Log your days in a garden of flowers. Made for UCSC's CMPM 35.
By Ryoma Marta-Sugawara and Nishant Suria.
View it live at https://ryoma.ms/FloomieBloomie
FloomieBloomie takes a set of activities performed in a day and displays them in a radial flower chart using D3 (as pictured below).
Each flower
, which represent a day, is made up of petals
, which each represent user-provided activities. Each petal
, or activity, has a significance-lvl
, a mood
, and some notes
is a rating, 0-6, of how significant a user thinks that activity was. (6 is momentous, 3 is medium, and 0 is neat.) This is represented in each petal's size.mood
is a rating, 0-4, of how a user felt about that activity. (4 is elated, 2 is neutral, and 0 is awful.) This is represented in each petal's color.notes
are the user's notes on that activity. This is displayed in a small box to the side of the flower.
Typically, mood tracking apps use traditional charts (ie. bar graphs, line graphs) to visualize how one's mood might fluctuate over time. Unfortunately, the use of number-oriented graphs inherently imply a new high or low score to be reached with one's mood. For FloomieBloomie, we have chosen to use an original data visualization rather than a premade D3 example (as suggested in the CMPM 35 assignment). By using our radial flower chart, users can see their entire logged day without the obligation of comparison. Additionally, we emphasize activities, rather than moods, because we believe it is more important to celebrate every accomplishment than to focus on the feeling that accomplishment gives you. Your daily flower is unique to that day-- and there is no need to make it look any particular way.
As a stretch goal, we hope to turn FloomieBloomie into a full-fledged app where users can log their daily activities, but this project will serve only as a prototype for our flower visualization.
Our first nonfunctioning draft.
- https://observablehq.com/@d3/smooth-zooming (Smooth Zooming)
- http://bl.ocks.org/WilliamQLiu/76ae20060e19bf42d774 (Mouse Events)