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  • : script to build binaries
  • hammer.mongo.go : entry file for the tool


Command line options of ./bin/hammer.macos:

-config="": To use config file
-debug=false: debug flag (true|false)
-initdb=false: Drop DB before start testing
-max=false: To find out Max
-monitor=1: Monitor interval
-profile="": to specify a traffic profile, all UPPERCASE
-quiet=false: To silent monitor output
-rps=500: Set Request Per Second, 0 to find Max possible
-run="": To specify run id, used for archive test report
-server="localhost:27017": Define server to be tested, default to localhost:27017
-thread=0: Number of system thread to be used
-total=0: Total request to be sent, default to unlimited (0)
-totaltime=0: To set how long (seconds) to run the test
-warmup=0: To set how long (seconds) for warmup DB
-worker=10: Number of workers, every worker will have two connections to mongodb

Some examples:

./hammer.linux -monitor 1 -server -thread 4 -max -initdb=false -max=true -profile=insert -worker 32 -total=100000
./hammer.linux -monitor 1 -server -thread 4 -max -initdb=false -max=true -profile=singleQuery -worker 32 -total=200000
./hammer.linux -monitor 1 -server -thread 4 -max -initdb=false -max=true -profile=inplaceupdate -worker 32 -total=100000
./hammer.linux -monitor 1 -server -thread 4 -max -initdb=false -max=true -profile=extendedupdate -worker 32 -total=100000
./hammer.linux -monitor 1 -server -thread 4 -max -initdb=false -max=true -profile=insertsmall -worker 8 -total=95000

Quick Install Using Released Binaries:

If you want use hammer.mongo as-is, the easiest way is to use the pre-built binaries. To get the binaries, run:

wget --no-check-certificate -O - | bash

It will download the binaries from, and necessary scripts. No need to install Go. Linux/64 and Darwin/64 are support at this moment. Simply run the script to run the workload

You can then run pre-written shell scripts, such as:


Build or Run from Source:

If you want to make modifications to hammer, it's best to build and run it from source. To do so:

  • Make sure Go is installed and set up properly. For Mac OS, the easiest way is to use homebrew with --cross-compile-common. This will allow you to build the linux binaries as well:
  brew install go --cross-compile-common

For more detail, please refer to If you did not install go with homebrew, please refer to this article for cross platform builds.

  • set your GOPATH to a directory containing all your Go code, similar to a Eclipse workspace. You can put this in your ~/.profile file for a more convenient reuse.
mkdir $HOME/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go

More information is available here:

  • Use go get to install hammer.mongo, this will clone this repository and its dependencies into $GOPATH/src/$GITHUB_USERNAME/hammer.mongo
  go get

It will also install hammer.mongo into your $GOPATH/bin, if your PATH is configured to include this directory, you can simply call hammer.mongo to run this.

To build again after making changes to the code, use, which will build hammer.mongo for Mac OS and Linux 64. The binaries will be placed in bin

$ ls -1 ./bin

To run from source directly after making changes, run go run hammer.mongo.go with options. This will automatically build before running. For example

go run hammer.mongo.go -monitor 1 -max -worker 9 -server localhost:27017 -max -initdb=true -profile=insert

###instructions for using SSL to hammer against an SSL enabled server, set the ssl, sslCAFile, sslPEMKeyFile options as you would any mongo shell. There is also an included server certificate for testing in the certs directory. You can set up an SSL enabled mongod with mongod --sslMode requireSSL --sslPEMKeyFile certs/key.pem. To run hammer against this test server, only the -ssl=true flag needs to be specified, and it will default to using the provided PEM files.