A Clojure powered RESTful web service providing State and Federal minimum wage data.
curl http://fairpay.azurewebsites.net/minimum-wage/years/2016/states/mi
"year": "2016",
"state": "Michigan",
"postalcode": "MI",
"minimum_wage": "8.50",
"url": "/years/2016/states/mi",
"year_url": "/years/2016",
"federal_wage_info_url": "/years/2016/federal"
This service can be consumed by anything that is set up to handle JSON responses. Included in each response are URLs that can be used to explore the available minimum wage data.
See it in use within an Angular 2 web application at fairpayWeb.
I wrote this as a microservice to a future web application. I could not find a publicly available API with minimum wage information. This is just a compilation of that information with an API to access it.
A description of all the calls can be found on the wiki.
Pull down the project locally and run lein deps
and then lein ring uberwar
to generate a WAR file that you can host on your Java server of choice.
You will need Leiningen 2.0.0 or above installed.
By default, the data source will be the CSV files found in the resources directory. The files below will always be available as they are built into the WAR.
Once deployed, updated CSV files with the same name can be put in the resources\wage_data
folder on the server to update the wage data instead of rebuilding the WAR.
Run lein test
in the main project folder.
I hope to add/fix the following
- Add local minimum wage information
- Nicer home page
- Prune needless URL attributes from responses (e.g. when there are no federal wages for a year)
- National Employment Law Project, author of this handy list
If you are interesting in contributing to this or any other of my projects, contact me here
Copyright (C) 2016 Ryan Paul
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.