This is a reversed engineered SDK that emulates the SOAP calls that AL uses to manage the appliance. Currently only supports version 4.11 or later. THIS USES UNSUPPORTED API CALLS. PLEASE USE WITH CAUTION.
Alternative documentation can be found at
- Citrix App Layering PowerShell SDK (BETA)
Import-Module ".\ctxal-sdk.psm1"
Find-Module -name ctxal-sdk
Install-Module -Name ctxal-sdk -Scope CurrentUser
Find-Module -name ctxal-sdk
Update-Module -Name ctxal-sdk
Note: If your password contains a &,<,>,",'
you will need to convert with [System.Security.SecurityElement]::Escape(MY&PASSWORD)
to handle the special character(s) Thanks for the hint Travis Adams!
$aplip = ""
$pass = "Password"
$username = "administrator"
$SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $Pass -AsPlainText -Force
$Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($Username, $SecurePassword)
$websession = Connect-alsession -aplip $aplip -Credential $Credential -Verbose
disconnect-alsession -websession $websession
$fileshare = Get-ALRemoteshare -websession $websession
$connector = Get-ALconnector -websession $websession -type Create|where{$ -eq "MYvCenter"}
$app = Get-ALapplayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "7-Zip"}
$apprevs = get-alapplayerdetail -websession $websession -id $app.Id
$apprevid = $apprevs.Revisions.AppLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Finalizable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
$disklocation = get-allayerinstalldisk -websession $websession -id $apprevid.LayerId
invoke-allayerfinalize -websession $websession -fileshareid $ -LayerRevisionId $apprevid.Id -uncpath $disklocation.diskuncpath -filename $disklocation.diskname
Get all tasks
Get-ALStatus -websession $websession
Get specific task based on ID (accepts wildcard)
Get-ALStatus -id 123456 -websession $websession
Locate ID of Task Get-ALStatus -websession $websession
Stop-ALWorkTicket -id 123456 -websession $websession
$fileshare = Get-ALRemoteshare -websession $websession
$connector = Get-ALconnector -websession $websession -type Create|where{$ -eq "MYvCenter"}
$shares = get-alremoteshare -websession $websession
#vCenter Command
$vm = Get-VM "Windows2016VM"
$vmid = $vm.Id -replace "VirtualMachine-",""
$response = import-aloslayer -websession $websession -vmname $ -connectorid $ -shareid $ -name "Windows 2016" -version "1.0" -vmid $vmid -hypervisor esxi
Thanks Dan Feller!
$fileshare = Get-ALRemoteshare -websession $websession
$connector = Get-ALconnector -websession $websession -type Create|where{$ -eq "MYXenServer"}
$shares = get-alremoteshare -websession $websession
#Xen Command
$XenVM = get-xenvm -name $VMName
$response = import-aloslayer -websession $websession -vmname $vmname -connectorid $ -shareid $ -name "Windows 2016" -version "1.0" -vmid $XenVM.uuid -hypervisor xenserver
$fileshare = Get-ALRemoteshare -websession $websession
$connector = Get-ALconnector -websession $websession -type Create|where{$ -eq "MYvCenter"}
$oss = Get-ALOsLayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "Windows 2016 Standard"}
$osrevs = get-aloslayerDetail -websession $websession -id $
$osrevid = $osrevs.Revisions.OsLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
$myosrev = new-aloslayerrev -websession $websession -version "2.0" -connectorid $connector.Id -osid $ -osrevid $ -diskformat $connector.ValidDiskFormats.DiskFormat -shareid $ -name "mylayerrevname"
#Keep checking for change in task
$status = get-alstatus -websession $websession -id $myosrev.WorkTicketId
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
} Until ($status.state -eq "ActionRequired")
#use function to extract VM NAME from status message
get-alvmname -message $status.WorkItems.WorkItemResult.Status
$os = Get-ALoslayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "Server2016"}
Set-ALoslayer -websession $websession -name "Server2019" -description "7-zip" -id $os.Id -scriptpath "C:\NeededScript.ps1"
$fileshare = Get-ALRemoteshare -websession $websession
$osid = Get-ALOSlayer -websession $websession | where{$ -eq "Windows 10 x64"}
$osrevid = Get-ALOSlayerDetail -websession $websession -id $osid.Id
$osrevid = $osrevid.Revisions.OSLayerRevisionDetail | where{$_.candelete -eq $true} | Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending | select -Last 1
remove-aloslayerrev -websession $websession -osid $osid.Id -osrevid $ -fileshareid $
No Prerequisite layers
$connector = Get-ALconnector -websession $websession -type Create|where{$ -eq "MYvCenter"}
$fileshare = Get-ALRemoteshare -websession $websession
$oss = Get-ALOsLayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "Windows 10 x64"}
$osrevs = get-aloslayerDetail -websession $websession -id $
$osrevid = $osrevs.Revisions.OsLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
new-alapplayer -websession $websession -version "1.0" -name "Accounting APP" -description "Accounting application" -connectorid $ -osrevid $osrevid.Id -diskformat $connector.ValidDiskFormats.DiskFormat -OsLayerSwitching BoundToOsLayer -fileshareid $
App Layer that requires prerequisite layer(s)
$fileshare = Get-ALRemoteshare -websession $websession
$connector = Get-ALconnector -websession $websession -type Create|where{$ -eq "MYvCenter"}
#Prerequisite layers
$reqapp1 = Get-ALapplayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "firefox"}
$apprevs1 = get-alapplayerDetail -websession $websession -id $reqapp1.Id
$apprevid1 = $apprevs1.Revisions.AppLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
$reqapp2 = Get-ALapplayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "putty"}
$apprevs2 = get-alapplayerDetail -websession $websession -id $reqapp2.Id
$apprevid2 = $apprevs2.Revisions.AppLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
$oss = Get-ALOsLayer -websession $websession
$osrevs = get-aloslayerdetail -websession $websession -id $app.AssociatedOsLayerId
$osrevid = $osrevs.Revisions.OsLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
new-alapplayer -websession $websession -version "1.0" -name "Accounting APP" -description "Accounting application" -connectorid $ -osrevid $osrevid.Id -diskformat $connector.ValidDiskFormats.DiskFormat -OsLayerSwitching BoundToOsLayer -fileshareid $ -appprereqid @($apprevid1.Id,$apprevid2.Id)
No Prerequisite layers
$fileshare = Get-ALRemoteshare -websession $websession
$connector = Get-ALconnector -websession $websession -type Create|where{$ -eq "MYvCenter"}
$app = Get-ALapplayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "7-Zip"}
$oss = Get-ALOsLayer -websession $websession
$osrevs = get-aloslayerdetail -websession $websession -id $app.AssociatedOsLayerId
$osrevid = $osrevs.Revisions.OsLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
$apprevs = get-alapplayerDetail -websession $websession -id $app.Id
$apprevid = $apprevs.Revisions.AppLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
new-alapplayerrev -websession $websession -version "9.0" -name $app.Name -connectorid $ -appid $app.Id -apprevid $ -osrevid $osrevid.Id -diskformat $connector.ValidDiskFormats.DiskFormat -fileshareid $
App Layer that requires prerequisite layer(s)
$fileshare = Get-ALRemoteshare -websession $websession
$connector = Get-ALconnector -websession $websession -type Create|where{$ -eq "MYvCenter"}
#App to Update
$app = Get-ALapplayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "7-Zip"}
#Prerequisite layers
$reqapp1 = Get-ALapplayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "firefox"}
$apprevs1 = get-alapplayerDetail -websession $websession -id $reqapp1.Id
$apprevid1 = $apprevs1.Revisions.AppLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
$reqapp2 = Get-ALapplayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "putty"}
$apprevs2 = get-alapplayerDetail -websession $websession -id $reqapp2.Id
$apprevid2 = $apprevs2.Revisions.AppLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
$oss = Get-ALOsLayer -websession $websession
$osrevs = get-aloslayerdetail -websession $websession -id $app.AssociatedOsLayerId
$osrevid = $osrevs.Revisions.OsLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
$apprevs = get-alapplayerDetail -websession $websession -id $app.Id
$apprevid = $apprevs.Revisions.AppLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
#appprereqid requires array of pre-req layer IDs
new-alapplayerrev -websession $websession -version "9.0" -name $app.Name -connectorid $ -appid $app.Id -apprevid $ -osrevid $osrevid.Id -diskformat $connector.ValidDiskFormats.DiskFormat -fileshareid $ -appprereqid @($apprevid1.Id,$apprevid2.Id) -Verbose
$app = Get-ALapplayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "7-Zip"}
Set-alapplayer -websession $websession -name "7-Zip" -description "7-zip" -id $app.Id -scriptpath "C:\NeededScript.ps1" -OsLayerSwitching BoundToOsLayer
$app = Get-ALapplayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "7-Zip"}
$appdetail = Get-ALapplayerDetail -websession $websession -id $app.Id
$appver = $appdetail.Revisions.AppLayerRevisionDetail | select-object -last 1
Set-AlApplayerRev -websession $websession -layerid $app.Id -revid $appver.Id -name "21.06" -description "7-zip 21.06 (2021-11-24)"
$fileshare = Get-ALRemoteshare -websession $websession
$appid = Get-ALapplayer -websession $websession | where{$ -eq "7-Zip"}
$apprevid = get-alapplayerDetail -websession $websession -id $appid.Id
$apprevid = $apprevid.Revisions.AppLayerRevisionDetail | where{$_.candelete -eq $true} | Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending | select -First 1
remove-alapplayerrev -websession $websession -appid $appid.Id -apprevid $ -fileshareid $
$layer = Get-ALapplayer -websession $websession | Where-Object {$ -like "S2016_APP_JAVA"}
$apprevs = Get-ALapplayerDetail -websession $websession -id $
$apprevid = $apprevs.Revisions.AppLayerRevisionDetail | Sort-Object id | Select-Object -Last 1
$targetrevversion = $apprevid.DisplayedVersion
$targetrevdescription = "Cloned revision $($targetrevversion)"
$name = "$($"
$description = $($
$Iconid = $(Get-ALicon -websession $websession | Where-Object {$(Get-ALiconassoc -iconid $_.iconid -websession $websession -ea 0) | Where-Object {$ -match $} }).Iconid
new-qlqpplayerclone -websession $websession -apprevid $ -name $name -description $description -iconid $Iconid -targetrevversion $targetrevversion -targetrevdescription $targetrevdescription
$fileshare = Get-ALRemoteshare -websession $websession
$connector = Get-ALconnector -websession $websession -type Create|where{$ -eq "MYvCenter"}
$oss = Get-ALOsLayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "Windows 2016 Standard"}
$osrevs = get-aloslayerdetail -websession $websession -id $
$osrevid = $osrevs.Revisions.OsLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
New-ALPlatformLayer -websession $websession -osrevid $osrevid.Id -name "Citrix XA VDA 7.18" -connectorid $ -shareid $ -diskformat $connector.ValidDiskFormats.DiskFormat -type Create
$fileshare = Get-ALRemoteshare -websession $websession
$connector = Get-ALconnector -websession $websession -type Create|where{$ -eq "MYvCenter"}
$oss = Get-ALOsLayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "Windows 10 x64"}
$osrevs = get-aloslayerdetail -websession $websession -id $
$osrevid = $osrevs.Revisions.OsLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
$plats = Get-ALPlatformlayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "Windows 10 VDA"}
$platrevs = get-alplatformlayerDetail -websession $websession -id $
$platformrevid = $platrevs.Revisions.PlatformLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
$params = @{
websession = $websession;
osrevid = $osrevid.Id;
connectorid = $connector.Id;
shareid = $;
layerid = $plats.Id;
layerrevid = $;
version = "5.0";
Diskname = $plats.Name;
Verbose = $true;
Description = "Citrix VDA 7.18 with windows 10";
diskformat = $connector.ValidDiskFormats.DiskFormat;
New-ALPlatformLayerRev @params
$fileshare = Get-ALRemoteshare -websession $websession
$platformid = Get-ALPlatformlayer -websession $websession | where{$ -eq "Windows 10 VDA"}
$platformrevid = Get-ALPlatformlayerDetail -websession $websession -id $platformid.Id
$platformrevid = $platformrevid.Revisions.PlatformLayerRevisionDetail | where{$_.candelete -eq $true} | Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending | select -First 1
remove-alplatformlayerrev -websession $websession -platformid $platformid.Id -platformrevid $ -fileshareid $
$image = Get-ALImageComp -websession $websession -name "Windows 10 Accounting"
$fileshare = Get-ALRemoteshare -websession $websession
$connector = Get-ALconnector -websession $websession -type Create|where{$ -eq "MYvCenter"}
$oss = Get-ALOsLayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "Windows 10 x64"}
$osrevs = get-aloslayerDetail -websession $websession -id $
$osrevid = $osrevs.Revisions.OsLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
$plats = get-alplatformlayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "Windows 10 VDA"}
$platrevs = get-alplatformlayerdetail -websession $websession -id $
$platformrevid = $platrevs.Revisions.PlatformLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
#Application IDs
$apps = @("Winscp","7-zip")
$appids = @()
foreach ($app in $apps)
$applayerid = Get-ALapplayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq $app}
$apprevs = get-alapplayerDetail -websession $websession -id $applayerid.Id
$apprevid = $apprevs.Revisions.AppLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
$appids += $apprevid.Id
new-alimage -websession $websession -name "Windows 10 Accounting" -description "Accounting" -connectorid $ -osrevid $osrevid.Id -appids $appids -platrevid $ -diskformat $connector.ValidDiskFormats.DiskFormat -ElasticLayerMode Session
$fileshare = Get-ALRemoteshare -websession $websession
$connector = Get-ALconnector -websession $websession -type Create|where{$ -eq "MYvCenter"}
$oss = Get-ALOsLayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "Windows 10 x64"}
$osrevs = get-aloslayerdetail -websession $websession -id $
$osrevid = $osrevs.Revisions.OsLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
$plats = Get-ALPlatformlayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "Windows 10 VDA"}
$platrevs = get-alplatformlayerdetail -websession $websession -id $
$platformrevid = $platrevs.Revisions.PlatformLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
$image = Get-ALimage -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "Windows 10 Accounting"}
Set-alimage -websession $websession -name $images.Name -description "My new description" -connectorid $ -osrevid $osrevid.Id -platrevid $ -id $image.Id -ElasticLayerMode Session -diskformat $connector.ValidDiskFormats.DiskFormat
$apps = @("Winscp","7-zip")
$applayerids = foreach ($app in $apps){Get-ALapplayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq $app}}
$apprevs = foreach ($applayerid in $applayerids){get-alapplayerDetail -websession $websession -id $applayerid.Id}
$apprevid = foreach ($apprev in $apprevs){$apprev.Revisions.AppLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1}
Set-alimage -websession $websession -name $images.Name -description "My new description" -connectorid $ -osrevid $osrevid.Id -platrevid $ -id $image.Id -ElasticLayerMode Session -diskformat $connector.ValidDiskFormats.DiskFormat -applayerid $apprevid.LayerId -apprevid $apprevid.Id
$image = Get-ALimage -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "Windows 10 Accounting"}
Remove-ALImage -websession $websession -imageid $
$image = Get-ALimage -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "Windows 10 Accounting"}
invoke-alpublish -websession $websession -imageid $
$image = Get-ALimage -websession $websession | where {$ -eq "Windows 10 Accounting"}
New-ALImageClone -websession $websession -imageid $image.Id -Confirm:$false -OutVariable ALImageClone
$image = Get-ALimage -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "Accounting"}
$app = Get-ALapplayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "Libre Office"}
$apprevs = get-alapplayerDetail -websession $websession -id $app.Id
$apprevid = $apprevs.Revisions.AppLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
add-alappassignment -websession $websession -apprevid $ -imageid $
$image = Get-ALimage -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "Accounting"}
$app = Get-ALapplayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "Libre Office"}
$apprevs = Get-ALapplayerDetail -websession $websession -id $app.Id
$apprevid = $apprevs.Revisions.AppLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
remove-alappassignment -websession $websession -applayerid $apprevid.LayerId -imageid $
$users = @('MyGroup1','MyGroup2','Domain Users')
$finduser = $users|get-alldapobject -websession $websession
$app = Get-ALapplayerDetail -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "Libre Office"}
$apprevs = Get-ALapplayerDetail -websession $websession -id $app.Id
$apprevid = $apprevs.Revisions.AppLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object version -Descending|select -First 1
$add-alelappassignment -websession $websession -apprevid $apprevid.Id -unideskid $finduser.unideskid -objecttype $finduser.objecttype -directoryjunctionid $finduser.directoryjunctionid -ldapguid $finduser.guid -ldapdn $finduser.dn -sid $finsuser.sid -Confirm:$False
$users = @('MyGroup1','MyGroup2','Domain Users')
$finduser = $users|get-alldapobject -websession $websession
$app = Get-ALapplayer -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "Libre Office"}
$apprevs = Get-ALapplayerDetail -websession $websession -id $app.Id
$apprevid = $apprevs.Revisions.AppLayerRevisionDetail|where{$_.state -eq "Deployable"}|Sort-Object DisplayedVersion -Descending|select -First 1
$finduser|remove-alelappassignment -websession $websession -apprevid $apprevid.Id
Get-ALicon -websession $websession
$icons = Get-ALicon -websession $websession
foreach($icon in $icons)
#No authentication needed to grab image
Invoke-WebRequest -uri $($icon.url) -OutFile ("D:\Temp\icons\" + $($icon.iconid)+".png")
Get-ALiconassoc -websession $websession -iconid "196608"
$iconfile = "D:\Temp\icons\myiconpic.png"
$temp = new-alicon -WebSession $websession -iconfile $iconfile -Verbose
Remove-ALicon -websession $websession -iconid "4259840"
Gets "Exportable" Layers
$mypath = "\\mynas\layershare\"
Get-ALExportableRev -websession $websession -sharepath $mypath
Gets "Exportable" layers including ones that are already present
$mypath = "\\mynas\layershare\"
Get-ALExportableRev -websession $websession -sharepath $mypath -showall
Gets "Importable" Layers
$mypath = "\\mynas\layershare\"
Get-ALimportableRev -websession $websession -sharepath $mypath
Gets "Importable" layers including ones that are already present
$mypath = "\\mynas\layershare\"
Get-ALimportableRev -websession $websession -sharepath $mypath -showall
Exports all "exportable" layers to fileshare
$mypath = "\\mynas\layershare\"
Get-ALExportableRev -websession $websession -sharepath $mypath|Export-ALlayerrev -websession $websession -sharepath $mypath
Exports all "exportable" layers to fileshare with authenication. (Press CTRL key to select more than one layer)
$mypath = "\\mynas\layershare\"
$myusername = ""
$sharepw = "mysupersecret"
Get-ALExportableRev -websession $websession -sharepath $mypath -username $myusername -sharepw $sharepw|Export-ALlayerrev -websession $websession -sharepath $mypath -username $myusername -sharepw $sharepw
Allows user to select which layers to export. (Press CTRL key to select more than one layer)
$mypath = "\\mynas\layershare\"
Get-ALExportableRev -websession $websession -sharepath $mypath|Out-gridview -PassThru|Export-ALlayerrev -websession $websession -sharepath $mypath
Imports all "importable" layers to fileshare
$mypath = "\\mynas\layershare\"
Get-ALImportableRev -websession $websession -sharepath $mypath|Import-ALlayerrev -websession $websession -sharepath $mypath
Imports all "importable" layers to fileshare with authenication. (Press CTRL key to select more than one layer)
$mypath = "\\mynas\layershare\"
$myusername = ""
$sharepw = "mysupersecret"
Get-ALImportableRev -websession $websession -sharepath $mypath -username $myusername -sharepw $sharepw|Import-ALlayerrev -websession $websession -sharepath $mypath -username $myusername -sharepw $sharepw
Allows user to select which layers to import. (Press CTRL key to select more than one layer)
$mypath = "\\mynas\layershare\"
Get-ALImportableRev -websession $websession -sharepath $mypath|Out-gridview -PassThru|Import-ALlayerrev -websession $websession -sharepath $mypath
new-aldirectory -websession $websession -serveraddress "" -usessl -username "" -adpassword "MYPASSWORD" -basedn DC=domain,DC=com -name "Mydirectory"
Get-ALDirectory -websession $websession
get-aldirectorydetail -websession $websession -id $
Set-aldirectory -websession $websession -adpassword "MYPASSWORD" -id $ -name "MYNEWNAME"
Remove-ALDirectory -websession $websession -id "4915204"
$dir = Get-ALDirectory -websession $websession|where{$ -eq "MyDirectory"}
$userid = Get-ALUserList -websession $websession -junctionid $ -dn "CN=Users,DC=mydomain,DC=com"|Where-Object {$_.loginname -eq "myusername"}
$userdetail = Get-ALUserDetail -websession $websession -junctionid $ -ldapguid $userid.DirectoryId.LdapGuid -dn $userid.DirectoryId.LdapDN -id $userid.DirectoryId.UnideskId
$groups = Get-ALUserGroupMembership -websession $websession -junctionid $ -id $User.DirectoryId.UnideskId -ldapguid $user.FullId.LdapGuid -ldapdn $user.FullId.LdapDN -sid $userdetail.FullId.sid
#build group array for search
$groupids = @()
$groups|%{$groupids += $_.DirectoryId.UnideskId}
#add user to group array
$groupids += $User.DirectoryId.UnideskId
$apps = Get-ALUserAssignment -websession $websession -id $userid.DirectoryId.UnideskId -Verbose
$apps|Select-Object LayerName,CurrentRevision,PendingRevision,AssignedViaDisplayName
Get-ALLocalUser -websession $websession
Set-ALAdminUser -websession $websession -Password $PlainPassword -Verbose
Get-ALSystemInfo -websession $websession
get-alsystemsettinginfo -websession $websession|Select-Object -ExpandProperty value -Property @{Name="SettingName"; Expression = {$_.Name}}
Get Connector Detail
$conn = get-alconnector -websession $websession -type Publish -name "MyconnectorTest7"
get-alconnectordetail -websession $websession -connid $conn.Id -port $conn.ConfigurationSslPort
Remove Connector
$conn = get-alconnector -websession $websession -type Publish -name "MyconnectorTest7"
Remove-ALConnector -websession $websession -connid $conn.Id -Confirm:$false
Set Connector Credentials
$conn = get-alconnector -websession $websession -type Publish -name "MyconnectorTest7"
$conndetail = get-alconnectordetail -websession $websession -connid $conn.Id -port $conn.ConfigurationSslPort
Set-ALconnectorCred -websession $websession -config $conndetail -connector $conn -username "domain\first.last" -password "Test123
Get vCenter connector(s) information
Get-alVcenterConnector -websession $websession
Get vCenter Resource Info
$vcenter = Get-alVcenterConnector -websession $websession
$dc = get-alvcenterobject -websession $websession -configid $vcenter.pccId -username $vcenter.pccConfig.userName -vcenter $vcenter.pccConfig.vCenterServer -type datacenter -configid $vcenter.pccId
$hostvar = get-alvcenterobject -websession $websession -configid $vcenter.pccId -username $vcenter.pccConfig.userName -vcenter $vcenter.pccConfig.vCenterServer -type Host -dc $dc.value
$datastore = get-alvcenterobject -websession $websession -configid $vcenter.pccId -username $vcenter.pccConfig.userName -vcenter $vcenter.pccConfig.vCenterServer -type Datastore -dc $dc.value
$network = get-alvcenterobject -websession $websession -configid $vcenter.pccId -username $vcenter.pccConfig.userName -vcenter $vcenter.pccConfig.vCenterServer -type network -dc $dc.value
$template = get-alvcenterobject -websession $websession -configid $vcenter.pccId -username $vcenter.pccConfig.userName -vcenter $vcenter.pccConfig.vCenterServer -type vmTemplate -vmfolder $dc.vmFolder
$folder = get-alvcenterobject -websession $websession -configid $vcenter.pccId -username $vcenter.pccConfig.userName -vcenter $vcenter.pccConfig.vCenterServer -type vmfolder -vmfolder $dc.vmFolder
Validate and Set vCenter Password
$vcenter = Get-alVcenterConnector -websession $websession
$vcenter.pccConfig|Add-Member -NotePropertyName "password" -NotePropertyValue "mysecretpassword"
Set-alVcenterConnector -websession $websession -config $vcenter
Create vCenter Connector
$vcenterpassword = "mysupersecretpassword"
$usernamevc = "domain\username"
$vcentername = "myvcenter.domain.local"
$type = get-alconnectortype -websession $websession -name "Citrix MCS for vSphere"
$dc = get-alvcenterobject -websession $websession -username $usernamevc -vcenter $vcentername -vcenterpass $vcenterpassword -type Datacenter -name "Lab"
$hostvar = get-alvcenterobject -websession $websession -username $usernamevc -vcenter $vcentername -vcenterpass $vcenterpassword -type Host -dc $dc.value -name "myhostname"
$datastore = get-alvcenterobject -websession $websession -username $usernamevc -vcenter $vcentername -vcenterpass $vcenterpassword -type Datastore -dc $dc.value -name "nydatastire"
$network = get-alvcenterobject -websession $websession -username $usernamevc -vcenter $vcentername -vcenterpass $vcenterpassword -type network -dc $dc.value -name "VLAN10"
$template = get-alvcenterobject -websession $websession -username $usernamevc -vcenter $vcentername -vcenterpass $vcenterpassword -type vmTemplate -vmfolder $dc.vmFolder -name "CALTEMP"
$folder = get-alvcenterobject -websession $websession -username $usernamevc -vcenter $vcentername -vcenterpass $vcenterpassword -type vmfolder -vmfolder $dc.vmFolder -name "Unidesk"
$Params = @{
Name = "MyconnectorTest"
DC = $dc
DATASTORE = $datastore
HOSTSYSTEM = $hostvar
NETWORK = $network
FOLDER = $folder
CONNID = $type.Id
VMTEMPLATE = $template
new-AlVcenterConnector -websession $websession -username $usernamevc -vcenter $vcentername -vcenterpass $vcenterpassword @params