.NET Library for controlling Ricoh Theta Cameras
This library is build base on the API specification provided by Ricoh. If you are not clear about the details, you may check their web page. API v2 Reference
The library is written with .Net Standard 2.0, so it should work for other OS using Xamarin.
ThetaWifiApi is almost direct translations of API specification. If you know enough about the THETA API, instantiate this class and use it. This class is basically do the network communication and JSON data handling.
For most of you will use the ThetaWifiConnect. It is a wrapper of the THETA API to make complicated task simple, which involves several set of calls. If you need tasks that are not wrapped by the class, you retrieve ThetaWifiApi from the instance.
Classes in Wifi\Request and Wifi\Respond directory are self explanetory. They are direct conversion of JSON data to C# object.
Declare an instance of ThetaWifiConnect.
ThetaWifiConnect _theta = new ThetaWifiConnect();
You may register some listeners
_theta.ImageReady += ThetaApi_ImageReady; _theta.OnTakePictureCompleted += ThetaApi_OnTakePictureCompleted; _theta.OnTakePictureFailed += ThetaApi_OnTakePictureFailed;
This one checks if the connecion is ready
await _theta.CheckConnection();
Get the information of the camera
var info = await _theta.ThetaApi.InfoAsync();
Notice that getting information is a simple single call, so we retrieve the ThetaApi and operates on it.
Get the status of the camera
var status = await _theta.ThetaApi.StateAsync();
'status' holds everything
When you start preview
ImageReady events are called many times. It's a Jpeg format. Beware that it is not an UI thread.
private void ThetaApi_ImageReady(byte[] imgByteArray) { // JPEG format data this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Normal, new Action(delegate { try { var source = LoadImage(imgByteArray); imgPreview.Source = source; } catch (Exception ex) { HandleException(ex); } })); }
Stop previewing.
Taking picture is also simple.
await _theta.TakePictureAsync();
When succeeded, completed event will be called.
private void ThetaApi_OnTakePictureCompleted(string fileName) { ... }
And if it failed, failed event will be called.
private void ThetaApi_OnTakePictureFailed(Exception ex) { ... }
Use SetOptions to configuring camera settings
var options = new OptionValues(); options.PreviewFormat = new PreviewFormat(){ Width=1920, Height=960, Framerate=8 }; await _theta.ThetaApi.SetOptionsAsync(options);
Set values that you are updating only.
- When you initiate Taking picture action, any other API call will fail until its processing ends. Wait for a success or fail notification before calling other APIs.
1.0.0 initial release
- App crashed when change the preview format
- Preview stopped working after taking pictures
- Download progress was not shown
- Internally, changed the way accessing THETA to recommended way.+
- Migrated to .Net Core projects
- A lot of small fixes
Windows implementaion of Theta application. It is written with WPF. You will see more examples of how you should implement.
Classes under the "Controls/Camera" folder are the ones interacting with THETA camera.
You need to check connection.
Once connection is confirmed, you can take pictures and download them.