🔭 I’m currently a Software Engineer @VincereDigital
🌱 Write for sharing about programming @Medium
- Infowebtools
- Hadist of The Day
- MovieDB
- Al-Quran Digital
- Indonesia Airway Bill Tracker
- Resu.me
- Invoiz
- Indonesia Airway Bill Tracker using RajaOngkir, Next.js, and TailwindCSS
- Build Quran App using NextJS and TailwindCSS
- Building Money App with Zod, React Hook Form, and React Query
- Dynamic Forms: Next.js with Formik and Yup Integration
- From Zero to CRUD: Developing a Next.js App with Prisma
- Elevating Web Forms with Next.js and Google Spreadsheet
- Build Your Own Chatbot using NextJS and OpenAI
- NextJS with Stripe Payment Integration (Part 2)
- NextJS with Stripe Payment Integration (Part 1)
- Integrating Auth0 with Next.js
- Implementing Atomic Design in Next.Js Project
- Effortless Next.js Data Fetching with SWR, and Axios
- Set Up PostCSS Nesting (Tailwind) in Your NextJS Project
- Integrating ESLint, Prettier, Husky, and Lint-staged for Effortless Development (NextJS)