, V+1]
:param audio_features_len: length of T as [B]
:param blank_threshold: collapse threshold probability in log-space
:param blank_idx: index of blank label, i.e. V+1
batch_dim, time_dim = logprobs.shape[0], logprobs.shape[1]

# Global candidates for blank collapse pruning
blanks = logprobs[:, :, blank_idx] > blank_threshold # [B, T]

# For batches, adjust individual lengths by mapping paddings to True values in mask
audio_lens_mask = (
torch.arange(time_dim)[None, :] >= audio_features_len[:, None]
) # [B, T]
blanks = blanks | audio_lens_mask # [B, T]

# Obtain counts on initial and final blank frames
sequence_mask, sequence_indices = (~blanks).nonzero(as_tuple=True) # tuple of [T',]
_, sequence_bounds = torch.unique(sequence_mask, return_counts=True) # [B,]

sequence_bounds =
(torch.Tensor([0]).to(, torch.cumsum(sequence_bounds, dim=0))
) # [B+1,]

initial_blank_idx = sequence_indices[sequence_bounds[:-1]] # [B,]
final_blank_idx = sequence_indices[(sequence_bounds - 1)[1:]] # [B,]

# Logical-and between "blanks" and "blanks_shift" to account for label-blank-label case
blanks_shift = torch.roll(blanks, shifts=-1, dims=1) # [B, T]

# Logical-or between "(blanks & blanks_shift)" and "bounds_mask" to restore proper lengths
bounds_mask = torch.arange(time_dim).repeat(batch_dim, 1) # [B, T]
bounds_mask_initial = bounds_mask < initial_blank_idx[:, None] # [B, T]
bounds_mask_final = bounds_mask > final_blank_idx[:, None] # [B, T]
bounds_mask = bounds_mask_initial | bounds_mask_final # [B, T]

# Logical-not to assign True to frames kept
blanks = ~((blanks & blanks_shift) | bounds_mask) # [B, T]

# De-batchify and re-arrange based on changed lengths
batch_mask, batch_indices = blanks.nonzero(as_tuple=True)
_, collapsed_audio_features_len = torch.unique(
batch_mask, return_counts=True
) # [B,]

# Compute new time dimension to restore batching
collapsed_time_dim = torch.max(collapsed_audio_features_len) # T''

# IMPORTANT: After blank collapse, permuting the batch might be necessary due to new audio lengths
# batch_collapsed_order = torch.argsort(collapsed_audio_features_len, descending=True)

# Align mask and indices to match the collapsed audio lengths in sorted order
batch_mask = torch.arange(batch_dim)[:, None].expand(
batch_dim, collapsed_time_dim
) # [B, T'']
# batch_mask = batch_mask[batch_collapsed_order] # [B, T'']

batch_indices = torch.split(
batch_indices, collapsed_audio_features_len.tolist()
) # tuple (B,)
batch_indices = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(
batch_indices, batch_first=True
) # [B, T'']
# batch_indices = batch_indices[batch_collapsed_order] # [B, T'']

# Restore original order within the batch
collapsed_logprobs = logprobs[batch_mask, batch_indices] # [B, T'', V+1]
# collapsed_logprobs = permuted_logprobs[torch.argsort(batch_collapsed_order)] # [B, T'', V+1]
# collapsed_audio_features_len = collapsed_audio_features_len[batch_collapsed_order] # [B, ]

return collapsed_logprobs, collapsed_audio_features_len
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions users/gruev/implementations/tensorflow/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
import tensorflow

def tensorflow_unique_consecutive_counts(x: tf.constant):
""" TF2 implementation of torch.unique_consecutive(..., return_counts=True) """
_, unique_indices = tf.unique(x)

inversion_indices = tf.concat(
tf.not_equal(unique_indices[1:], unique_indices[:-1]),

inversion_indices = tf.experimental.numpy.nonzero(inversion_indices)
counts = tf.experimental.numpy.diff(inversion_indices)
return counts

def tensorflow_blank_collapse(logprobs, blank_threshold, blank_idx):
:param logprobs: softmax-normalized probabilities in log-space, [1, T, V+1]
:param blank_threshold: collapse threshold probability in log-space
:param blank_idx: index of blank label, i.e. V+1

blanks = logprobs[:blank_idx] > tf.math.log(tf.constant([blank_threshold]))
counts = tensorflow_unique_consecutive_counts(blanks)

blank_begin, blank_end = blanks[0].numpy(), blanks[-1].numpy()
initial_blank_cnt = counts[0][0].numpy() if blank_begin else 0
final_blank_cnt = counts[0][-1].numpy() if blank_end else 0

initial_slice = initial_blank_cnt
final_slice = len(blanks) - final_blank_cnt

blanks = blanks[initial_slice:final_slice]
blanks_shift = tf.roll(blanks, shift=-1, axis=0)

collapsed_logrpobs = logprobs[initial_slice:final_slice]
collapsed_logprobs = collapsed_logrpobs[~(blanks & blanks_shift)]

return collapsed_logprobs

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