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1,305 Git aliases and scripts.


Count aliases

Most aliases in this repo begin with g (for Git). counts them:

scripts/ -c
# 1320 completions added by installing git-helpers
# By length:
# - 2 chars: 16
# - 3 chars: 230
# - 4 chars: 498

A goal of this repo is to help me always be within a couple keystrokes of most common Git commands.

Here's a full list of the aliases and scripts provided by sourceing .git-rc:

scripts/ -v
1320 new completions:
g          = git
p          = parallel -k -j+0 --env PATH
g1         = !git --no-pager log -1
ga         = g add
gb         = g branches
gc         = g commit
gd         = g diff
ge         = g expand-alias
gf         = g fetch-x --tags
gg         = g graph-all
gl         = g ls-files
gm         = g merge
gn         = git --no-pager
gp         = g push-x
gr         = g remote -vv
gs         = g status
gt         = g tags
gx         = git-git-dir
hb         = hub browse
rb         = git-helpers/rebase/rb  # Interactive rebase over the last <arg> commits.
g1f        = !git --no-pager log-1-format
ga.        = g add .
gab        = g all-branches
gac        = g all-commits
gad        = !git --no-pager log --format=%ad -1
gae        = g add-core-excludes -g
gaf        = g add -f
gah        = g all-hashes
gai        = g add -N
gan        = g add -n
gap        = g add -p
gar        = g add-rebase-continue
gau        = g add -u
gbD        = g branch -D
gbb        = ! -b
gbc        = g branch-reset -c
gbd        = g branch -D
gbe        = g branch-exists
gbf        = g branch-reset
gbh        = g blob-hash
gbk        = g branch-back
gbp        = g branch-point
gbr        = g remote-branches
gbs        = g bisect
gbu        = g branch-upstream
gby        = g body
gca        = g commit -a
gcb        = g current-branch
gcd        = g copy-diffs
gce        = g command-exists
gcf        = g config
gcg        = g config --global
gch        = g cherry-pick-head
gci        = g check-ignore
gcl        = g conflict-lines
gcm        = g commit -m
gcn        = g commit --amend
gco        = g checkout
gcp        = g cherry-pick
gct        = g commit-tree
gd-        = g diff --
gda        = g diff-pipe
gdb        = g diff-branch-reflog
gdc        = g diff --cached
gdd        = g diff --submodule=diff
gdf        = g diff-filter
gdg        = g
gdh        = g diff HEAD
gdj        = g
gdl        = g diff --submodule=log
gdn        = g diff --name-status
gdp        = g diff-pipe
gdq        = g diff --quiet
gdr        = g rev-parse --git-dir
gds        = g diff --stat
gdt        = g diff-tree
gdu        = g diff -u
gdw        = g diff -w
gea        = git_expand_alias
gec        = g edit-commit
geq        = g equal
ger        = g for-each-ref
get        = g empty-tree
gf1        = g fetch-x --depth 1
gfa        = g fetch-x --tags --all
gfb        = g fetch-x
gfc        = g grep --recurse-submodules '<<<<<<<'
gfd        = g fetch-x --depth
gfe        = g for-each-ref
gff        = g fetch-x --force --tags
gfh        = g full-hash
gfm        = g log-format
gfn        = g find
gfo        = g fetch-x --tags origin
gfp        = g find-prefix
gfr        = g fetch-x --tags --recurse-submodules
gfs        = g find-suffix
gft        = g fetch-x --tags
gfu        = g fetch-x --tags u
gga        = g graph-all
ggd        = git-git-dir
ggi        = g grep --recurse-submodules -i
ggl        = g grep --recurse-submodules -l
ggn        = g grep --recurse-submodules -n
ggp        = g grep --recurse-submodules
ggr        = g graph
ggt        = g get-tag
ggu        = g remote-get-url
gha        = gh api
ghb        = g blob-hash
ghc        = g has-changes
ghf        = g help-follow
ghh        = g help
ghj        = gh_job
ghm        = !git --no-pager log -1 '--format=%h %s'
gho        = g hash-object
ghr        = gh run
ghu        = github_url
ghw        =
ghx        = gh api -X
gib        = g is-branch
gic        = g is-clean
gid        = g is-dirty
gig        = g is-repo
gir        = g is-remote
gis        = g is-submodule
gkl        = g kill-lines
gl1        = !git --no-pager log -1
gla        = g diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=A
glb        = g local-branches
glc        = g list-changed
gld        = g list-status ' D'
glf        = g log-format
glg        = git-helpers/log/glg  # Display history of files, lookup by partial/grep matches, prompt to disambiguate if multiple.
glh        = g log-hash
glm        = g list-mode
gln        = g list-n
glo        = g ls-files --other --exclude-standard --directory --no-empty-directory
glp        = g log -p
glr        = g ls-files --recurse-submodules
gls        = g ls-files
glt        = g ls-tree
glu        = g list-unstaged
glw        = g log --follow
glz        = g ls-files -z
gma        = g merge --abort
gmb        = g merge-base-plus
gmc        = g my-clone
gmf        = g merge --ff-only
gmh        = g merge-head
gmm        = g merge -m
gmn        = g merge --no-edit
gmr        = g mirror-remote
gmt        = g mergetool -y -t
gmu        = g merge upstream/HEAD
gmv        = g mv
gnb        = g new-branch
gnd        = gn diff
gnx        = !git-git-dir -n
goc        = g original-commit
goh        = g original-head
gom        = g octomerge
gpb        = g previous-branch
gpd        = g push --delete
gpf        = g push -f
gph        = g push-head-to
gpl        = g pull
gpm        = g push-to-master
gpn        = g push -n
gpo        = g push-to-remote-branch origin
gpp        = g commit-push-parents
gpr        = g pull --rebase
gps        = !git pull --rebase && git submodule update --init --recursive
gpt        = g push-x -t
gpu        = g push-to-remote-branch upstream
gpx        = g push-x
gr.        = g reset .
gra        = g remote add
grb        = g rebase
grc        = g rebase --continue
grd        = g rebase-diff
gre        = g remote-exists
grh        = g reset-hard
gri        = g rebase -i
grl        = g reflog '--format=%C(green)%gd %C(yellow)%h %C(blue)%aI %C(red)%an %C(auto)%gs'
grm        = g rm
grn        = g add-rebase-continue-no-edit
gro        = g rebase --onto
grp        = g reset -p
grq        = g rebase-sequence
grr        = g remote-rename
grs        = g reset
grt        = g root
grv        = g remote -vv
grw        = g restore-worktree
grx        = g rebase -x
gsa        = g stash apply
gsb        = g show-branch
gsc        = g status --porcelain
gsd        = !git status && git diff
gsf        = g submodule foreach --recursive --quiet
gsg        = g submodule-log
gsh        = g show
gsj        = g log -n1 --format=%s
gsk        = g stash save -k
gsl        = g stash list
gsm        = g submodule
gsn        = g show-names
gsp        = g stash pop
gsr        = !git reset . && git submodule update --recursive
gss        = g stash save
gst        = g status -uno
gsu        = g submodule update --recursive
gsw        = g stash show -p
gsx        = g status-x
gsz        = g size
gta        = g time-author
gtb        = g tracked-branch
gtc        = g time-committer
gtd        = g tag -d
gtf        = g tag -f
gtg        = g tag
gth        = g tags -n 10
gti        = g tree-id
gtl        = g tag -l
gtn        = g tags -n
gtp        = g tag --format='%(color:green)%(objectname:short)%(color:reset)%09%(color:yellow)%(refname:strip=2)%(color:reset)%09%(color:red)%(creatordate:iso)%(color:reset)%09%(color:blue)%(creatordate:relative)%(color:reset)'
gtr        = g ls-tree
gts        = g total-size
gtw        = g
gub        = g upstream-branch
gud        = g undelete
gue        = g config
gun        = g config
gup        = g unpack-and-apply-diffs
gur        = g update-ref
gus        = g upstream
guu        = !git --no-pager conflicting
gwd        = g working-dir
gwh        = g l1t
gwt        = g l1t
gxb        = <git repo dir> ['git b' args...]
gxc        = <git repo dir> ['git c' args...]
gxd        = <git repo dir> ['git d' args...]
gxg        = <git repo dir> ['git g' args...]
gxh        = <git repo dir> ['git sha' args...]
gxl        = <git repo dir> ['git ln' args...]
gxr        = <git repo dir> ['git r' args...]
gxs        = <git repo dir> ['git s' args...]
gxt        = <git repo dir> ['git t' args...]
hds        = github-docs-snapshot
hpr        = hub pr
lff        = lf fetch
lfl        = lf ls-files
lfp        = lf push
lfs        = lf status
pgr        = parse-github-url
rbo        = g rebase --onto
gabd       = g patch-branch-diff
gabt       = g list-status UA
gabu       = g list-status AU
gace       = g add-core-excludes -g
gach       = g all-commits %h
gacm       = g add-and-commit-msg
gaeg       = g add-core-excludes -g
gael       = g add-core-excludes
gafp       = g amend-force-push
gage       = g add-core-excludes -g
gagi       = g add-global-ignore
gamr       = g add-mirror-remote
gap.       = g add -p .
gapf       = g amend-force-push
gaps       = g allow-pushes
gapu       = g add -p -u
garc       = g add-rebase-continue
garn       = g add-rebase-continue-no-edit
gau.       = g add -u .
gauf       = g add -uf
gaup       = g add -u -p
gaus       = !git add -u && git status
gaut       = g author
gawt       = g amend-worktree
gbdf       = g branch -D
gbeb       = git bisect-earliest-bad
gbfc       = g branch-reset -c
gbhi       = g blob-hash -i
gbhs       = g blob-hash -s
gblg       = git bisect-latest-good
gblr       = g head-before-last-rebase
gbls       = g local-branch-shas
gbmv       = g branch -m
gbpa       = g branch --format '%(refname:short)' --points-at
gbrg       = ! -r
gbrh       = g branch-reset
gbrm       = g list-status DD
gbrr       = g bisect-reverse-run
gbrs       = g branch-reset
gbru       = g branch-reset-upstream
gbsb       = g bisect bad
gbsg       = g bisect good
gbsh       = g bisect-head
gbsl       = g bisect log
gbsr       = g bisect run
gbss       = g bisect start
gbsx       = g bisect reset
gcaa       = g commit -a --amend
gcae       = g commit --allow-empty
gcaf       = g commit -aF-
gcam       = g commit -a -m
gcan       = g commit --amend --no-edit
gcap       = g commit-push
gcbh       = g commits-behind
gcbn       = g commit-basename
gccd       = . git-clone-and-cd
gcfa       = g config --add
gcfd       = g config --unset
gcfi       = g config --get-all include.path
gcfl       = g config --get-all
gcfp       = g cat-file -p
gcfs       = g config --list
gcft       = g cat-file -t
gcfu       = g config --unset
gcga       = g config --add --global
gcgd       = g config --unset --global
gcgi       = g config --get-all --global include.path
gcgl       = g config --get-all --global
gcgs       = g config --list --global
gcgu       = g config --unset --global
gchf       = g show-head-file
gciv       = g check-ignore -v
gclb       = g clone --bare
gcln       = g clone-and-cd
gcmb       = g commit-body
gcmf       = g commit -F-
gcmp       = g commit-multiple-parents
gcmt       = !
gcnb       = g commit-body --amend
gcne       = g commit --no-edit
gcnf       = g commit --amend -F-
gcnm       = g commit --amend -m
gco-       = g checkout --
gcob       = g checkout -b
gcof       = g checkout -f
gcoh       = g checkout HEAD --
gcom       = g checkout main
gcon       = g checkout --no-recurse-submodules
gcoo       = g checkout --ours --
gcop       = g checkout-previous-branch
gcor       = g checkout --recurse-submodules
gcot       = g checkout --theirs --
gcp1       = g cherry-pick -m1
gcp2       = g cherry-pick -m2
gcpa       = g cherry-pick --abort
gcpc       = g cherry-pick --continue
gcpd       = g config push.default
gcph       = g cherry-pick-head
gcpm       = g commit-push -m
gcpn       = g cherry-pick -n
gcpp       = g commit-push-parents
gcps       = g cherry-pick --skip
gcrb       = g checkout-and-rebase
gcrh       = g commit-rebase-head
gcs3       = g check-s3-buckets
gcsb       = . git-clone-single-branch
gcsp       = g set-parents
gctg       = g current-tags
gctp       = g cat-file -p
gctr       = g commit-tree-reset
gcwt       = g checkout-worktree
gdas       = g diff-pipe sort
gdbm       = g config --global init.defaultBranch main
gdbr       = g diff-branch-reflog
gdbt       = g list-status UD
gdbu       = g list-status DU
gdc-       = g diff --cached --
gdcp       = g diff --cached --submodule=diff
gdcs       = g diff --stat --cached
gdcw       = g diff --cached -w
gddf       = g diff-filter
gdfm       = g diff-filter M
gdfr       = g default-remote
gdft       = g difftool
gdh1       = g diff HEAD^..HEAD
gdh2       = g diff HEAD^2..HEAD
gdir       = g rev-parse --git-dir
gdma       = g diff-then-maybe-add
gdmb       = g delete-merged-branches
gdno       = g diff --name-only
gdns       = g diff --name-status
gdp1       = g diff-vs-parent 1
gdp2       = g diff-vs-parent 2
gdph       = g diff HEAD^..HEAD
gdps       = g diff-pipe sort
gdrb       = g remote-default-branch
gds1       = !git --no-pager dates -1 --date=iso
gdsc       = g diff --stat --cached
gdsd       = g diff --submodule=diff
gdsh       = g diff --stat HEAD
gdsl       = g diff --submodule=log
gdsp       = g diff --stat HEAD^
gdss       = g diff --submodule=short
gdsu       = g diff-stat-parent
gdsw       = g diff --stat -w
gdt1       = g details -1
gdtc       = g diff-theirs-conflicting
gdth       = g diff-theirs
gdtl       = g details
gdtp       = g diff-tree -p
gdts       = g dates
gdw-       = g diff -w --
gdwc       = g diff -w --cached
gdws       = g diff -w --stat
geav       = git_expand_alias -v
gecn       = g edit-commit -n
gecp       = g edit-commit -p
gecr       = g edit-commit -r
gecx       = g edit-commit -x
gfd1       = g fetch-x --depth 1
gfd2       = g fetch-x --depth 2
gfd3       = g fetch-x --depth 3
gfer       = g for-each-ref
gfes       = g submodule foreach --recursive --quiet
gfm1       = !git --no-pager log-1-format
gfnp       = g find-prefix
gfnr       = g find-only-remote
gfns       = g find-suffix
gfor       = g fetch-x --tags --recurse-submodules origin
gfpr       = g fetch-x --prune
gfro       = g fetch-x --tags --recurse-submodules origin
gfru       = g fetch-x --tags --recurse-submodules u
gfta       = g fetch-x --tags --all
gftd       = g filter-to-dir
gfua       = g fixup-author
gfue       = g config
gfun       = g config
gfur       = g fetch-x --tags --recurse-submodules u
ggaa       = g graph-all -a
ggad       = g graph -A
ggal       = g graph-all -l
ggcd       = g get-committer-date
ggdb       = g config --global init.defaultBranch
gggi       = g global-git-ignore
gghu       = g graph -u HEAD
ggid       = g get-id
ggpi       = g grep --recurse-submodules -i
ggpl       = g grep --recurse-submodules -l
ggpn       = g grep --recurse-submodules -n
ggpq       = g grep -q
ggra       = g graph -a
ggrd       = g graph -d
ggre       = g graph -e
ggrh       = g graph HEAD
ggrl       = g graph -l
ggrn       = g graph -n
ggru       = g remote-get-url
ggue       = g config --global
ggun       = g config --global
ghaj       = gh api -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json"
ghax       = gh api -X
ghbi       = g blob-hash -i
ghbs       = g blob-hash -s
ghds       = github-docs-snapshot
ghji       = gh_job_id
ghju       = gh_job_url
ghlr       = gh_last_run_id
ghlw       = gh_last_workflow_run
ghnc       = g has-no-changes
ghoa       = github_open_actions
ghob       = github_open_web_branch
ghoc       = github_open_web_commit
ghoj       = gh_open_job
ghol       = gh_open_last
ghor       = github_open_web_ref
ghow       = gh repo view --web
ghrh       = gh run --help
ghrl       = gh run list
ghrn       = github_remote
ghro       = gh_run_open
ghrp       = github_remote_path
ghrv       = gh run view
ghsh       = g full-hash
ghub       = github_unprotect_branch
ghwl       = gh workflow list
ghwr       = gh_workflow_run
gicc       = g is-clean-cached
gidc       = g is-dirty-cached
gism       = g is-submodule
gisr       = g is-repo
gl1T       = g l1fT
gl1f       = !git --no-pager log-1-format
gl1t       = g l1fT
glaf       = g ls-new-files
glbl       = g local-branch-shas
glbs       = g local-branch-shas
glc1       = g list-changed | head -n 1
glcc       = g diff --name-only --cached --diff-filter=M
glcs       = g diff --name-only --cached --diff-filter=M
glcu       = g diff --name-only --diff-filter=M
gldc       = g diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=D
glds       = g diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=D
gldu       = g diff --name-only --diff-filter=D
glf1       = !git --no-pager log-1-format
glgf       = g log-format
glgg       = g log -S
glgp       = g load-github-prs
glgs       = g log --stat
glmm       = g list-mode ' M'
gln1       = g list-n 1
gln2       = g list-n 2
gln3       = g list-n 3
gln4       = g list-n 4
gln5       = g list-n 5
gln6       = g list-n 6
gln7       = g list-n 7
gln8       = g list-n 8
gln9       = g list-n 9
glnf       = g ls-new-files
glno       = g log --name-only
glns       = g log --name-status
glnw       = g log --no-walk
glob       = glab repo view --web
gloj       = gitlab_open_jobs
gloz       = g ls-files --other --exclude-standard --directory --no-empty-directory -z
glpb       = gitlab_protect_branch
glpp       = g log -p --
glpr       = g load-github-prs
glrh       = !ls-remote --heads
glrn       = gitlab_remote
glrp       = gitlab_remote_path
glrt       = !ls-remote --tags
glsc       = g diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r
glsf       = g diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r
glso       = g ls-files --other --exclude-standard --directory --no-empty-directory
glsr       = !ls-remote
glst       = g log --stat
glsu       = g list-unstaged
glth       = g ls-tree HEAD
gltn       = g ls-tree --name-only
gltr       = g ls-tree -r
glts       = g ls-tree --abbrev
glub       = gitlab_unprotect_branch
glws       = g log --follow --stat
glzo       = g ls-files --other --exclude-standard --directory --no-empty-directory -z
gmbo       = g merge-base --octopus
gmbp       = g merge-base-parents
gmbt       = g merge-base-tracked-branch
gmff       = g merge --ff-only
gmne       = g merge --no-edit
gmnf       = g merge --no-ff
gmnm       = g merge --no-edit -m
gmsg       = !git --no-pager log -1 --format=%s
gmtb       = g mount-branch
gmun       = g merge upstream/HEAD --no-edit
gnbl       = !git --no-pager branch --format '%(refname:short)' --points-at
gnbr       = !git --no-pager branch --format '%(refname:short)' -r --points-at
gndc       = gn diff --cached
gndh       = gn diff HEAD
gnfm       = gn log-format
gngp       = gn grep --recurse-submodules
gnlh       = !git --no-pager log-hash
gnsh       = !git --no-pager show
gpbd       = g patch-branch-diff
gpfn       = g push -f -n
gpfo       = g push -f origin
gpft       = g push -f --tags
gpfu       = g push -f u
gphf       = g push-head-to -f
gphn       = g push-head-to -n
gpht       = g push-head-to
gphu       = g push-head-upstream
gpie       = g sub
gpnf       = g push -n -f
gpno       = g push -n origin
gpnt       = g push -n --tags
gpnu       = g push -n upstream
gpon       = g push -n origin
gpot       = g push --tags origin
gppa       = g commit-push-parents -a
gppm       = g commit-push-parents -m
gppr       = g push-parents
gpps       = g push-parents
gpsu       = g push --set-upstream
gptf       = g push --tags -f
gptn       = g push --tags -n
gpto       = g push --tags origin
gpts       = !
gptu       = g push --tags upstream
gpub       = g push-user-branch
gpun       = g push -n upstream
gput       = g push --tags upstream
grah       = g --https
grao       = g remote add origin
gras       = g --ssh
grat       = g -i
grau       = g remote add u
grba       = g rebase --abort
grbb       = g rebase-branches
grbc       = g rebase --continue
grbd       = g
grbe       = g remote-branch-exists
grbh       = g rebase-head
grbi       = g rebase-inline
grbm       = g rebase-head-message
grbo       = g rebase --onto
grbp       = g rebase-parent
grbr       = g rebase -r
grbs       = g rebase --skip
grbu       = g rebase-undo
grcd       = g reset-committer-date-rebase-head
grcp       = g remote-copy
grdb       = g remote-default-branch
grel       = g relpath
grgh       = g remote-default-branch
grgu       = g remote-get-url
grh1       = g reset-hard HEAD@{1}
grhh       = g reset --hard HEAD
grhl       = g pre-rebase-head-log-pretty
grhm       = g rebase-head-message
grhp       = g reset --hard HEAD^
grim       = g rebase -i master
grio       = g rebase -i --onto
grir       = g rebase -i -r
grit       = g rebase -i --root
grix       = g rebase -i -x
grla       = g rev-list --all
grlc       = g rev-list --count
grlh       = !git reflog | head
grlp       = g rev-list --parents
grls       = g reflog '--format=%C(green)%gd %C(yellow)%h %C(blue)%as %C(red)%an %C(auto)%gs'
grlt       = !git reflog | head -n 20
grmc       = g rm --cached
grmf       = g rm -f
grmp       = g remote-path
grmr       = g rm -r
grmu       = g rm-untracked
grmv       = g remote-rename
grne       = g revert --no-edit
grnh       = g revert --no-edit HEAD
groc       = g reorder-commits
grph       = g rev-parse HEAD
grri       = g rebase -r -i
grrm       = g remote remove
grro       = g rebase -r --onto
grrs       = g reverse-reset
grs.       = g reset .
grsf       = g checkout HEAD --
grsh       = g remote-set-head
grsi       = g rebase-stdin
grsp       = g reset HEAD^
grss       = !git reset . && git submodule update --recursive && git status
grst       = g reflog --stat
grsu       = g remote-set-url
grtc       = g root-commits
grud       = g rebase-upstream-diff
gruh       = g remote-url-to-https
grvl       = g rev-list
grvn       = g revert --no-edit
grvp       = g rev-parse
grvt       = g revert
grwa       = g rewrite-author
grwc       = g reword-commit
grwt       = g restore-worktree
grxs       = g rebase-exec-step
grxx       = g rebase-exec-step
gsac       = g submodule-auto-commit
gsad       = g set-author-date
gsaf       = g submodule add -f
gsau       = g set-author
gsbj       = !git --no-pager log -1 --format=%s
gscd       = g set-committer-date
gsdc       = !git status && git diff --cached
gsdh       = !git status && git diff HEAD
gsdr       = g set-default-remote-u
gsds       = g set-dates
gsfh       = g show-sha-file HEAD
gsfv       = g submodule foreach --recursive
gsha       = g hash
gshc       = g ssh-command
gshd       = g show --submodule=diff
gshf       = g show-sha-file
gshh       = g show-head
gshl       = g show --submodule=log
gshm       = !git --no-pager log -1 '--format=%h %s'
gsho       = g squash-head-onto
gshp       = g show HEAD^
gshs       = g show --stat
gshw       = g show -w
gsid       = g set-id
gsig       = g set-id -g
gslg       = g submodule-log
gsln       = g show-local-names
gsma       = g submodule add --quiet
gsmc       = g submodule-commits
gsmd       = g submodule deinit
gsmf       = g submodule foreach --recursive --quiet
gsmg       = g submodule-log
gsmh       = g submodule-sha
gsmi       = g submodule init
gsml       = g submodule foreach --quiet --recursive 'echo $displaypath'
gsmn       = g submodule foreach --quiet 'echo $name'
gsmp       = g submodule foreach --quiet --recursive 'echo $displaypath'
gsmr       = !git reset . && git submodule update --recursive
gsms       = g submodules
gsmt       = g submodule status
gsmu       = g submodule update --recursive
gsnl       = g show-local-names
gsno       = !git --no-pager log -1 --format= --name-only
gsnr       = g show-remote-names
gsns       = !git --no-pager log -1 --format= --name-status
gsp1       = g stash pop 'stash@{1}'
gsp2       = g stash pop 'stash@{2}'
gsp3       = g stash pop 'stash@{3}'
gsp4       = g stash pop 'stash@{4}'
gsp5       = g stash pop 'stash@{5}'
gspf       = g safe-push-force
gsps       = g set-parents
gsrc       = g
gsrl       = g
gsrn       = g show-remote-names
gsrs       = !git reset . && git submodule update --recursive && git status
gsru       = g remote-set-url
gsrv       = g serve
gssf       = g show-sha-file
gssh       = g submodule-shas
gssk       = g stash save -k
gssp       = g stash show -p
gsst       = g submodule-shas
gstd       = g stash drop
gsth       = g stash show
gstp       = g status --porcelain
gsts       = g status -s
gsuf       = g submodule update --recursive -f
gsuq       = g submodule update --quiet
gsur       = g submodule update --recursive
gsus       = g submodule update
gsw0       = g stash show -p 'stash@{0}'
gsw1       = g stash show -p 'stash@{1}'
gsw2       = g stash show -p 'stash@{2}'
gsw3       = g stash show -p 'stash@{3}'
gswc       = g cherry-pick-show-head -w
gswr       = g show-rebase-head -w
gszh       = g size -H
gszs       = g sizes
gtfi       = g tree-full-id
gtr0       = g empty-tree
gtrh       = g ls-tree HEAD
gtrp       = g ls-tree HEAD^
gtrr       = g ls-tree -r
gtsz       = g total-size
gtwh       = g throw-head
gtwp       = g HEAD^
gune       = g user
gurb       = g undo-rebase
gusi       = g update-server-info
gusr       = g user
gxca       = <git repo dir> ['git ca' args...]
hdss       = github-docs-snapshot -s
hprq       = hub pull-request
gaafp      = g amend-force-push -a
gaapf      = g amend-force-push -a
gacpc      = g add-and-cherry-pick-continue
gadi1      = !git --no-pager log --format=%ad --date=iso -1
gapfu      = g amend-force-push u
gapu.      = g add -p -u .
garcn      = g add-rebase-continue-no-edit
gaup.      = g add -u -p .
gbcag      = git bisect-commits-ahead-good
gbcbb      = git bisect-commits-behind-bad
gbhis      = g blob-hash -is
gbpar      = g branch --format '%(refname:short)' -r --points-at
gbruc      = g branch-reset-upstream-checkout
gbssr      = g bisect-start-run
gcaam      = g commit -a --amend -m
gcaan      = g commit -a -u --amend --no-edit
gcaap      = g commit-push -a
gcaem      = g commit --allow-empty -m
gcamf      = g commit -aF-
gcamt      = ! -a
gcane      = g commit --amend --no-edit --allow-empty
gcapm      = g commit-push -a -m
gcarb      = g checkout-and-rebase
gcbns      = g commit-basenames
gcdi1      = !git --no-pager log --format=%cd --date=iso -1
gcfda      = g config --unset-all
gcfef      = g config core.excludesfile
gcfia      = g config --add core.excludesfile
gcfig      = g config core.excludesfile
gcfis      = g config core.excludesfile
gcfpd      = g config push.default
gcfua      = g config --unset-all
gcgda      = g config --unset-all --global
gcgdb      = g config --global init.defaultBranch
gcgef      = g config --global core.excludesfile
gcgia      = g config --add --global core.excludesfile
gcgif      = g config --global core.excludesfile
gcgig      = g config --global core.excludesfile
gcgis      = g config --global core.excludesfile
gcgpd      = g config --global push.default
gcgua      = g config --unset-all --global
gcmab      = g commit-body -a
gcmba      = g commit-body -a
gcmfa      = g commit -aF-
gcmtf      = ! -f
gcmtr      = g commit-tree
gcoco      = g conflicting-checkout-ours
gcoct      = g conflicting-checkout-theirs
gcorb      = g checkout-and-rebase
gcorf      = g checkout --recurse-submodules -f
gcpam      = g commit-push -a -m
gcpau      = g copy-author
gcpdc      = g config push.default current
gcpdu      = g config push.default upstream
gcppa      = g commit-push-parents -a
gcppm      = g commit-push-parents -m
gcpsh      = g cherry-pick-show-head
gcrbh      = g commit-rebase-head
gctgs      = g current-tags
gdcno      = g diff --name-only --cached
gdcss      = g diff --cached --submodule=short
gdcw-      = g diff --cached -w --
gdgif      = g
gdmbr      = g delete-merged-branches --remote
gdnoa      = g diff-name-only-all
gdnoc      = g diff --name-only --cached
gdnom      = git diff --name-only master
gdsca      = g describe --all
gdsph      = g diff --stat HEAD^..HEAD
gdthc      = g diff-theirs-conflicting
gdts1      = !git --no-pager dates -1
gecnp      = g edit-commit -n -p
gecnx      = g edit-commit -n -x
gecrn      = g edit-commit -r -n
gecrp      = g edit-commit -r -p
gecxn      = g edit-commit -n -x
gfune      = g user
ggaal      = g graph-all -a -l
ggadh      = g graph -A HEAD
ggala      = g graph-all -l -a
ggdbm      = g config --global init.defaultBranch main
gggid      = g get-id -g
ggidg      = g getid -g
ggr10      = g gr -n 10
ggrac      = g graph -ac
ggrad      = g graph -a -d
ggrdh      = g graph -d HEAD
ggrdn      = g graph -d -n
ggrec      = g graph -e -C
ggrhu      = g graph -u HEAD
ggsid      = g set-id -g
ghbis      = g blob-hash -is
ghblr      = g head-before-last-rebase
ghdss      = github-docs-snapshot -s
ghjis      = gh_job_ids
ghlwr      = gh_last_workflow_run
ghpbs      = github_protected_branches
ghraj      = gh_run_and_job
ghrlh      = gh run list --help
ghrvh      = gh run view --help
ghrvj      = gh run view --job
ghrvl      = gh run view --log
ghrvu      = gh_run_view_url
ghrvw      = gh run view --web
ghsdb      = github_set_default_branch
ghubn      = github_unprotect_branch -n
ghwip      = gh_run_list_in_progress
ghwrc      = gh_workflow_run_current_branch
gl1fT      = !git --no-pager log-1-format T
gl1ft      = !git --no-pager log-1-format T
gladr      = g log --name-status --diff-filter=ADR
glapi      = gitlab_api
glgf1      = !git --no-pager log-1-format
glggp      = g log -p -S
glgpg      = g log -p -S
gln20      = g list-n 20
globj      = gitlab_open_jobs
glpbn      = gitlab_protect_branch -n
glrpe      = gitlab_remote_path -e
glsdb      = gitlab_set_default_branch
glsrh      = !ls-remote --heads
glsrt      = !ls-remote --tags
glthn      = g ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD
glthr      = g ls-tree -r HEAD
gltrn      = g ls-tree -r --name-only
gltsh      = g ls-tree --abbrev HEAD
glubn      = gitlab_unprotect_branch -n
gmmne      = g merge main --no-edit
gmnef      = g merge --no-edit --no-ff
gmnnf      = g merge --no-edit --no-ff
gmtnb      = g mergetool -y -t nbdime
gmune      = g merge upstream/HEAD --no-edit
gnshs      = !git --no-pager show
gpftn      = g push -f --tags -n
gphfn      = g push-head-to -f -n
gphuf      = g push-head-upstream -f
gphun      = g push-head-upstream -n
gppam      = g commit-push-parents -a -m
gprhl      = g pre-rebase-head-log-pretty
gpubf      = g push-user-branch -f
gpubn      = g push-user-branch -n
grbcd      = g rebase-preserve-commit-dates -i
grbhm      = g rebase-head-message
grbmb      = g rebase-merge-base
grbor      = g rebase -r --onto
grbot      = g rebase-onto
grbro      = g rebase -r --onto
grbsi      = g rebase-stdin
grbud      = g rebase-upstream-diff
grhlh      = g pre-rebase-head-log
grhsl      = g rebase-head-submodule-log
grlfp      = g rev-list-first-parents
grlp1      = g rev-list --parents -n1
grlrb      = g revert-last-rebase
grmcf      = g rm --cached -f
grmlo      = g rm-untracked
grmpe      = g remote-path -e
grmrc      = g rm -r --cached
grmut      = g rm-untracked
grneh      = g revert --no-edit HEAD
grocn      = g reorder-commits -n
grrio      = g rebase -r -i --onto
grsha      = g remote-set-head-auto
grsin      = g rebase-stdin -n
grtch      = g root-commits HEAD
grvne      = g revert --no-edit
grvph      = g rev-parse HEAD
grvth      = g revert HEAD
grvtn      = g revert --no-edit
gsaca      = g submodule-auto-commit -a
gsadr      = !git --no-pager log -1 --format= --diff-filter=ADR --name-status
gsard      = !git --no-pager log -1 --format= --diff-filter=ADR --name-status
gsaut      = g set-author
gsdbm      = g set-default-branch-main
gsdru      = g set-default-remote-u
gsgid      = g set-id -g
gshch      = g cherry-pick-show-head
gshfp      = g show-sha-file HEAD^
gshhf      = g show-head-file
gshmb      = g show-merge-base
gshmh      = g show-merge-head
gshmr      = g show --diff-merges=remerge
gshms      = g show --diff-merges=separate
gshno      = g show --name-only
gshns      = g show --name-status
gshoc      = g show-original-commit
gshoh      = g show-original-head
gshon      = g squash-head-onto -n
gshp2      = g show HEAD~2
gshp3      = g show HEAD~3
gshrh      = g show-rebase-head
gshrm      = g rebase-head-message
gshsl      = g show --submodule=log
gshss      = g show --submodule=short
gshwc      = g cherry-pick-show-head -w
gsidg      = g set-id -g
gsmac      = g submodule-auto-commit
gsmaf      = g submodule add -f
gsmcc      = g submodule-count-commits
gsmid      = g submodule-sha
gsmir      = !git submodule init && git submodule update --recursive
gsmlf      = g submodule foreach --quiet --recursive 'echo $name $displaypath $sha1'
gsmlg      = g submodule-log
gsmlp      = g submodule foreach --quiet --recursive 'echo $name $displaypath $sha1'
gsmrs      = !git reset . && git submodule update --recursive && git status
gsmsh      = g submodule-sha
gsmst      = g submodule status
gsmuf      = g submodule update --recursive --rebase
gsmuq      = g submodule update --quiet
gsmur      = g submodule update --recursive --init
gsmus      = g submodule update
gspfo      = g safe-push-force origin
gspfu      = g safe-push-force upstream
gsqsq      = g squash-sequence
gsrlv      = g -v
gsurq      = g submodule update --recursive --quiet
gtwhn      = g throw-head -n
gtwp2      = g HEAD~2
gtwp3      = g HEAD~3
gxcam      = <git repo dir> ['git cam' args...]
gxcap      = <git repo dir> ['git cap' args...]
gaapfu     = g amend-force-push -a u
gcaane     = g commit -a -u --amend --no-edit --allow-empty
gcaapm     = g commit-push -a -m
gcamtf     = ! -a -f
gcanea     = g commit --amend --no-edit --allow-empty --author
gcfefs     = g config --get-all core.excludesfile
gcfigs     = g config --get-all core.excludesfile
gcgefs     = g config --get-all --global core.excludesfile
gcgigs     = g config --get-all --global core.excludesfile
gcgpdc     = g config --gloabl push.default current
gcgpdu     = g config --gloabl push.default upstream
gcmtrr     = g commit-tree-reset
gcococ     = g conflicting-checkout-ours-and-continue
gcoctc     = g conflicting-checkout-theirs-and-continue
gcppam     = g commit-push-parents -a -m
gcppcd     = g cherry-pick-preserve-commit-date
gecrpn     = g edit-commit -r -p -n
gfiles     = g diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r
gfiles     = g diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r
ggracd     = g graph -ac -d
ggracl     = g graph -ac -l
gh_job     = gh_run_and_job "$@" | jq ".job"
ghblrs     = g head-before-last-rebase %h
ghrvjs     = gh_run_view_jobs
ghrvlj     = gh run view --log --job
github     = git-helpers/github/github
gphufn     = g push-head-upstream -f -n
gprhlh     = g pre-rebase-head-log
gprnts     = !
grbcda     = g rebase-preserve-commit-dates
grbori     = g rebase -r -i --onto
grbrio     = g rebase -r -i --onto
grbsin     = g rebase-stdin -n
grmlso     = g rm-untracked
grvneh     = g revert --no-edit HEAD
gshadr     = g show --diff-filter=ADR --name-status
gshwch     = g cherry-pick-show-head -w
gsmsha     = g submodule-sha
gsmshs     = g submodule-shas
gsmurf     = g submodule update --recursive --init -f
gsmurq     = g submodule update --recursive --quiet
gsmurr     = g submodule update --recursive --rebase
gxcapm     = <git repo dir> ['git capm' args...]
issues     = git-helpers/github/issues
ggracle    = g graph -ac -l -e
grcdrbh    = g reset-committer-date-rebase-head
gist-dir   = git-helpers/gist/gist-dir   = git-helpers/github/
gh_job_id  = gh_last_job "$@" | jq -r .databaseId
ls-remote  = git-helpers/remote/ls-remote
gh_job_ids = [run_id [job_idx]]
gh_job_url = gh_job "$@" | jq -r .url
github_url = gh repo view --json url | jq -r '.url'
gh_open_job = open "$(gh_job_url "$@")"
git_set_sha = export sha="$(git sha)" = git-helpers/github/
git_dir_curry = <exported_function_name> <git-git-dir_param1> <git-git-dir_param2> ...
github_remote = git-find-only-remote
gitlab_remote = git-find-only-remote = git-helpers/github/  # Standalone script that mimics GitHub Actions' hashFiles helper
gh_last_run_id = gh run list -L 1 --json databaseId | jq -r .[0].databaseId
gh_run_and_job = [run_id [job_idx]]
github-api-url = git-helpers/submodule/github-api-url
github-web-url = git-helpers/submodule/github-web-url
gh_run_view_url = ghrv "$@" --json url | jr .url
gh_run_view_jobs = gh run view "$@" --json jobs
git_expand_alias = [-v] <alias>
parse-github-url = git-helpers/github/parse-github-url = git-helpers/git-filter-repo/  # Internal globals
github_remote_pathNo manual entry for git-remote-path
 = git remote-path "$@" "$(github_remote)"
gitlab_remote_pathNo manual entry for git-remote-path
 = git remote-path "$@" "$(gitlab_remote)"
init-mirror-remote = git-helpers/remote/init-mirror-remote = git-helpers/github/
github_open_actions = open "$(github_url)/actions"
github_open_web_ref = [ref]
gh_last_workflow_run = gh run list -L 1 --json databaseId | jq -r .[0].databaseId
github-docs-snapshot = git-helpers/github/github-docs-snapshot
pop_commit_from_file = git-helpers/cherry-pick/pop_commit_from_file  # Cherry-pick a commit from a file; if successful, remove it from the file.
github-commit-api-urls = git-helpers/submodule/github-commit-api-urls
github-commit-web-urls = git-helpers/submodule/github-commit-web-urls
github_open_web_commit = [commit]
gh_run_list_in_progress = gh run list -s in_progress
github_protected_branches = [remote]
github-submodule-check-commits = git-helpers/submodule/github-submodule-check-commits
github_parse_remote_and_branch = <caller name> [-n] [remote] <branch>
gitlab_parse_remote_and_branch = <caller name> [-n] [remote] <branch>
1345 completions present before and after installing git-helpers
1320 completions added by installing git-helpers (0 removed, 2665 total)

Most-used aliases

Here's a recent snapshot of my most-used Git aliases (annotated with their expansions):

history | awk '{print $2}' | grep '^g' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n 30
#    2776 gst     # `git status -uno` (tracked files only)
#    2734 gd      # `git diff`
#    2092 ggr     # `git graph`: wrapper for `git log --graph`, with nice colorization and formatting options
#    2062 gs      # `git status`
#     626 gcam    # `git commit -am`
#     587 gp      # `git push-x`: `push` to one or more remotes (comma-delimited)
#     538 gap     # `git add -p` (add interactively, in chunks)
#     519 gcm     # `git commit -m`
#     470 gsh     # `git show`
#     463 gco     # `git checkout`
#     448 ghh     # `git help`
#     433 gb      # `git branches` (pretty-print Git branches)
#     425 gr      # `git remote -vv`
#     404 gau     # `git add -u` (restrict to already-tracked files)
#     402 gdc     # `git diff --cached` ("staged" changes only)
#     376 gf      # `git fetch-x --tags`: fetch ≥1 remotes in parallel (comma-delimited), include tags
#     370 gg      # `git graph-all` (graph all branches)
#     242 gcaan   # `git commit --amend --no-edit`: squash uncommitted changes onto HEAD commit
#     217 ggracl  # `git graph -a -c -l`: Git branch graph, displaying author and committer dates as relative times (e.g. "3 days ago")
#     208 gcp     # `git cherry-pick`
#     194 ga      # `git add`
#     192 ggp     # `git grep --recurse-submodules`
#     175 g       # `git`
#     174 gpf     # `git push -f`
#     131 ggrh    # `git graph HEAD` (Graph of HEAD commit, plus subsequent arg branches)
#     118 gl      # `git ls-files`
#     113 grb     # `git rebase`
#     111 glg     # `git log -p --follow`, restricted to paths matching a substring argument
#     109 garc    # `git-add-rebase-continue`: mark conflicted files resolved, continue rebase


Source .git-rc in your .bashrc:

echo ". $PWD/.git-rc" >> ~/.bashrc  # Configure new shells to load `git-helpers`
. .bash-rc                          # "source" .bashrc, for immediate effect in existing shells

This will load all aliases, and add relevant directories to $PATH. pip install -r requirements.txt also ensures python-dateutil is installed available, which some scripts here require.


More details about aliases/commands I use frequently:

Inspect commit graph

ggr (git-graph) and gg (git-graph-all) are my preferred ways to visualize Git branches and history.

ggr (git-graph)

Example output from this repo:

The first line shows that local branch main is checked out (HEAD -> main), and up to date with remote branches gh/main and gl/main (GitHub and GitLab, resp., but that's just a convention I use).

Same as ggr, but includes all branches (not just the current one).

e.g., runsascoded/.rc shows several parallel branch lineages I maintain:

I develop on gh-all, and cherry-pick commits over to gh-server, gl-all, and gl-server.

git/git shows wide merge lineages

Summarize local/remote branches

Improved version of git branch -vv:

  • Branches output in reverse-chron order of last modification (instead of alphabetically)
  • Nice colors for each field
  • Concise "commits ahead/behind" counts
  • Abbreviated "time since last commit"

TileDB-SOMA example:


gbr ([git-remote-branches])

Similar to gb, but summarizes remotes' branches.

Inspect commits being rebased/cherry-picked

Print the SHA of the commit currently being rebased or cherry-picked.

Pass the above SHAs to git show.


gtw (git-throw)

"Throw" (squash) uncommitted changes onto an arbitrary previous commit. --help
# Usage: [OPTIONS] DST
#   "Throw" (squash) uncommitted changes onto an arbitrary previous commit.
# Options:
#   -m, --message TEXT  Optional message to use for ephemeral commit (before it
#                       is squashed onto the commit pointed to by `dst`).
#   -n, --dry-run       1x: commit changes, print rebase todo list; 2x: don't
#                       commit changes, show simulated rebase todo list
#   --help              Show this message and exit.

See also:

  • gtwp (git throw HEAD^): squash staged changes onto the current commit's parent.
  • gtwp2 (git throw HEAD~2): squash staged changes onto the current commit's grandparent.
  • Reorder commits by index (0-based, counting backwards from HEAD)
  • The rebase starts just before the largest index provided, and "picks" commits in the order provided.


Swap order of last two commits
groc 0 1

This rebases the last 2 commits (one more than the maximum index provided, i.e. 1), according to the plan "0 1":

  • "pick" HEAD~0 (current HEAD, whose rebased parent becomes HEAD~2)
  • "pick" HEAD~1 (originally the parent of HEAD, now rebased on top of the commit from the previous step)
-n: view a rebase "plan" without executing it
groc -n 0 1
# pick 3d2e3a8 `dcw="diff --cached -w"`
# pick 2d551a6 `commit -F-` aliases
-p: preserve commit-dates
groc -p -n 0 1
# pick 3d2e3a8 `dcw="diff --cached -w"`
# exec git reset-committer-date-rebase-head
# pick 2d551a6 `commit -F-` aliases
# exec git reset-committer-date-rebase-head

In this case, calls to git reset-committer-date-rebase-head are inserted after each picked commit.

The rebase -x flag is also directly available; this does the same as the above:

git roc -n -x 'g rcd' 0 1
# pick 3d2e3a8 `dcw="diff --cached -w"`
# exec g rcd
# pick 2d551a6 `commit -F-` aliases
# exec g rcd

(g rcd is an alias for git reset-committer-date-rebase-head)

No-op rotations

Running it twice is a no-op (assuming there are no rebase conflicts):

groc -p 0 1  # Reverse order of last two commits
groc -p 0 1  # Reverse back, original commit SHA

Similarly, here's a no-op 3-rotation:

groc -p 0 2 1  # Put current HEAD before prior two commits
groc -p 0 2 1  # Repeat; current state same as `groc -p 1 0 2`
groc -p 0 2 1  # Original commit is restored (including SHA)

Rebase, but inject -x git rcd (git reset-committer-date-rebase-head) after each commit, so that the committer-time is preserved.

Run a rebase to edit or reword a specific commit:

# Open the 3th commit back from HEAD, in rebase "edit" mode.
# A subsequent `rebase --continue` will rebase the remaining 3 commits on top of it.
git edit-commit HEAD~3

# "Dry run" of the above:
git edit-commit -n HEAD~3
# Would run git rebase -i d6aae97^:
# edit d6aae97 rm orphaned(?) `commit-filename{,s}` aliases
# pick ed9447b `cmba="commit-body -a"`, `cnb="commit-body --amend"`
# pick df33af4 `` fixes
# pick 3c166c3 `dtl`/`details`: commit details

# Change the parent commit's message, rebase HEAD on top of it (noninteractive)
git edit-commit -r "new message" HEAD^

# Same as above, but preserve the "committer dates" of `HEAD^` and `HEAD` (`g rcd` = `git reset-committer-date-rebase-head`)
git edit-commit -r "new message" -x "g rcd" HEAD^

# As a demonstration, this is effectively a no-op (same HEAD SHA before and after).
# `gby = git body = git log -1 --format=%B`, so this rewrites the parent commit with the same
# message, and preserves its committer date.
git edit-commit -r "`gby HEAD^`" -x "g rcd" HEAD^


  • rb <N>: interactive rebase over the last N commits.
  • grd (git-rebase-diff): compute most recent pre-rebase SHA (ghblr / git-head-before-last-rebase), diff that vs. current worktree.
    • Useful to ensure a rebase didn't change the final work-tree, e.g. when combining or rearranging commits.

Diff helpers, GIFs, JSON

  • gdc (git diff --cached): show staged changes only
  • gds (git diff --stat): show file/line add/remove stats
  • gdw (git diff -w): diff, ignoring whitespace changes

Most combos of the above also exist, e.g. gdcs, gdsw, etc.

Create a GIF of an image at two commits, open in browser.

Pretty-print JSON files, before diffing them.

Update commit parents

Create a commit with a given tree and parents:

Author/Committer/User metadata

  • gsau (git-set-author): update HEAD author, either from Git configs, an existing commit, or literal name/email arguments.
  • gsad (git-set-author-date): update HEAD author date; match another commit's, or HEAD's committer date.
  • gscd (git-set-committer-date): update HEAD committer date; match another commit's, or HEAD's author date.
  • gsid (git-set-id), ggsid (git-set-id -g): set user.{name,email} configs.