Collection Corp is a Discord bot using Discord.js v14.
Users can capture monsters, build their collection, and send them out on quests to gain experience!
Join here!
Server: Node, PM2, Jenkins, AWS RDS, AWS S3, AWS EC2
To begin your journey you must create your profile! You are also awarded with some starter goodies to give you a jumpstart.
Catch Monsters with this command! You will encounter 1 of 4 rarities, Bronze being the most common and Diamond being the most rare. Try your luck with catching the Monster with traps you own. The better the trap, the better the catch rate!
Catching is not always easy. Monsters can break out of traps if they are strong or your trap is weak. Make sure to stock up on powerful traps to capture your favorite rare Monsters.
If you don't hurry and make an attempt, the Monster will runaway.
Show off your most powerful Monster!
List all of your Monsters in a pagniated menu.
List all of your available items, from traps to amplifiers.
View available items in the shop and purchase some with our currency "Shmoins".
Use the slash (/) command /catch
to start the catch event. Use an owned trap by clicking the buttons seen below the catch emded. You will be notified if your trap was successful in catching the Monster. If you don't act fast enough, the Monster will escape.
- Shmoins are the currency you use to purchase items from the shop.
- To earn Shmoins, catch Monsters. The better the rarity of Monster, the better the Shmoin payout is.
Quests - The bread and butter of Collection Corp. Users will be able to send their Monsters out on timed quests to level them up. Upon completion, Monsters will gain experience points and items that they bring back to their trainer