An introductory talk to practical use linear and substructural type systems through Linear Haskell and Rust.
All of the Linear Haskell commentary is describing the work by Tweag (more inforation can be found [here]( 00-linear-types.rst)). Tweag also has documentation about how to play around with their extension , including how to use it simply with docker.
The code in this presentation is
Set up docker on your local machine
Get the linear Haskell from the tweag docker repository:
docker pull tweag/linear-types:0.1.8
This code is only tested against this specific version of linear Haskell.
All the normal stack commands can be used. For example, to drop down into a linear Haskell REPL, use
stack ghci
. Note that the linear extension is always on in this branch of GHC.
installed on the system path. Runstack install lhs2tex
outside of this directory.- A system copy of LaTex with
To compile the presentation, simply use make
. This will make two versions
of the presentation: the normal presentations with slide breaks (\pause
beamer) and a handout version with no slide breaks.
- Watertight 3D models that are correct by construction, with the help of Linear Haskell.
- Tweag's Linear Haskell GHC branch.
- Tweag's linear base library.
- Linear Haskell GHC proposal
- A more in-depth proposal from Tweag.
- Everything listed in the