This is the testing and helper tool for grpc server, using cuelang and grpcurl.
notice: This tool is a in progress.
go get -u
First, create a test file using grpc-testing.
grpc-testing add tests/FirstTest
is the test file name. This command generate cuelang file like this.
name: "FirstTest2"
Input: {}
Output: {}
TestCase :: {
input: Input
output: Output
Test :: {
name: string
method: string
proto?: [...string]
import_path?: [...string]
headers?: [string]: string
input?: Input
output?: Output
tests?: [...TestCase]
cases: [...Test] & [
name: ""
method: ""
tests: [
input: {}
output: {}
is a test cases. You can add grpc test case to this list.
The add
command can specify protobuf files, and when specified, generate cue file is merged protobuf schemas.
grpc-testing add --proto_path example/app --protofiles example/app/*.proto tests/FirstTest
This command generate below cue file.
import ""
name: "FirstTest"
Input: {}
Output: {}
TestCase :: {
input: Input
output: Output
Test :: {
name: string
method: string
proto?: [...string]
import_path?: [...string]
headers?: [string]: string
input?: Input
output?: Output
tests?: [...TestCase]
cases: [...Test] & [
name: ""
method: ""
tests: [
input: {}
output: {}
Edit your test case file for testing grpc server, like below (write cases param only).
cases: [...Test] & [{
name: "GetUser"
method: "UserService.GetUser"
input: app.#GetUserRequest & {
id: 5
output: {
id: "5"
name: "John Smith"
Now, you can request to grpc server using input object.
grpc-testing run
prints response from server.
$ grpc-testing run localhost:8080 tests/FirstTest.cue
test name: GetUser
method: UserService.GetUser
output: {
"id": "5",
"name": "John Smith"
grpc-testing test
compares between response and output parameter.
$ grpc-testing test localhost:8080 tests/FirstTest.cue
OK: GetUser
If your grpc server does not implement gRPC reflection API, you can use protofiles in the same way as the grpcurl -proto
and -import-path
add proto
and import_path
to test case setting:
cases: [...Test] & [{
name: "GetUser"
method: "UserService.GetUser"
proto: ["./example/app/app.proto"]
import_path: ["./example/app/"]
input: app.GetUserRequest & {
id: 5
output: {
id: "5"
name: "John Smith"